Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1119: Yi Xiaocutie brutally slaps her in the face! Ask for a ticket

Hearing this, Ye Qianli looked at her own child and asked, "Yi'er, does mother look like a weak chicken?"

"Chicken? No!" Xiao Rongyi said that his mother didn't look like a chicken.

"Then why does this little girl, who is just a scum of the ninth-level divine platform, dare to come up and talk nonsense to me?" Ye Qianli didn't understand.

"..." Xiao Rongyi was also at a loss when he heard it, he didn't quite understand the meaning of "spread nonsense", so he looked at his father.

As for Rong Mo who was being watched, he put the child on the ground and said, "Go up, Yier."

"Ah?" Xiao Rongyi stood there in a daze, waiting for his father's explanation with wide eyes, why should he be asked to go up?


"so cute!"

"so cute!"

Many young and strong men and women in Xinbanghui were immediately attracted by this cute and cute fan! One must know that Xiao Yi'er is one year old now, but he looks only seven or eight months old, very small! But he can stand, he is elf, and he looks good.

Wherever he sticks, he is like a pink and plump little white lotus root, juicy, crisp and tender, making people want to hug him and take a bite when he sees it, he loves it so much.

But Ye Qianli said at this meeting, "Oh, forget it, after all, it hasn't opened yet, since you're here, I'll let my son guard the ring for me."


"..." |

The audience was stunned! As for Ying Huaner, who was about to start the fight, she was naturally more confused, so she didn't react, she saw Ye Qianli beckoning, "Yi'er, come here for mother kiss."

"Da da da!..." Xiao Yi'er obediently ran towards his mother, without waiting for his father's explanation, because her mother was the loudest.

"Ah! This baby is so cute! I want to go back and give birth to a son."

"Come on! With your virtue, you will never be able to give birth to such a cute child in your life."

"Pfft! Hahaha..."

There was a lot of laughter in the arena, but the eyes were glued to Xiao Yi'er, I just felt that this child was really cute, obviously inherited the good looks from the child's father.


The people in the laughing discussion soon realized that something was wrong.

After all, Ye Qianli was already teaching her child to smash, "Yi'er, what about this person, you can beat her down and not kill her, okay?"

"Okay!" Xiao Rongyi immediately agreed, only to realize that his father asked him to come up and beat this bad guy! Didn't they say, let's watch my mother beat up bad guys together? But it would be nice to help my mother fight bad guys!

"Okay, then mother will go down for a rest first, and she will leave it to you." After Ye Qianli said that, she stood up and walked towards her beautiful prince.

"What?" The members of the Xinbanghui who were watching were stunned! I just think this is too much, child's play, right? This is a real child's play, let the son come up and play.

uh uh uh...

Chen Junjie wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and wanted to say a few words, but he didn't say anything yet! Xiao Yi'er shouted at Ying Sheng'er, "Hit!"

As soon as the sound came out, people outside the venue could not react!


Ying Sheng'er had already fallen off the stage, and his head was covered in blood.


The audience suddenly fell silent! then……

"Da da da……"

The sound of Xiao Yi'er running back to his parents' side with his short legs was clearly separated! It was extraordinarily extraordinary, and Ye Qianli hadn't even sat down yet.

"Cool! Good." Xiao Yi'er hugged his mother's legs and said, he has completed the task, and he beat the bad guy down.

"Great." Rong Mo praised his son as he hugged him, he could see that this little one and the Sumeru Hammer were getting more and more compatible.

"Hee..." Xiao Yier narrowed his eyes, looked at his mother with a toothless smile, and touched his bald head, obviously a little embarrassed by the compliment.

"Chirp!" Suzaku, who had turned into a small bird, pecked the little guy's bald head. He really likes such a cute little Yi'er! I really want to hug.

But the little one has already slapped it! Turn it up and tweet his head! Hate! What should I do if I'm bald?

"Chirp, chirp..." Suzaku laughed happily, and threw herself at the little guy.

Ye Qianli also knelt down and kissed her son's bald head and said, "Yi'er is the best!"

"Hee..." Xiao Rongyi was very happy.

But this family is so happy and harmonious, the face of the Ying family is really green! Even Ying Huan'er's complexion was a bit unsightly.

Although Ying Huaner was on the second floor of the main hall, watching this scene with her mother Yinggu, and was not "on the spot", she still felt a little embarrassed.

But now Ying Gu stood up and said, "It seems that no one in this family is weak, even this kid is not an ordinary character."

"What the president said is very true." Luo Qing agreed with this very much.

Ying Gu smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go to the north, do you want to go with Huan'er?"

But Ying Huan'er said coquettishly, "I won't go, I have to watch some flying snow skills for my mother, otherwise I will give it away, and my mother will be served by grandpa's family law again."

"Hahaha! Okay, then you just stay here and watch, but mother reminds you that you are not this girl's opponent. If you are not convinced, you can play if you want, but remember that enough is enough." Ying Gu laughed and said without waiting. Ying Huaner replied, and she left.

"Mother..." Ying Huan'er was really not convinced! Because she is the middle-level saint Tianzun, and she has the purest Ying's blood awakened in her body.

But before Yinggu left, there was another commotion in the main hall of the Xinbanghui meeting place! Because of Ying Huaner's half-brother——Ying Yuanchu, he also entered the ring.

The so-called arena was originally the high platform that Yinggu stood on when she was in a meeting, and it was set in the center of the main hall, so it was very suitable as a arena.

Ying Yuanchu's cultivation base is also a middle-level Saint Tianzun, but his awakened Ying family bloodline is not as pure as Ying Huan'er, but among the younger generation of the Ying family, he is already ranked among the top three.


Ying Yuanchu also took the stage!

However, Ye Qianli, who was challenged, asked, "Are you the brother of Ying Sheng'er just now?"

"Not bad." Ying Yuanchu responded coldly, his eyes were cold and murderous! Because in his opinion, Ye Qianli let her son playfully beat Ying Sheng'er like that, which was undoubtedly humiliating the Ying family.

However, Ye Qianli still said Shi Shiran, "Then please pay back the money owed by your sister first."

"Uh..." Chen Junjie didn't know what to say anymore, he just thought that this little lady was going to offend Ying's family to death!

However, Ying Yuanchu, who was being recruited, was not angry. He just sneered and said, "As long as you can defeat me, I will give you the spirit lock armor I wear."

As soon as this statement comes out! The whole audience was shocked.

However, Ying Yuanchu took off his outer robe, revealing the silver soft armor that he was wearing on his body. The soft armor is still in one piece, wrapping up to Ying Yuanchu's neck.

But this is not the key! The key is--


Ye Qianli could sense that the aura of heaven and earth had "disappeared", and this was naturally the "good thing" that Ying Yuanchu's spirit-locking armor did.

Lock spirit armor! He can lock the aura of heaven and earth within a certain range, but he can only lock the aura of heaven and earth when his opponent is locked, but Ying Yuanchu himself can.


PS, babies! Our Crazy Doctor has topped the Xiaoxiang Monthly Ticket List [No. 1]! Please come and help babies with monthly tickets, Jue baby! Da Lier, Xiao Yier, Prince Mei, and the high priest all need your crazy help! Let's hold on to number one! First! First! Aww~

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