Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1101: The real place of death! Tears of the Prince【Ticket Request】

"Ha~" And the little one being hugged by Rong Mo woke up, still yawning delicately, and looked around curiously after it was over.

When he saw his mother squatting in front of him, he opened his mouth to scream, but his father covered his mouth to prevent him from screaming, because Rong Mo had already discovered something by now. His little mother leopard seems to be thinking.

Jiang Yu also found out, so he didn't say anything, but looked at Ye Qianli curiously. After all, in his opinion, that withered grass was just that.

But for Ye Qianli, it's different! Because when she saw this withered grass, there was a slight change in her sea of ​​consciousness, which was very unusual for her who was experiencing decline.

This is obviously "Taiyi Divine Art" giving a hint! So the magic box that was aware of it was also in the ancient battlefield at the moment, staring nervously at Ye Qianli's progress.

"She decayed very quickly." The Abyss Dark Lord felt a little emotional. He is also in the ancient battlefield now, but this does not hinder his perception of Ye Qianli.

"Ten years of aging in a day, and there are signs of acceleration. If there is no way to stop it, she can live ten days longer at most." Human Sovereign also made an assessment.

Hearing that, the magic box was unhappy and said, "Can you say something auspicious? Didn't you see that the second idiot is enlightening? She has such a good understanding, so there must be no problem."

"That's true, but she has to be quicker. Human decay is the most dangerous form of decline. Once exhausted, you will die, and medicine stones will be useless." When the Abyss Dark Master thought that his beloved wife died of human decline, his mood was not very good.

After all, when it comes to the stage of human decline, it is really difficult for a person who has no spiritual power and cultivation base to perceive anything, because the perception is completely dull.

For cultivators, after losing their keen perception, there will be a great sense of gap. For example, for Ye Qianli, the very clear world, the very vast world, and the very rich vitality have all "disappeared" now up.

Now she is almost a "blind, deaf" person who has lost all five senses. Fortunately, she still has a big advantage! intuition.

So at this moment, Ye Qianli, who squatted down to look at the withered grass intuitively, and got up to look at a dead tree, could vaguely understand that "Taiyi Divine Art" was guiding her to realize "death".

This is a real dead place, the air is thin, there is no spiritual energy, and there are no living beings,... Walking in it, I feel that people are rapidly dying, dying...

Decay to the extreme! Still bad.

This kind of decline made Ye Qianli frowned slightly, and also made her subconsciously go further into the depths of the upper forest, and Rong Mo followed behind her.

Jiang Yu stared at it for a while at first, and then he looked elsewhere. When he found that the Shanglin Realm was indeed no longer what it was yesterday, and had collapsed into a real dead place, he had no choice but to give up collecting some bones of the three-legged Golden Crow.

But what shocked Jiang Yu was that the bones of all kinds of ancient beasts in Shanglin were scattered into ashes as soon as they were touched, so they couldn't be immortal? !


"I'm afraid it's not as simple as spreading disasters." Jiang Yu said something to Rong Mo in a low voice when he returned to Rong Mo and the others.

"Indeed." After walking down this period of time, Rong Mo also noticed a lot of things wrong, but he can be sure that this upper forest environment should have encountered a more special disaster.

"Then what is Madam Ling looking for?" Jiang Yu asked again. Seeing Ye Qianli's current state, he was no longer just feeling it, she was obviously looking for something.

"I don't know." Rong Mo didn't know either, but he knew that his little female leopard's body was a little too much, but he couldn't interrupt her.

"Cool..." Xiao Rongyi also pointed at his mother worriedly, he could clearly feel that mother was getting weaker and weaker, why didn't father hug mother.

Rong Mo really wanted to hug him, but he couldn't, just like he couldn't understand for his little leopard, he couldn't walk the path she was looking for for her, he could only hug his son and accompany him.

And this companionship lasted for five days, Ye Qianli was still searching, not eating or drinking without stopping, if Xiaohuahua hadn't been supplementing her exhaustion with vitality, she would have been unable to walk, and would have collapsed long ago .

But she is still looking for...

"Cool..." Xiao Rongyi cried several times, and Rong Mo's heart was also tugging and aching, but he still, could only, watch.

Jiang Yu has already left once, after all, he has other affairs entangled, but he has gone and returned, and Ye Qianli is still looking, looking for...

"What is she looking for?" Jiang Yu really couldn't understand, he wanted to say many times, "Why didn't you tell her, there is nothing here."

But he also knew that if it was useful, Rong Mo would have said it a long time ago, so why bother to watch, Ye Qianli is searching for it.

And like Ye Qianli, there are people from the Taiyi God Clan who are also looking hard! They found Luoshen Mountain Range as early as four or five days ago, shortly after Ye Qianli entered Shanglin Realm.

But because of Lin Jifeng, the little old priest couldn't determine the exact location of Ye Qianli, so they haven't found any definite clues yet.

Coupled with the fact that Ye Qianli is now in decline and unable to leave any special aura, they can't find anyone, and the little old priest is so angry that he is cursing again, "It's all because of that bastard! Otherwise, we will all see you now!" It's Goddess."

"The High Priest is wise! When we find the Goddess, we must let the Goddess lead us to beat up that person's clan." The people of the Taiyi God Clan also said with the same hatred.

He also scolded Lin Jifeng, who had just finished his treatment, so that he shivered, and felt a chill down his spine for no reason! But he has already received a summons from Shangfeng, saying that it is the Master of the World, and he may come in person.

This made Lin Jifeng quite excited! Get ready now.


Three days later.

Within the territory of Shanglin.

Ye Qianli, who had been down for a whole day, was breathing very weakly, and her long black hair had already turned white into snow and withered into grass, without any luster.

Even her face! It was also covered with wrinkles, "looking" at the magic box was terrified, Xiao Rongyi's mouth was pursed even more, and his eyes were full of tears.

And Rong Mo was holding his son's hand, his veins were already showing! Even his breathing was not smooth all the time. He wanted to hug his little leopard many times, but he just couldn't! cannot……

Unless he wanted his little leopard to really leave him, he must not interrupt her, absolutely not! The only thing he could do was pray for her, useless and pale.

"Little Leopard,..." But he still could only pray, murmured to himself, so that Xiao Rongyi, who could sense his anxiety and panic, burst into tears, he wanted mother...

Just so! Xiao Rongyi, who was silently wiping away tears, was soon caught by his mother's return glance, causing him to immediately cover his mouth and burst into tears.

At the same moment—


A drop of Rong Mo's tear had already fallen on the little guy's bald head, and there was a slight sound, but it was such a light sound, it was like the first spring rain, dripping into Ye Qianli's " Dry up" intuition.

All of a sudden!


ps: There is also an increase today, woo... Hurry up and give me the ticket, Da Lier, and make up for it! Make up!

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