Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1102: Longing with love! History of decline 4 more

There is smoke and dust cleared from Ye Qianli's heart, shaken up by the dripping "spring rain", shaken away, scattered, and shaken into the boundless fields.

That decline, that death, also ripples like ripples, with warm moisture slowly pouring in, sourness, pain, hesitation, and fear.

These are the most genuine emotions from Rong Mo's heart, and the tears he shed have dripped into Ye Qianli's heart, making her empathize with her in an instant.


And this kind of emotion, it is like a weed in spring, burrowing out of the ground! Savings are flourishing, and the "dryness" in Ye Qianli's intuition has been swept away inch by inch! sweep away.



A drop of Ye Qianli's tear also fell down her wrinkled face! In the dry and lifeless upper forest land.


If there are no relatives and friends, if there is no lover, if there is no nostalgia, it will be lonely all over the field, drifting away in the cold, leaving no trace, and it will disperse when touched, and decay will not remain.


If there is concern, if there is true love, if there is relatives and friends, it is the tear that soaks the bone, it is helpless wandering, it is boundless fear, and unspeakable pain.


Ye Qianli felt that she had experienced these "two" deaths. She seemed to be an orphan once, with no close relatives, no concern, no love. When she died, she died. Even though she had regrets, she was free and easy.

She also seemed to have a happy family, with a mother and grandfather who loved her, friends who lived and died together, and a husband and son whom she loved dearly. After she died, she couldn't let go, even if she had no life left! Even if the darkness covers her, she still wants to live persistently! survived.

She had a good son who was born after three years of pregnancy and was once judged to be stillborn; she had a beautiful husband who lived and died together, and loved him to the bone; she had a mother who was looking for and finally met; Everyone treats her like a child's grandfather; she...

She still has her father, and friends, and Fatty, and...


In the dark, Ye Qianli felt that there seemed to be a lot of things that she no longer remembered, as if they were replayed on film, and they were being reproduced in her memory.

There is life, there is death, there is life and separation, there is death and farewell, scene after scene, derived into her intuition, derived into her perception, derived into her life.

And in such a rebirth! Ye Qianli stood there looking at Rong Mo and Xiao Rongyi, but her vitality was flowing faster, and she finally couldn't stand and fell down.

But she fell!

"Little Leopard..."

Rong Mo, who was holding his son, was also unable to stand still and fell down. To him, Ye Qianli was the pillar of his life, she was the one who held up all his hopes and obsessions.


Xiao Rongyi cried so much that he didn't have time to wipe away his tears. He wanted to crawl to his mother's side, but his father wouldn't let him go, he hugged him very tightly, father is bad!

However, no matter how quickly Ye Qianli's vitality dissipates, her life is like an ever-burning lamp in the dark, never going out! never give up.

Life sometimes declines, but love lasts forever.

this moment……

Ye Qianli is growing with love! Decline.

this moment……

The dark master of the abyss saw it clearly and said, "She has realized death, but she is unwilling to die. Even if she knows, there will be resurrection from the dead, and even the "Taiyi Divine Art" is pulling her to go through another death, but she Not willing."

"Yes." The Human Sovereign also understood.


"Why did the second idiot get screwed here?" The magic box didn't understand! It can also see that Ye Qianli is struggling with "Taiyi Divine Art", but it doesn't understand why?

Wasn't the previous calamity all good! Just follow your intuition, isn't that perfect, wouldn't it be nice to have another resurrection from the dead? Why not? !

"Perhaps she can sense in the dark that if she really deserves to die, she will lose something important that she can't let go of?" The Abyss Dark Lord can only guess like this.

Otherwise, why would Ye Qianli be unwilling? She has always been the most sensible, she can bend and stretch very well, if there is something important to lose, she would not be so persistent.

But this time, Ye Qianli didn't actually intuit anything, she just! She just didn't want to die, she didn't want to experience the darkness again, and she didn't want her highness, her little Yi'er, to experience heart-wrenching pain again.

Even if death can be brought back to life, even if there is life after death, but she doesn't know how long it will be, but once! Both she and her Highness have experienced such a death.

Even if people survived later, this kind of pain! It can never be worn away, for example, she always deeply remembers that her highness once died, and died into a pool of blood.

When her memory revives! This scene came to her face, which shows how much she remembers it, her highness must be the same, and her family's Yi'er must be the same.

Her little Yi'er has experienced too much. When she was still pregnant with him, he witnessed his father's departure, and later followed his father to witness her departure.


She is not dead!

She insists on not dying!

She didn't want to let the same pain be imposed on her dear ones again, she insisted! She wants to survive, just survive for such a long time.

No matter what level of exhaustion it is! No matter what state she is in, she must live! Alive... She didn't want to experience any more deaths.

And she persisted...

Persisted for a whole day! She is still holding on.

Even though she was paralyzed in the dry land, she almost became one with the Shanglin Realm! Become a lifeless existence, but she still "bites" the last ray of life, never give up! No compromise.

But her physical body has already withered and withered to an unsightly age! Seeing Jiang Yu who came again had a complex look on his face. He had seen her flying freely and shining brightly, and seeing her now aging and turning into a skeleton, he was naturally filled with emotion.

There is one thing! Unchanged.

She is tough! powerful.

Whether she was assessing the yellow-robed God Master or facing death, she had the same tenacity and calmness, and she was equally unyielding to "difficulties".

Such unyielding and tenacity! It caused the little old priest, who was doing the practice again, to open his eyes suddenly, and then he locked his position and stood up.

"High Priest, how is this time? Is there any news about the Goddess?" People from the Taiyi God Clan asked anxiously from the side. They had been looking for the Goddess for a long time.

"Yes!" The little old priest replied affirmatively this time, but he also knew that their goddess was dying, and she needed them! Very much needed.

"But the direction we were looking for was the opposite, now we have to rush there! The goddess needs us urgently." The little old priest said seriously, and he led the Taiyi God Clan! Quickly gather in the direction that is indestructible and indestructible, which is definitely the will of their goddess.

Even if it is an absolute death! Regardless of all intentions, they wanted their goddess to die, and she didn't give in! She is resisting, the last step of human decline is hurdle, and it is not hurdle's kalpa-death.

Priests know it! This "hurdle" doesn't have to be taken, and it can be considered a success, but if it can be passed...

ps: There is still a chapter under repair~

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