Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1118: Husband Guard Arena! Wife Taming 2 more

"It's a pity that I don't like Xinbanghui, so I'm leaving." After Ye Qianli finished speaking, she turned around and left without looking at Rong Mo.

Rong Mo saw that something was wrong! Naturally, he quickly hugged his son and followed, "Daughter-in-law, wait for me, daughter-in-law, did your hand hurt from the beating? Let me see."

Having said that, regardless of whether others were struck by lightning or not, Rong Mo has already held on to it. Ye Qianli hit Xiaoli's face just now, and helped her brag, "Next time, don't hit with your hands!" , how much it hurts, and it hurts even for my husband."

Ye Qianli: "..."|

The young Rong Yi, who is a ghost, imitated his father and hurriedly blow to his mother, and said angrily, "It hurts! Huhuhu..."

Ye Qianli: "..."|

Whose family is this stupid father and son who suddenly appeared?


Why are you so cute! ? As expected of her family.


"Cough!" Ye Qianli said seriously after enduring the goosebumps raised by Su, "Your Highness, look at you, attracting bees and butterflies everywhere, should I set up a ring to make those who are not convinced , Anyone who wants to rob you, come and fight with me? Never trouble again."



A group of members of the new confederation, who were already full of black lines, suddenly became thunderous again. If this ring is really put on the stage, it will become the most controversial ring of the year. What is it called? It is called "Shoufu Arena".


the name.

It sounds amazing!

However, the wonderful Ye Qianli walked in front and said, "I think it's pretty good! What do you think? Shoufu ring, not bad, if anyone wins me, I'll give you to her, and whoever loses , give me the most precious thing."

"What did you say?" Rong Mo's voice changed from being gentle and gentle to freezing rain, treating him as an "item" and giving it away if he lost? !

"Cough..." Ye Qianli, who felt deeply that she had said the wrong thing, immediately came back and explained, "Your Highness, what, I mean, I can't lose, hurts ..."

Ye Qianli, who hadn't finished explaining, was pinched again in public! The pain was so painful that she was about to shed tears, it really hurt! The beautiful prince of her family is too unsympathetic.

But in the eyes of Ying Huan'er who came out, and the members of the Xinbanghui, this scene was Chi Guoguo's flirting! The relationship is really good.

"Your Highness..." Ye Qianli was really about to cry.

Xiao Rongyi also immediately helped his mother hit his father's hand, "Bad! Dad! Bad!"

Rong Mo asked without letting go, "Again, if someone beats you, what will you do?"

"I, I will, I will push myself out!" Ye Qianli said again with a dropped IQ, and the magic box "supported her forehead" for her.

As a result, Rong Mo was naturally even more dissatisfied! The more forceful the pinching, the pain made Ye Qianli angry, and Xiao Rongyi even bit his father's hand with one bite.

But Rong Mo let go after pinching, but Xiao Rongyi didn't let go! Leng bit the back of Rong Mo's hand to bleed, and the little one let go.

That's not to mention, after biting someone, Xiao Rongyi still wanted to beat his father's chest, "Father! Bad! Hit!"

"Fool, your mother pushed her out, so you have no mother?" Rong Mo angrily slapped his son's "little bald head".

Xiao Rongyi: "..." What happened? Why does he have no mother? He just wants to help mother and prevent his father from bullying mother?

"I..." And Ye Qianli at this meeting also wanted to defend herself, saying that she was just talking casually, and she wasn't really going to open the ring.

Such a silly arena! How could she speak, she is not really stupid, she just speaks out, and speaks out quickly! result……

"Bet on this." Rong Mo sacrificed his weapon, the blue hammer his father gave him, and did not hide the breath of the hammer.



Ying Gu, who had just walked out of the hall, was attracted by the breath of the hammer! Not only because of the hammer's raw material, she couldn't see it at all, but also because the pattern on the hammer was very deep, but it didn't look like a god pattern?

"Your Highness?"

Ye Qianli was a little confused, she wanted to say that she really wasn't going to open the ring! So why is she a little confused? This hammer... this...

Ye Qianli, who had a little aftertaste, she just! She subconsciously said, "Your Highness, how can this be done! This is your inheritance, and it comes as a gift!"

"Are you going to lose?" Rong Mo asked back, with an almost imperceptible admiration flashing across his eyes, he knew that his little mother leopard already understood what he meant.

"No." Ye Qianli responded immediately, but she shook her head and said, "Then I don't really want to open the ring, what are you guarding..."

But before she finished speaking, Ying Gu had already said, "If my lady wants to open the arena, you can do it here, and all the members of my Xinbang Association will help you spread the news."

"I..." Ye Qianli looked at Ying Gu in surprise.

Yinggu laughed and said, "Anyway, you can't go anywhere else these days. While you're waiting for the new map, you can fight a few times to help you accumulate combat experience, so you can call Xinbanghui Newcomer to fight. You are the leader. Bet on the flying snow skills of my two families, you have to guard it."

As soon as this statement comes out! The members of Xinbanghui exploded! because……

"Flying Snow Skill!?"

"The third clan in the Three Thousand Regions of the West—the Flying Snow Skill of the Shuang Family!?"

"Fuck! President Yinggu is not serious, is it? It is said that the Flying Snow Skill is one of the top ten moves secret skills in Wanyu, one of the secret skills of the Shuang family."

"My God!..."

Many people are very excited! They are already arrogant and want to go to the ring and fight Ye Qianli. After all, although "ordinary people" can't understand the mystery of Rong Mo's hammer, they know the power of flying snow skills!


Ye Qianli's "Shoufu Arena" really opened up, even though it was renamed "Xinbanghui Newcomer Arena", it was still called "Shoufu Arena".

Ye Qianli did not leave Xinbanghui because of this, Ying Gu's words were very ingenious! Bring Ye Qianli's family back to Xinbanghui.

Ye Qianli didn't really say no, so their family is still a member of the Xinbanghui. However, although the ring was open, there was no one to bet on, and they didn't have the nerve to go on stage, so they could only watch from the audience.

This made Ye Qianli, who was "propelled" into the ring leader, said boredly, "So no one came up to fight? If not, then I..."

"Who said no?" A crisp voice! Just when Ye Qianli wanted to say that she was going back for a break, she shouted out from the crowd of onlookers at the Xinbanghui.

Afterwards, a little girl who looked younger than Ying Huaner jumped in front of Ye Qianli! But her cultivation is astonishingly only at the ninth-order divine platform.

That's not counting! After the little girl came up, she blatantly said, "My name is Ying Sheng'er, and I came here just to teach you a lesson! Who gave you the guts to beat my Ying family?!"

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