Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1076 What's wrong with beating you! The goddess wakes up 1 more


Princess Yuanjia's bridge of nose was broken without any accident! After all, little Rongyi's speed has always been great, and Princess Yuanjia is so close to the little guy, who is she going to kill?

Even though the death guard Fuguang had quickly protected Princess Yuanjia, it was still too late, she had already been beaten, and her divine body couldn't stop Xiao Rongyi's "destruction", the bridge of her nose was broken. broken.


When Princess Yuanjia, who was so numb from the pain, recovered, she felt warm liquid flowing out of her nasal cavity, dripping down her body along her mouth and chin.

Since Princess Yuanjia was born, she has never been hurt like this! never...

She is Jiang Yu's eldest daughter, the eldest princess of the Kingdom of God, who would dare to beat her? no one.

Jiang Yu had never hit his eldest daughter, after all, he didn't care much, so how could he? And if he doesn't fight, the rest of them naturally won't! I dare not hit Princess Yuanjia anymore.

So Princess Yuanjia was really stunned by the beating. She even touched her nose in a daze, looked at the blood in her hand in a daze, and was as stunned as everyone else in the audience.

"Cough..." Jiang Su could only come out to smooth things over and say, "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just my brother beating my sister, Yuan Jia, are you okay?"

"I..." Princess Yuanjia certainly didn't think it was all right! But the anger she had just ignited was crushed by herself, and she also said, "It's just a small injury, I'm fine."

Jiang Su breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, that's good! Well, what are you priests still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and see Princess Yuanjia!"

Several yellow-robed priests who were stunned by today's scene hurriedly showed Princess Yuanjia's injury, only to find that Princess Yuanjia was actually seriously injured, and the bridge of the nose was not broken! It's broken.

It's going to be restored to the original, I'm afraid they can't do it at all with their ability! I can only ask the red robe god master to take action, but they dare not say it clearly, they only dare to remind Princess Yuanjia in a circumstantial way.

It's a pity that Princess Yuanjia didn't listen the whole time, her heart was burning with anger after all! She needs great restraint to restrain this anger and keep it from erupting.

"You!" As for Jiang Su, who was already here, he quietly pointed to Xiao Rongyi, already worrying about his imperial brother, after all, this is definitely a lawless little overlord.

"Hmph!" Xiao Rongyi also snorted at Jiang Su, also asking Jiang Su to help his forehead, but the little girl made a face at him again, and Jiang Su laughed again at that spooky look.

The "national teacher" touched the little guy's bald head, and continued to watch Ye Qianli who was still sitting cross-legged in the air, and the latter had basically stabilized his lax cultivation at this moment, and was still a ninth-level talent.

However, the Dark Lord of the Abyss has already said, "Your cultivation is only temporarily stabilized. The second catastrophe you have experienced - the decline of strength, its ultimate is the complete loss of cultivation and no talent, and you need to Before that, cultivate the "Taiyi Divine Art" to the Dacheng state."

Ye Qianli, who had already forgotten everything, frowned slightly, and the magic box hurriedly gave her a general explanation of her current situation.

Only then did Ye Qianli know what was going on with her, but as she realized, she didn't hesitate, she accepted everything the magic box said calmly.

"Then what is the time limit for my second catastrophe? It's up to me to control it myself." Ye Qianli only asked the Dark Lord of the Abyss in this way, so she could measure it.

And the dark master of the abyss also understood her meaning and explained carefully, "It mainly depends on yourself, but your grandmother had three months before, but judging from your first accelerated decline, I think you only have one month at most." Time has come and gone."

"Okay." Ye Qianli had a solid idea now, and she also studied "Taiyi Divine Art" carefully, but didn't ask too much about Xiao Rongyi and Prince Mei.

This made the magic box worry a little, thinking that this second idiot has no emotions, right? After all, she seems to have a sense of disillusionment.


If this is the case, the magic box thinks that it still prefers the second idiot Ye Qianli whose IQ drops from time to time, so that it can often complain.

But Ye Qianli is currently studying and comprehending "Taiyi Divine Art", so it's hard to say anything about the magic box, so I can only watch it first.


When Ye Qianli continued to comprehend "Taiyi Divine Art", Jiang Yuexin's mother and son, who had also hidden in the central area earlier, had been "released" by Zhang Tonglin, who had let her into the central area.

Therefore, when Jiang Su's people searched the central area, they did not find any suspicious persons. They only rescued Xiao Chen Ming, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Prince Su, this child..." Elder Ge wanted to ask how to deal with this child.

"This is a big matter. Let the Huangpao God Master look at it first. Don't lose your temper. I will report to the emperor and let the emperor deal with it. Also! Please check it again, Mr. Ge. How did Liu Shuangyue and her son sneak into the center?" District?" Jiang Su felt that this was very insider.

Ge Lao also understands that after all, every area of ​​Lianshen Lake has a tight formation net, and with Liu Shuangyue's ability, it is impossible to break through these formation nets without alarming anyone.

So there must be something inside this! In fact, Elder Ge had already arranged for someone to investigate, and now the final news was missing, but he suspected that it might be Duke Yuan Jia who took the initiative.

After all, only Princess Yuanjia has such a great "ability" to quietly arrange people who are not qualified to enter the central area.


"Zhang Tonglin?" Elder Ge was a little surprised when he heard the news. After all, he also valued Zhang Tonglin, and he was optimistic that this person could make another step.


After Elder Ge frowned, he followed the line and said, "Check out the mother and son of Jiang Yuexin, the prince's concubine of Tianjun. These two must have been to the central area."

And when Ge Lao basically wanted to find out all the people who should be involved, Ye Qianli had basically "read" the key points of Dachengjing's "Taiyi Divine Art".

Xiao Rongyi felt something, pointed at his mother and said, "It's cool! Go, go..." It meant that his mother was about to wake up and asked his father to take him there.

Rong Mo also understood, so he took the child away in the air, and walked in front of Ye Qianli, waiting for her to open her eyes again.

He knew that she had forgotten about him, and he still had an old face on his face, but he would still let her get drunk for him, and be that little leopard who would look at him stupidly.

It's just that he thought so, and he frowned and sensed it! A dog skin plaster named Jiang Yu is approaching, and the speed is really fast! Makes him really want to break this man's leg.



Jiang Yu, whose leg was not broken, also appeared in front of Ye Qianli before Ye Qianli woke up, standing beside the "National Teacher".

It made Xiao Rongyi take a look at him, and then...

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