Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1121: Ying little bitch! Longli draws the phoenix! 2 more

This moment! Not only the members of the Xinbanghui who hadn't left at first were all paying attention to Ye Qianli eagerly, but also many people who were attracted by the roar of the real dragon just now poured into the meeting place of the Xinbanghui Inside the hall.

As the venue of the Xinbanghui, this hall is only on the first floor! It can accommodate nearly 100,000 people, and it is very spacious. This is the reason why Yinggu Society requisitioned this place as the meeting place. It can also be seen from this that Yinggu has great confidence in the development of Xinbanghui.


In addition to the original 30,000 members of the Xinbanghui, thousands of outsiders have poured in, all of whom were spectators attracted by Ye Qianli's dragon roar.

Even the dragon people who were far away on the other side of the city were shocked! After all, the roar of the real dragon that Ye Qianli detonated contained a very pure will of the real dragon.

And what about Ye Qianli herself?


She who was silent, obviously realized that she had entered a very subtle state, she could feel the power of the real dragon, which was constantly wandering through her meridians, viscera and bones, making her feel like she was about to change. Became a real dragon.

This made the magic box immediately understand and said to the dark lord of the abyss, "The second fool and her human emperor power will soon reach the elementary level of returning to oneness."

"That's right, the awe-inspiring right way cultivated by the Human Sovereign is also domineering by the real dragon. She and the real dragon have reached the initial level of unity, that is, they have forged with the power of the Human Sovereign to the initial level of unity." The Dark Lord of the Abyss looked at him and sat cross-legged. The next Emperor, he saw clearly and said.

The cultivation of the saint Tianzun level is to practice the smelting state between the practitioner and the source power he has realized, when he reaches the state of great perfection!

Taking Human Emperor as an example, Ye Qianli will become "Human Emperor". How strong was Human Emperor back then! She is as strong as she is, and Ye Qianli's situation is different.

That is to say...

When Ye Qianli and the Emperor's powers are fully unified! The power she possesses will be stronger than the Human Sovereign back then, because not only has she become the "Human Sovereign" herself, she also has the physical Soul of the Human Sovereign.


"Brother Dark Master, how do I feel that if this continues, the second idiot will be so strong that he will cry ghosts and gods?" The magic box discovered belatedly.

When Ye Qianli continues to cultivate in her current "state", and when she advances to become a domain master, she will be equivalent to Jiutian Xuannv, Taiyi Daoist, Tianfu Emperor, Ziwei Emperor, and Human Emperor! The dark lord of the abyss, the fusion of the source of chaos and the goddess Taiyi after the calamity.

Available in ancient times!

The Human Emperor is the overlord of one side!

The dark lord of the abyss is the first person of the five clans!


This stacks.

"Brother Dark Master, is it too late for me to curry favor with the second idiot?" The magic box felt deeply! Ye Qianli is really a potential stock. It seemed that it was not good for it to hate her so much before. Is it too late to change it now?

"Maybe, it's too late." The Dark Lord of the Abyss replied amusedly, but he knew that the magic box was not afraid, it just said it, because the person who forged the magic box! stronger.


Seeing Ye Qianli's "advanced" dark lord of the abyss, she said pertinently, "It's difficult for her to advance to become a domain lord. She just melted the will of the real dragon into her body, and she wants to reach the level with the power of the emperor." Returning to the elementary level, there is still a long way to go.

And what she comprehends is the power of nine sources. She must digest all nine kinds of power step by step before she can reach the realm of domain master. It is more than nine times harder for her to advance than ordinary people. "

"That's right, then I don't have to curry favor with her." The magic box felt a lot relieved immediately. Hearing the narrow eyes of the dark master of the abyss, he understood why Ye Qianli kept picking up this cheap box. It was really cheap.


And while the magic box was discussing with the dark lord of the abyss, Ye Qianli had already completed the step of forging the true dragon's will into his body, and thousands of living beings had gathered in the hall.

As for Ying Yuanchu, he already had no face to stay and left the hall. As for the spirit lock armor on his body, he simply took it off and left it on the spot.

"Da da da……"

Under his father's instruction, Xiao Yi'er ran to pick up the spoils, and everyone around him wanted to touch him, but unfortunately he yelled away fiercely.

In view of his record of knocking out Ying Sheng'er before, no one dared to approach him indiscriminately, they just joked with him in good faith, and watched him go back to his father.

That's why Ye Qianli "slowed" over, and she saw her little son Zai sitting beside his father with the trophy in his arms, and tens of thousands of newcomers gathered in the hall.

But what she didn't know was that just as she was "losing her mind", Ying Huan'er had already stood up, and at the same time, she called the people around her and said, "Scatter the news that this woman has a pure fire source to the Feng clan." Jinfeng, she likes to devour other people's fire power."

"Miss, this..." The ordered Ying Feng hesitated a little worriedly. After all, he could see that Ying Gu meant to win over Mrs. Ye and Mr. Rong Lang.

But Ying Huan'er said proudly, "Go, if she can't defeat Jinfeng, she is not qualified to serve my Ying family, then Jinfeng is the defeat of this lady."

When Ying Feng heard this, he also felt that there was some truth, so he went to spread the news to attract the strongest young generation of the Feng clan—Jin Feng.

However, Ying Feng also knew that Ying Huan'er was able to defeat Jin Feng at the beginning because Jin Feng hadn't completed Ninth Nirvana yet, and now Jin Feng has Nirvana to become a pure-blooded divine beast!

And the golden phoenix who can experience nine times of nirvana of the Phoenix clan and temper into the body of the immortal golden phoenix are all the kings of the Phoenix clan! The combat power is terrifyingly powerful.


"News from Ying Huaner?" Jin Feng narrowed her sharp eyes when she got the news, knowing that Ying Huaner was uneasy and kind, and she didn't want to be used as a gunman.


"Miss, it is said that Long Yingyun is also heading towards the Xinbanghui meeting site." The members of the Feng clan also reported this news to Jin Feng.

Hearing this, Jin Feng sneered slightly, pursing his lips, "Then let's go to see the fun first, and by the way... kill Long Yingyun, the lewd dragon! Let's go."

Having said that, Jin Feng has already rushed to the center of the city first, she knows where the meeting place of the Xinbanghui is, but she is going very aggressively!



When Jin Feng led the members of the Feng clan into the Xinbanghui hall in a mighty manner, the audience fell silent, and everyone stared at Jin Feng and the others.

Ye Qianli was no exception, and as soon as she saw Jinfeng, the power of the Nine Heavens Profound Fire in her body trembled, as if she felt threatened! ?


Before Ye Qianli could sense it carefully, the magic box barraged, "She wants to generate the fire of chaos by herself! This person, she has devoured the source power of five kinds of divine fire, and I am afraid that she wants to generate the fire of chaos by herself."

Hearing this, Ye Qianli's heart was shocked! After all, the fire of chaos is the ancestor of all fires, but it is at this time! With a "whoosh", Jin Feng flashed onto the ring, because she sensed the Nine Heavens Profound Fire in Ye Qianli's body, which was the fire she urgently needed.

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