Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1018 Black-hearted mother! Genius Shenbao 4 more

However, although the big man was quick to react, Lin Qing was squatting on the ground. She was too close to Ye Qianli's mother and son, so the big man made a move! Lin Qing had already smashed it down with a hammer.

"not good!"

"Lin Qing!"


The men were all taken aback! After all, the mother and son are contestants in the "Treasure of Genius" competition. During the competition period, any person or force who attacks them is contemptuous of the Kingdom of God! A display of contempt for theocracy.

Generally speaking, individuals will be put to death, and big forces will be wiped out. After all, in the kingdom of God, theocracy is supreme! Priests have supreme power.

For Lin Qing's behavior, she herself will definitely die! These men will also be implicated, they will lose their qualifications as mercenaries, and no corps will give them a living, and they will not be able to obtain cultivation resources, let alone marry a wife.

"It's over, it's over..." The guys who didn't have time to stop it felt like this at the moment! They fell into hell, and their lives would be worse than death in the future.

It's too late! then soon-


Just as the men thought! When they were about to be harmed by this murderous Lin Qing, Lin Qing beat them down with the hammer! It missed the target at all, and it was held accurately by a slender and slender hand.

same moment!


Ye Qianli has already opened her eyes, and is staring at Lin Qing in front of her murderously! Staring at the latter, she felt her heart tremble, as if being stared at by a ferocious wild beast, she was so frightened that she couldn't hold the hammer firmly.

"Go away!" The big man who was about to hold Lin Qing took this opportunity to quickly pull Lin Qing away without saying a word, and even threw him aside.

"Damn it! I'm scared to death." The big man actually wanted to kill Lin Qing, and he was almost killed by her, okay?

"You're sick!" The other dozen or so men also scolded Lin Qing one after another. If they didn't see her as a woman, they would have beaten her up a long time ago, what a motherfucker! If you don't pick up jobs with this woman in the future, you won't be able to get crazy.

"Little madam, are you okay?" And the big man who threw off Lin Qing, he was already asking Ye Qianli, and wanted to reach out to help her up.

But Ye Qianli didn't accept his "help", she had already stood up holding her baby boy, but she was staring at this group of people with cold eyes.

She felt the crisis and killing intent! She just woke up from a coma, and she doesn't understand the current situation, and she still can't call the magic box.

This let Ye Qianli know that at the last moment, the magic box should have blocked a wave of turbulence for her, and it would probably be "paralyzed" somewhere in the ancient battlefield.


"Don't be afraid, little lady, we have no malicious intentions, really! Except for this woman, we are all mercenaries of the Chinese League Mercenary Group, because our Chinese League Mercenary Group undertook the 'Genius Shenbao' competition in Wushuang County, so We only came here when we saw you fainted and fell."

"That's right! Ma'am, we have never done anything to you. Don't look at us like this, and don't complain about it. We are all good people."

"Yes, yes, we are all good people! Very good people." The big man who was "hated" by this vote immediately explained in a hurry.

Just kidding, if the contestants complain, they won't have a good time, okay? If it is serious, he will be expelled, and if it is light, he will be banned for three to five years, which is very miserable.

But Ye Qianli was confused when she heard that, but she didn't report her family name, she just asked in a cold voice, "Then why did she kill me?"

"..." All the men were dumbfounded by the question, to be honest! They didn't know how Lin Qing would be so convulsed that he wanted to kill him. He didn't want to live anymore, did he?

On the contrary, Lin Qing stood up and cursed, "It's just that you are unhappy with your female cousin. If you have the ability, you can complain to me, Lin Qing. It doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Ye Qianli pointed at her and said to a group of big men, "I want you to beat her! Otherwise, I will complain that you all bullied our mother and son."

"Uh..." The guys were stunned for a while, apparently they didn't expect Ye Qianli to be so beautiful, but her heart was so dark! How dare you threaten them like that?

But, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it! With this in mind...

"Deal!" said the big man who pulled Lin Qing away first, and he stepped forward to slap Lin Qing! And directly scolded, "You stinky cousin, almost ruined my reputation, mother! If it wasn't for Cheng's sake, I would kill you."

"Brother Chen, you don't know yet! This old woman has already been kicked by the head of the bodyguard, and now she is a homeless bitch, just 'kill' her to death!"

"This statement is true?! Then I want to beat this crazy woman to death, damn it! I was almost killed by her. I didn't dare to beat her because I was afraid that I would be troubled by the head of the bodyguard. Now it's all right, beat me up!"


Eleven big men beat Lin Qing into a pig-headed three on the spot, and he couldn't even move, which was miserable! But Ye Qianli still insisted on beating her up.

Just at that moment! She could feel that this woman not only wanted to kill her, but also wanted to beat her son to death. If she didn't wake up in time, the two of them would be finished.

When the beating was almost done, the big guy in the lead stopped and said, "Okay, if the beating continues, people will die, and it's not easy to deal with people being killed in the competition area."

That's why Ye Qianli didn't let them continue beating, but Lin Qing was still lying on the ground staring at Ye Qianli viciously even though she was beaten into a pig-headed three! Clearly harboring a grudge.

Seeing Ye Qianli, a wisp of black mist flew towards her! The hearts of the big guys playing around were all jumping, they were afraid of their lives, so they would also die.

But Ye Qianli said, "Don't worry, I just planted poison on her, she won't die yet."

"That's good." The big man in the lead wiped his sweat, and asked Lin Qing to be carried away quickly. Don't give them to Huo Huo again. He also hurriedly said goodbye to Ye Qianli, "Your son hasn't woken up yet. Take him to the priest to have a look."

"You take me there." Ye Qianli demanded, because she didn't know the way at all, and she could only roughly infer from the words of these people that she was in "Wu Shuang County" and was participating in the "Treasure of Genius" contest.

But who the hell knows where Wushuang County is? What the hell is the Genius Divine Treasure Competition? Ye Qianli was completely dazed... But what she was sure of was that she had gone to another area, and this Wushuang County was strictly controlled.

The key is! The cultivation base of the people here is very high, and the combat power is also very unusual. Take that Lin Qing as an example, it sounds like he has no status, but he has a cultivation base of the first-level god stage.

If this is placed in the heavenly realm, it is already a master! In the Ninth Realm, that is a god-like figure, but here? She is actually a prostitute female mercenary, her status is quite low.

Besides, what makes Ye Qianli unacceptable the most is that her cultivation seems to be...

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