Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1030 The next king? Fat play princess 1 more

For a moment, there was an unfamiliar scent of makeup and powder that made Rong Mo frown immediately, and immediately rushed into his breath, anyway, it wasn't the smell of his little leopard, so he didn't have time to move! A fat dragon moved first.


The fat golden dragon torn out by a dragon's claw almost scratched Princess Yuanjia's face, causing the latter to back off again and again in fright. If she hadn't been well-cultivated and protected by powerful body protection, she would have died.

After all, although the aura of the Fat Golden Dragon has weakened a lot, the sharpness of its claws has not weakened. With its indestructible dragon claws, it is very easy to scratch anyone's face.

But just now Fat Jinlong "started", the door was pushed open by a middle-aged man, the man's cultivation was very strong! Fat Jinlong was so strong that he stared at him and stopped moving.

And this time the fat golden dragon actually "shrunk" very small, it was wrapped around Rong Mo's arm before, so no one found it, this time it was exposed! this……

"Five-clawed golden dragon!?" The middle-aged man was so shocked that the way he looked at Rong Mo became very subtle and profound.

"Changdudu, this..." Princess Yuanjia was also shocked, you know! There have been no real dragons in the Kingdom of God for tens of thousands of years.

Since the real dragon surrendered to the former queen of the human race, the real dragon has never served the gods. Although the kingdom of God has never lacked five-clawed silver dragons, five-clawed golden dragons have never appeared again.

Now this young man who is as handsome as a god is pregnant with a five-clawed golden dragon! He... Could it be that he is destined to be the next ruler of the Kingdom of God?

If this is the case……

Princess Yuanjia looked at Rong Mo with subtle and deep eyes, and also revealed a vague sense of determination, because she knew very well——

If her guess is correct, then she would choose this man as her husband, which would not only guarantee her theocratic power of the Jiang family and prevent the Ji family from usurping power, but also allow Yuan Jia to ascend to the top position and become the mother of the kingdom of God.

But just as she thought about it, the fat golden dragon seemed to be able to tell that she coveted its master's husband, so it immediately roared at her.

Seeing that, Chang Dudu could only remind, "Princess, did you collide with Shenlong?"

"I..." Princess Yuanjia thought about whether she had.

But the fat golden dragon had already nodded his head with an "Aww", and it even glared at Princess Yuanjia, appearing rather furious! Very upset.

Princess Yuanjia: "..." She just wanted to get close to that young master, how did she know that she would run into this divine dragon? If she knew, she would definitely be more careful.

However, Princess Yuanjia is also a princess who can "bend and stretch". She immediately apologized to Fat Jinlong, "I'm sorry, but it was Jiang Yuan's fault for offending Lord Shenlong. I hope you can forgive me."


"Oh!" Fat Jinlong shook his head and expressed that he couldn't forgive him! roll. It also stretched out its paws to signal Princess Yuanjia to get out, and it also made the face of Princess Yuanjia ashamed when she was already lying low.

The governor Chang quickly smoothed things over and said, "Lord Shenlong may have been startled, princess, you are also tired from taking care of your lord and son, you might as well come back after a short rest."

These words not only found a way for Princess Yuanjia to step down, but also clarified for Princess Yuanjia that she has no other intentions here, but is just taking care of others with good intentions.

Princess Yuanjia nodded and said, "Then Shenlong and the young master will ask the governor to take care of them. My palace lord will go and rest first."

"I respectfully send the princess off." Chang Dudu immediately gave the gift, and finally sent Princess Yuanjia away. Fat Jinlong retracted on Rong Mo's arm when she saw her walking away, but kept staring at Rong Mo Look at the black dragon hammer imprint on the back of the hand.

Because it remembers, at the last moment! The big black dragon just got into this mark, and then never came out, and I don't know what happened.

Only Rong Mo knew that the Dragon Emperor was in the imprint, but his vitality was relatively weak, so he must have been severely injured. After all, the Dragon Emperor basically blocked the emptiness that followed into the cracks in space.

It didn't affect him much, but what surprised him was the little chubby dragon, because it also endured some winds of nothingness. Although it was not much, it was still alive and kicking and helped him out, which is rare.

And this meeting's Chang Dudu saw that the young master didn't speak, so he could only cough lightly, and then asked tentatively, "Young master, do you still remember how you got hurt?"

This question was quite subtle, but it made Rong Mo's slightly frowning eyebrows tighten a little bit, as if he was thinking deeply, and Chang Dudu immediately asked with confidence, "Then do you still remember, Where are you from?"

"..." Rong Mo who didn't answer continued to frown.

Chang Dudu stated with a sense in his heart, "You don't remember anything?"

"..." Rong Mo still didn't answer, and continued to frown, as if he was trying to think of something. If Ye Qianli saw this, he would definitely say that he is a drama star, or the kind of movie king.

Chang Dudu was even more satisfied when he saw it, so he said in a slow voice, "My lord, you don't have to be too serious about recalling anything, just let everything go as you please, and I have invited the best god teacher in Wushuang County for you. After seeing the doctor, everything will be fine."

"En." Rong Mo responded, his current physical condition is very bad, although he will not lose all five senses, but it is almost the same, he needs to recover as soon as possible, so that he can go to the big and small leopards.

This place is obviously another area, and Little Leopard and Little Leopard should not be far away from him. I don't know if their mother and child are injured or in distress. Thinking of this...Rong Mo's brows furrowed again.

In Chang Dudu's eyes, this turned into a headache, and he couldn't think of anything, so after a few words of consolation, he quietly retreated, and only ordered someone to bring some nourishing elixir.

Pang Jinlong helped Rong Mo to "test the poison" and eat it first, and then gave it to him when it felt that there was no problem. I don't know who taught it, but it is quite good at taking care of people.

"Maybe you can sense your master?" Rong Mo asked unwillingly, although he knew very well that if he could sense it, the little fat dragon must have already found it, and the only reason it didn't move was because it couldn't sense it either .

"Oh..." Fat Golden Dragon shook his head in frustration, he didn't know where his master was, and when he woke up, he found that his master's husband had been "caught", so he just lay on his stomach without making a sound.

But it can vaguely sense that its master is fine, but the big black dragon... Thinking of this, it stretched out its claws and pointed at the mark of the dragon hammer.

"It's okay, but it can't come out for the time being." Rong Mo responded, and got out of bed with the help of the bed rail, and pushed open the door to go out to have a look.

It was only when he opened the door that two green-robed guards knelt in front of him and said, "My lord is injured, it's better to rest in the house."


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