Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1077 It's Him! You are my man 2 more

"Brother Huang! Brother Huang, you are here." Jiang Su had already run over! Standing between Xiao Rongyi and Jiang Yu, so as not to hit someone again after a while.

It's okay to beat Yuan Jia, but if his imperial brother bleeds from the beating, it will be a big problem. Even if his imperial brother is willing to "privately", the ministers are not willing.

"Huh!" Xiao Rongyi hugged his father's neck and snorted arrogantly, his petite appearance was so cute, Ye Qianli just opened his eyes and smiled when he saw it.

And her smile dazzled Rong Mo's eyes, and Jiang Yu's eyes even more, because her smile was so pure and clean, exuding a new vitality, quiet and clear, as if the rain had passed. The begonias in bloom are clean and beautiful, with a variety of colors, which are fascinating.

This made Xiao Rongyi, who looked back at his mother, stretch out his hand and shouted, "Cool! Hug, hug—"

Ye Qianli also instinctively stretched out her hand, and kissed the child in her arms, and even kissed his small eyes, so that little Rong Yi shyly covered her little face.

"Pfft—" Ye Qianli laughed out loud, and kissed the little guy a few more times, causing the little guy to crawl into her arms to protest her "indecentness".

Rong Mo asked, "How do you feel?"

Because he didn't use his original voice, Ye Qianli sounded very strange to him, so she looked up at him with clear eyes, and the magic box quickly explained to her that this is actually her lover Rong Mo, but For a certain purpose, I had to temporarily hide my identity.


"Congratulations on your passing through dementia." Jiang Yu had already said from the side at this moment, Ye Qianli turned her eyes to look at him when she heard it, and the magic box hurriedly told her who this person was.

According to the magic box, Ye Qianli knew that her family fell into this country called the Kingdom of God due to an accident, and now her husband has temporarily "become" the national teacher of the Kingdom of God, dealing with these people, and she has not yet had a relationship with her. Recognize each other with their true colors.

In other words, she can't recognize her husband now, so she nodded to Jiang Yu and said, "Thank you."

Seeing Rong Mo's heart was slightly different, but Ye Qianli had turned to him and said, "I'm fine."

"Okay." Rong Mo then nodded, reached out to her and clasped her wrist, checked her situation carefully, but she was not opened.

And this time Ye Qianli was still looking down at the fingers touching her wrist, slender and cool, she seemed to have known each other before, but she couldn't remember it anymore.

Seeing Jiang Yu, his eyes moved slightly and he asked, "National teacher, how is it?"

The "National Teacher" didn't answer, he just lowered his eyes, he could feel that his little leopard was touched by his touch.

little leopard...

He deliberately used his previous body temperature to fall between her wrists, and she did not resist her because she no longer remembered him.

Otherwise, even if she knew the box in the sea and explained the situation to her, she might instinctively resist him, after all, he is too different now.

"How?" Jiang Yu watched, this national teacher was a bit too much, he had been "feeling" for so long, and his pulse diagnosis was not so slow! He asked in a louder voice, almost waving this old shameless hand away.

"It's okay." Rong Mo replied with his hands back, his expression was as usual, but when he let go, he raised his eyes and looked deeply at his person.

Ye Qianli was almost sucked in by the deep and quiet eyes in front of her! A heart even jumped up with a "bang" immediately because of this.

Ye Qianli's perception is clearly sharper than before his dementia! You must know that she had seen Rong Mo like this before, but at that time, her heart was calm and she couldn't see anything.


Just this one look!

Ye Qianli can be sure that it is him.

This is the person she loves deeply, her man.


Ye Qianli had already kissed a certain little bald head in her arms without opening her eyes, and the kiss made the little guy who had just popped out shrank his head again.

"Pfft..." Ye Qianli laughed again.

A certain little one was so angry that he stretched out his hand to his father, "Daddy! Hug."

Hearing that, Jiang Yu didn't want to hear it and said, "It's fine, Qianli, do you want your mother and son to enter the pool again?" He didn't come to see the "family of three" enjoying themselves!

Ye Qianli didn't quite understand, and the magic box hurriedly told her again, before she nodded and said, "Go in."

"Then go in. As for the matter of Liu Shuangyue's mother and son, I will give you a satisfactory explanation." Jiang Yu promised, with a sincere expression, not like an act.

"Thank you, Lord." Ye Qianli thanked her.

And her thank you made Jiang Yu understand! It's not that she has completely lost her memory. Maybe she still remembers what she should remember?

Jiang Yu didn't know, but he knew very well that he must have this woman! She is really extraordinary, her comprehension through the experience of spiritual decline can make him realize something.

The point is that she is only a talented person, she is already so extraordinary, if she can go through three tribulations and succeed in the future, what an excellent woman she will be, Jiang Yu can't even imagine.

But he knew that even though he, Jiang Yu, had gone through a lot of storms and read all the beauties and geniuses from all walks of life, Ye Qianli was still an incomparable existence.

So after Ye Qianli's mother and son went into the water again, Jiang Yu directly had a showdown with the "National Teacher", "National Teacher, you should be able to tell that the National Teacher has taken a fancy to this woman."

"That's not yours either." Rong Mo responded calmly, trying to use the privilege of the king to make him back down? Not only is there no door, there is no seam, huh...

"You..." Jiang Yu's face darkened when she was stunned, "Master, you are old, and you have the nerve to compete with the master of the country for a woman?"

Some people's "National Teacher" also talked eloquently, "In the whole world, isn't it the only veteran who dares to fight with the lord of the country, and can also fight with you? Besides, age is not a problem. The national teacher likes that child very much."

Jiang Yu: "..."

The "National Teacher" still said, "Mother and child are inseparable, so of course I want to pursue my mother, and the old ministers have seen that Ye Qianli is also quite beautiful, and she is also a goddess of the Taiyi clan."

Hearing that, Jiang Yu regained his composure and said, "Okay, I can't order you, who told you that your father is my teacher! It doesn't matter if I indulge you one or two, but you have to remember to put away your evil methods."

"That's natural. The Goddess of Taiyi can't be forced. The old minister understands." Prince Mei's national teacher immediately responded, which also gave Jiang Yu a hard time.

good! Just because Goddess Taiyi cannot be coerced, no matter how powerful he is, he cannot use dark methods against Ye Qianli, he must treat her sincerely.

But Jiang Yu really didn't expect it! The old shameless teacher of the state is better at chasing women than he is, and he would directly attack other children, why didn't he think of it! ?

But at the moment when Jiang Yu was depressed, Elder Ge had already reported Jiang Yuexin. He had found Jiang Yuexin, but Tianjun Prince's Mansion was a royal relative, so he couldn't do anything, so he could only report to Jiang Yu.

"Take everyone down and bring them to me." Jiang Yu sternly ordered, obviously wanting to spread all the anger on Jiang Yuexin and others.

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