Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1031 Black-bellied Prince! Leopard is the most amazing 2 more

Princess Yuanjia, who had left earlier, reappeared now. She was still training the green-robed guards, and she ordered sternly, "Although the young master is injured, he is not unable to walk freely. How can you stop me?" ?!"

"Princess learned the lesson. It's the servants' fault. Please forgive me, sir." The two green-robed guards quickly kowtowed and apologized, their tone obviously a little flustered.

But Rong Mo could tell that these two people had the cultivation base of the fifth stage of the altar, and it was unusual for people of this level to be so trembling, not to mention calling themselves slaves.

But although Rong Mo was worried, he walked down the steps without showing it on his face, he didn't look at Princess Yuanjia, he just walked out of the mansion slowly, like a stroll in the garden.

Princess Yuanjia followed and asked from the side, "Where does your lord want to go?"

"Leave." Rong Mo responded lightly, his pace still unhurried.

Princess Yuanjia felt agitated when she heard it, but she couldn't show it, so she could only say with restraint, "Young master has an injury, Chang Dudu has invited a yellow-robed divine master to come, why don't you wait until after seeing a doctor?" , it's not too late."

"It doesn't matter." When Rong Mo said this, he had already walked out of the courtyard. With his current consciousness, he could only cover the mansion, but he already sensed the aura of many strong men.

The previous Chang Dudu was not the strongest yet, but he already had the cultivation base of Tianzun level. This is just a man in a mansion, and he is already as good as a cloud.

This allowed Rong Mo to be sure that the area where he and the big and small leopards came from should be of a higher level than the area of ​​the heavens. The cultivation resources here should be richer, and the aborigines' physique should be better.

This made Rong Mo already speculate that the people here might be the descendants of the gods who migrated from the Nine Heavens Territory. If this is the case, then...

"Where did you find me?" Rong Mo asked Princess Yuanjia instead. Princess Yuanjia, who was in a hurry and didn't know how to keep Rong Mo, immediately responded, "In Jiuyuan in the southern outskirts of the city. Where are you going, my lord?"

Without waiting for Rong Mo's response, Princess Yuanjia immediately arranged, "If you want to go, I'll arrange the frame for you now, how about it?"

"En." Rong Mo responded, but stood still and did not leave. Princess Yuanjia asked him to wait for a while, and she went to arrange the frame first, and planned to talk to Chang Dudu about the matter.

But what Princess Yuanjia didn't know was that as soon as she left, Rong Mo walked towards the courtyard where the governor was, and no one stopped him along the way.

When Dudu Chang realized it himself, Rong Mo had already arrived outside his courtyard, which also shocked Dudu Chang, because he hadn't sensed Rong Mo's approach in advance!

But he had shown this young master before, and he was seriously injured! The spiritual energy in his body was extremely chaotic, and the sea of ​​consciousness had also been severely injured. In such a state, he could still avoid his spiritual perception! ?


While Chang Dudu was amazed in his heart, he also went out to greet him without showing his face, "I don't know if the young master is here for something? Why don't you send someone to call me, you hurt..."

"It's okay, I'm going to go to the place where I was when you found me. You and I will go there now." Rong Mo didn't have any commanding tone, but when he said it, No one has the right to say no.

However, the governor didn't think that this was bossing him around, it only made him feel that this young man was born to talk like this, which made him feel more at ease!

The Jiang family has never had a prince born. The mother of the country and all the concubines have given birth to princesses. Even the family of the great nobleman Ji who was the king of the country has only daughters and no sons in this generation so far.

Everyone knows that the next king will either be the empress, or recruit a son-in-law to be the emperor. Now Princess Yuanjia is choosing a son-in-law. As the king's favorite daughter, anyone who knows the inside story knows that this also means choosing the emperor's husband.

Princess Pianyuanjia also met such a young hero with a five-clawed golden dragon! It seems that his Changfeng is about to turn around, and he may have the merit of being a dragon.

With this in mind...

Chang Dudu, who was thinking quickly, went up to invite Rong Mo, who had already sacrificed the magic weapon, "Please."

When Rong Mo stepped on Chang Dudu's magic fan, shortly after leaving the mansion, Princess Yuanjia knew in a hurry that Chang Dudu was no longer in the mansion.

When she turned around to look for Rong Mo again, Rong Mo also let her go, which made Princess Yuan Jia think about it, even though Du Du Chang respected her very much, but she was far away from her heart.

But what she didn't know was that Rong Mo just wanted to make her think more, and he had other plans, so when he landed, he asked Chang Fengdu, "What's the name of this place?"

"Jiuyuan Land is the venue where the 'Treasure of Genius' conference will be held in Wushuang City. In the name of the king, I will accompany the princess to inspect it. It is also fate that you are unconscious here." Chang Feng said after deliberation.

Rong Mo can be sure that he really fell here, these two people did not lie to him, he called out Fat Jinlong, but the latter shook his head knowing what he meant, it didn't sense that its master and Xiaoyi son's breath.

Seeing it, Rong Mo lowered his eyes in a rather disappointed heart, and he didn't know where the little leopard and the little leopard were now, so they shouldn't be too far away.

"Then did you see a white kitten?" Rong Mo asked again.

"Cat?" Chang Feng was stunned, apparently he hadn't seen Xiaobai, which made Rong Mo's brows furrow even deeper, and Xiaobai was supposed to be fine, so it should be with him, could it be possible Did you follow Little Leopard and Little Leopard?


"What is the Genius Divine Treasure Conference?" Hearing the name of the conference, Rong Mo couldn't help but think of his bad-tempered little leopard.

"Oh! This is every 20 years in our Kingdom of God..." Chang Feng gave an explanation eloquently, but he explained everything clearly without any concealment.

"In three days, mothers and children from Wushuang County, Shuanghua County and Guijia County will meet here?" Rong Mo asked with certainty.

"That's right." Chang Feng nodded, and asked tentatively, "Could it be that the young master remembered something?"

"There must be a reason for me to fall here." Rong Mo said, Chang Feng was confused when he heard it, and felt that what he said was right, so does this young master have a relationship with the conference?

But Chang Feng just thought about it when he heard his subordinates report that Princess Yuanjia had also come, and he chased him very closely, but he saw that even if this young master didn't remember anything, he was still very assertive , Such "entanglement" is not a good thing.

But it is inconvenient for him as a courtier to say such things, so he can only tell the young master first, "Although the princess is a royal family, she has a warm heart and a very good personality."

"My lord doesn't like your royal princess." Rong Mo said bluntly, just in time for Princess Yuanjia who was walking towards this side to hear.

Chang Fengdu: "..."

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