Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1082: A Spring Festival Moment is Worth a Thousand Gold! 1 more

Ye Qianli froze when she heard it! Rong Mo, who had sensed it, immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"I..." Ye Qianli said with a little embarrassment, "Then what..."

The magic box suddenly hated iron and steel, and said, "Oh! Quickly, you fool, what's the use of tweaking! Your beautiful prince knows everything, just tell him that you want to enter the ancient battlefield. "

Seeing Ye Qianli, Chuan Nian said, "You go in first, and I will clean you up later." This damn box must have "seen" everything, and you said you didn't peek?

"Are you uncomfortable?" But Rong Mo was a little worried when he didn't get a response, he had already locked Ye Qianli's pulse door and was helping her diagnose her pulse.

And after his diagnosis, he found out! In the human body, there seems to be a strange breath flowing? But don't wait for him to check it out.

Ye Qianli got up and put on her clothes and said, "I'm not feeling uncomfortable, it's the magic box looking for me, I want to go to the ancient battlefield."

"Oh?" Rong Mo's eyes changed slightly, but he helped the person in front of him to dress without saying anything, "How long will it take to enter?"

"I don't know." Ye Qianli really didn't know, after all, the magic box didn't make it clear, and it probably couldn't make it clear what was going on.

"I'll be waiting for you, let's go." Rong Mo kissed the man without asking any further questions.

Ye Qianli disappeared after answering, and Rong Mo curled his lips and got up to clean up the lingering traces of the bed, and at the same time.

Ye Qianli, who entered the ancient battlefield, was already asking the magic box, "What's going on?"

"Look." The magic box said as it floated towards the center of the gray ancient battlefield.

Ye Qianli looked over and saw an unusually bright red moon hanging in the gray sky of the ancient battlefield! ? However, although this month is blood-red, it does not have a strange aura, but it has a quiet and eternal beauty.

"Did you see it?" the magic box asked.

"Did you say Hongyue? I saw it, what's the matter?" Ye Qianli asked back.

Then the magic box "patted" the forehead and said, "I almost forgot that you don't remember anything. How could you know that the red moon has not always existed, it just appeared! It just appeared!"

"So?" Ye Qianli continued to ask.

"So..." the magic box said in a daze, "I don't know why, it's just that although the power of the Yaoyue is the source of power to maintain the ancient battlefield, the Yaoyue has not appeared since the fall of the gods. , and now it suddenly appears, and I don’t know why.”

"Then you asked me to come in just to take a look at it?" Ye Qianli asked immediately, crossing her chest. She had a good bed with her highness just now, and she wanted to be tender, so she was called in by this broken box. Isn't this ruining her Spring Festival!

"You see, this glance is worth it!" The voice of the dark lord of the abyss floated out at this moment, and his real soul had already melted out of Ye Qianli's body! He stared at Yaoyue in front of him.


"Absorbing the power of Yaoyue can help you cultivate the "Taiyi Divine Art" to the Dacheng state faster. Back then, your grandmother struggled to find Yaoyue's power, but you sat on the source of Yaoyue's power—Yaoyue."

At this moment, the dark master of the abyss who said this only felt that Ye Qianli was really lucky! At the end of the decline, she got the most suitable ghost leech beast pill; at the beginning of the decline, the demon moon descended from itself!

But this seems to be normal, after all, he, a junior, was able to use Yaoyue's power once. Now, Yaoyue probably appeared directly because of her.


And at the same time.


Ye Qianli, who was urging the "Taiyi Divine Art" to absorb a trace of Yaoyue's power into her body, felt a trace of strange discovery! After the power of Yaoyue entered her body, it directed towards her right eye?

The point is, when this power flows into her right eye, the trajectory it follows seems to be different from the trajectory that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters her body? But what is certain is that the power of Yaoyue does help her practice "Taiyi Divine Art".

Because even though she has only absorbed a little bit, she can already feel that her cultivation level, which is stable at the small stage of supernatural power, has been slightly "restless", and it seems that there is a possibility of improvement.

This made the magic box, which could also perceive Ye Qianli's physical condition, say excitedly, "You idiot, then quickly absorb it! I'm thinking, you may be able to cultivate your magic skills to the great level in less than a month! By the time……"

"The decline in strength has not come to an end, so how will my third decline unfold?" Ye Qianli asked clearly, and the magic box was also taken aback by the question.

That's right, Ye Qianli has the inexhaustible power of Yaoyue, but the third decline - the beginning of human decline, is also at the end of her cultivation! The time will come when all power is lost.

But once the magic skill is completed, it will completely stabilize Ye Qianli's cultivation! That……

"This is another key point of Taiyi's three declines. You can neither let your cultivation base dissipate too quickly nor let your cultivation base not dissipate. You must persevere. Just like your first decline, it is the best The state of calamity." The Dark Lord of the Abyss explained from the side.

Magic Box: "..." This Taiyi and Three Decays are really troublesome!

"So although you are considered to be sitting on Yaoyue, you can't absorb it quickly, you have to divide it up and control it well." The Dark Lord of the Abyss also said.

"But in this kind of control, I will really! Weaker and weaker." Ye Qianli paid attention to this point, and besides...

Ye Qianli, who was concentrating on her right eye, could still vaguely perceive Yaoyue appearing on the ancient battlefield at this moment! It doesn't always exist with this.

And the magic box "born" in the ancient battlefield actually felt the same way, so it said, "We can't guarantee that Yaoyue will always appear."

In fact, the magic box thinks that the appearance of Yaoyue is actually a kind of reward! Just like Ye Qianli got the Nine Yang Fruit back then, it is a gift from the ancient battlefield.

The key is that the magic box and Ye Qianli thought so, and the magic box found out! Around Yaoyue, a faint moon halo has appeared, surrounding Yaoyue hazyly.


"Is it going to disappear?" The Dark Lord of the Abyss has noticed it! He also discovered this problem, and then he suddenly didn't know what to say, this lucky time limit is too short! ?

"Second idiot..." The magic box "looked" at Ye Qianli.

But this time Ye Qianli, she sat down cross-legged, and then -


Ye Qianli, who immediately began to absorb the power of Yaoyue, went on like a whale at a speed that the dark lord of the abyss could not imagine! The dark master of the abyss was stunned.

But the magic box knew that Ye Qianli was using the power of Yaoyue! Gathering in her right eye is also a good way for it, but it is worried that Ye Qianli's eyes will not be able to bear it.

After all, the power of Yaoyue is very strong! Otherwise, it would not be able to separate the ancient battlefield from the world, allowing the ancient battlefield to exist for so long after the fall of the ancient gods.



With a scorching sound like burning, came from Ye Qianli's right eye, her right eye! Sure enough, under the worry of the magic box, a drop of blood came.


"Two idiots!"

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