Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1083 Upgrade the right eye! Dashenli! 2 more


The magic box immediately stopped and shouted, it knew that the power of Yaoyue was not simple, and ordinary people could not absorb it at all, not to mention that Ye Qianli still used such a brutal way to gobble it up.

It's also an outlier like Fat Jinlong! In order to withstand the power of the Yaoyue into the body, and finally, under the cooperation of the power of the Yaoyue, refine into an extraordinary body of a real dragon.

As for the Fat Golden Dragon, who was thought of by the magic box, it and the Nian Beast have come to Ye Qianli's side, watching the magic box to wake Ye Qianli up! It also stretched out its claws and swung it away.

"What are you doing?" The magic box was a little confused, why did the little fat dragon stop it? Could it be...

"She is tempering her right eye with the power of Yaoyue. To be precise, she wants to open up her right eye into another dantian, or an existence like the sea of ​​consciousness." The dark lord of the abyss paused every word Said, the heart was once again aroused turbulent waves.

His time in Ye Qianli's body was not short, and he knew very well that he, a junior, had a good understanding, but he was still shocked by her bold idea and her decisive words.

Didn't she ever think of this possibility! Is it impossible?

Doesn't she worry if it fails! Could it be forever?


The Dark Lord of the Abyss doesn't know what to say anymore. Even in the era when he lived, there were countless lunatics and geniuses, and he himself was a lunatic among lunatics, but now he feels that compared with his female descendant, He is normal.

If you say so, practice it! It's not that he has never done "reckless action" without thinking, analyzing, or imagining, but his thoughts are obviously not as "wild" as his female descendant.

can only say……

the student surpasses the master!


The magic box is also "wiping sweat on the forehead" endlessly, even though it has been stunned by Ye Qianli! But it still couldn't calmly accept her "ability" every time.

The key is! How dare she think so?

To know! No one has ever done this before.

From ancient times to the present, no matter which ethnic group a cultivator belongs to, they only cultivate the dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness. Even the beast pills and demon pills of the beast race and the monster race have the same effect as the dantian of the human race, demon race, and god race, and the cultivation method is similar. .

There has never been anyone like Ye Qianli! It will transfer the power to a third party other than the dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness, just like setting up another dantian, which is simply incredible.


"Negative Pulse!"

The magic box soon discovered that Ye Qianli was not only tempering her right eye, she was also centering on her right eye, cultivating Zhou Tian against the original, and opened up a system that wandered around her limbs, internal organs and organs. The pulse of bone cultivation.



The Dark Lord of the Abyss and the Magic Box don't know how to describe Ye Qianli anymore, what kind of fucking genius is this! Wizards! Ghost! They're all weak.

This is another legend being created! If Ye Qianli can succeed, she will be equivalent to creating an epic cultivation system that no one has ever practiced in the history of cultivation.

what does that mean?

It means that people who have been abolished in their dantian may have a "second spring"; those who cannot get through the eight extraordinary meridians may be able to open up other channels for cultivation; normal practitioners can also use this to cultivate a second dantian , if you get a second life,...

This is only what Abyss Dark Lord and Magic Box can think of for the time being! But this set of cultivation know-how will develop into an extraordinary cultivation system in the future, they can't even predict.

Because Ye Qianli's ability is too subversive! she……

"How did her brain grow?" The magic box couldn't help but want to go back to Ye Qianli's sea of ​​consciousness and study Ye Qianli's brain carefully.

They are all human, why is she so good? And it seems to be even better! ?

"From the heart." The dark master of the abyss found the key point and said, he could perceive that Ye Qianli's behavior at the moment was actually based on instinct.

And this kind of tyrannical instinct was acquired by her after her neurasthenia! Ye Qianli, who has experienced neurasthenia, is more daring to act from the heart, act from the heart, and act from the heart.

So, she is indeed better!

In the past, she either had various worries, or was confined to a certain imagination, but now! She won't, she will do it after she thinks about it.

And neither arrogant nor impetuous! Steady and meticulous, like she studied medicine in the past, she only cared about being able to save people! Never stick to medicine and technical issues.

No medicine! She just made it, no technology! She created it, so she is a genius doctor - Ye Qianli. Now, she is still her! She is more pure.

Also because of purity! So better.


And when Ye Qianli created his own system to reserve Yaoyue's power, Jiang Yu was grilling meat for little Rong Yi, while Rong Mo was already hidden in the dark, Prince Su's mansion was peaceful.

But at the end of the street where Prince Su's Mansion is located, in the only Princess Mansion in Shenfu! Princess Yuanjia felt very restless in her heart.

At this moment, Princess Yuanjia not only turned pale! He was sweating profusely, and his breathing was even more rapid, as if he had severe asthma?

"Princess, are you alright?" Death Guard Fuguang asked in surprise.

Princess Yuanjia waved her hand with difficulty, indicating that she was fine, but she really didn't seem to be fine! But the death guard didn't want to ask too many questions, so he could only watch carefully.

About half an hour later, Princess Yuanjia came back to her senses, but she was already slumped on the ground weakly, and the death guard asked again, "Would you like to invite the yellow-robed divine master to see you?"

"No need." Princess Yuanjia refused, and ordered, "Arrange someone to send him the handle of the prince of Tianjun, so that he can divorce Jiang Yuexin."

"Yes." The death guard was about to do it.

Princess Yuanjia still said, "Besides, let the housekeeper invite Old Ge to come here in person, I need him."

"Princess?" The death guard felt that something was not normal. You must know that although Ge Lao was the blood guard who guarded Princess Yuanjia when Princess Yuanjia went to Wushuang County, but now that the "Genius Divine Treasure" competition is over, Ge Lao has already passed away. Returning to the Blood Guard Hub, only the ruler can dispatch orders.

"Go!" Princess Yuanjia sternly said, revealing a stern and vain intention, which made the death guard feel even more inappropriate, but no matter how inappropriate, he still had to carry out the order.

And when the death guard went out to ask people to do things, Princess Yuanjia supported her weak body, stood up while leaning on the table and chairs, and watched...

At the end, she murmured to herself, "At this point, no matter whether that young master has anything to do with the mother and son, both mother and son must die!"

This made the death guard who had returned to Princess Yuanjia's side after giving orders, looked at Princess Yuanjia in shock, but the latter had already said, "Prepare the frame and go to the National Teacher's Mansion."

Princess Yuanjia knows! She must get the help of that son's real dragon as soon as possible, but if everything she believes is true, then... that's fine!

Afterwards, Princess Yuanjia went straight to the National Teacher's Mansion, and she went fiercely. But the "national teacher" at this moment, he is not in the national teacher's mansion, he is still guarding his little leopard.

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