Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1122 Fight for your husband! Keep you alive! Ask for a ticket

So as soon as Jin Feng took the stage, she said without any nonsense, "I want to challenge you." Even if she knew that she was being shot by Ying Huaner's hypocritical little white flower, she didn't care.

Because she did devour five sources of divine fire, they are the fire of Nirvana, the fire of hell, the fire of ghost ghosts, the fire of red lotus and the real fire of Taiyin.

Among them, except for the fire of Nirvana, the other four belong to Yin! To a certain extent, this has made Jinfeng unable to maintain the balance of the fire source in her body. Now she is in urgent need of positive and strong positive fire to help her balance the fire in her body.

If she hadn't become the immortal body of a golden phoenix, she would have exploded and died long ago! But even with the pressure of Jinfeng's immortal body, she couldn't last long.

So Jinfeng who already knew the rules, she said unequivocally, "I would like to subdue the immortal heart of my Jinfeng clan as a sponsor."


There was an uproar at the scene! Because everyone knows very well that the immortality of the Jinfeng family means that those who get it will have an extra life!

Even if he is already dead, as long as he hasn't died for too long, the Golden Phoenix's Undying Heart can bring people back to life. After all, the Golden Phoenix's Undying Heart was transformed by the Jinfeng, the domain master of the Jinfeng clan who returned to the ruins! It is the most precious thing of the Jinfeng family.



Ye Qianli has simply accepted the challenge! Not for anything else, but for Jinfeng's undying heart, she is willing to fight with all her strength! Because she knew that her Royal Highness might have another death calamity.

Well, if she has the heart of a golden phoenix to be immortal! If there is such a day in the future, she can also save her highness, and she doesn't have to watch him die.

This made Rong Mo's long eyelashes droop slightly when he understood what she was thinking, and suppressed the light in his eyes, his little leopard, stupid leopard,...

"Cheer up!" Jin Feng was a little surprised by Ye Qianli's straightforwardness. After all, her cultivation base was higher than Ye Qianli's, and she didn't hide her strength. She thought Ye Qianli would ask for some conditions.

But Ye Qianli didn't mention anything, so she agreed! After all, for her, Jinfeng's immortal heart is already what she wants most.

But Ye Qianli was straightforward, and Jinfeng said without hiding it, "I won't hide it from you, I want to devour your Nine Heavens Profound Fire, I see that there are other sources of power in your body, if you are defeated, don't resist My devour, so as not to be severely injured."

Ye Qianli laughed when she heard that, she likes such a magnanimous opponent, but she must also declare, "That depends on whether you have the ability to defeat me, and I will also tell you, for the sake of Jinfeng's immortal heart, I Will do whatever it takes."


Jin Feng raised her hand without any nonsense and said, at the same time, her whole body was burning with the fire of Nirvana, the power was astonishing! The group of people who were closest to the ring were all pushed back by more than a hundred feet.

Only Rong Mo, who was sitting by the ring with Xiao Yi'er in his arms, did not retreat, he was still sitting on the ground, only looking up at his wife, his little leopard.

at the same time--


Ye Qianli also released her Nine Heavens Profound Fire, which obviously wavered under the pressure of the Nirvana Fire. After all, Ye Qianli and Nine Heavens Profound Fire had not yet begun to melt together.


It's just an appearance!


As for Jinfeng, the moment she saw Ye Qianli release the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, she transformed the fire of Nirvana into a golden phoenix and devoured Ye Qianli.

That's not even counting...

"The phoenix rises, the clouds rise!"

While the golden phoenix was transforming into the devouring fire of nirvana, she also directly gave birth to the real golden phoenix, and after transforming into a golden phoenix, she had already crushed a blast of wind, and suppressed Ye Qianli.

Not only that!

"The phoenix tree rises!"

Accompanied by the golden phoenix! It is an ancient sycamore tree with swaying divine splendor and eternal breath. It can bless the power of the golden phoenix, allowing her to directly rise from a mid-level saint to a peak-level saint.

The whole hall! Immediately covered by the phoenix's breath, Ye Qianli herself was targeted strongly, and was about to be wiped out by Jinfeng's three consecutive hits without taking a breath.


"Nine Heavens Profound Fire! Now."

"Taiyi True Water! Now."

"Taiyi Divine Flower! Now."

Matching Jinfeng's attack, Ye Qianli has summoned her three innate talents to fight with her! Therefore, when Jinfeng's critical attacks came one after another.


The deity of Nine Heavens Profound Fire exploded and exploded, and directly hit the Nirvana Devouring Fire created by the golden phoenix, which is completely capable of confronting it head-on! Because it is the original Nine Heavens Profound Fire.

And the ten original divine fires complement each other, there is no one who is stronger or weaker, the deity of the nine heavens profound fire! Of course, he is not afraid of Jinfeng's Nirvana fire, and can even crush it! After all, Jin Feng has not yet united with her Nirvana Fire Dzogchen.

As for Taiyi Zhenshui and Taiyi Shenhua, they are naturally stronger than Jinfeng's violent phoenix storm, as well as the ancient phoenix tree.



Everyone at the scene was shocked to see it! No matter how strong Jinfeng is, Ye Qianli can stand still, and there is even a hidden tendency to counter it.

But no one can understand it! What kind of situation is this! ?

"How did this happen? This little lady surnamed Ye is obviously just a novice saint, Tianzun. How can the source power she can mobilize be so powerful, even stronger than Jinfeng!?"

"I don't know! And, wait...wait! Taiyi Zhenshui, Taiyi God Flower, she, she won't be the super clan that has disappeared for tens of thousands of years—the Taiyi clan!?"

"Damn it! When you say that, it seems to be true!"


There was an uproar again!

Many people can know from the outline of the super clan that among the top 20 super clans in Wanyu, the Taiyi God Clan is among them, but this clan has disappeared for a long time, so long that many super clans think that this clan is extinct .



Follow Ye Qianli to push Jin Feng back! The name of the Taiyi tribe immediately made everyone on the scene silent again, until now! Even though Ye Qianli's surname is not Taiyi, everyone has already determined that she is definitely a member of the Taiyi clan.

Because except for people from the Taiyi tribe, no one can awaken the talents of Taiyi True Water and Taiyi God Flower, which are the exclusive talents of the Taiyi tribe.

And the Taiyi tribe is amazing, their way of cultivation is different from others, they don't have to awaken their talents to be strong, but when someone of them awakens their talents, the awakened one must be the entity! That person must also be a core figure in the Taiyi clan.


It is very likely that she is a goddess who is rare in the Taiyi tribe for millions of years!

However, it seems impossible for Ye Qianli to be the Goddess of Taiyi, because the goddesses of the Taiyi tribe died so early, and her personal combat power seems to be weak, so...

"Are you a priestess of the Taiyi clan?!" Jin Feng, who was shaken back, asked with some guesswork, but Ying Huan'er's eyes lit up upstairs! Because priestesses of the Taiyi tribe are not allowed to marry, let alone have children.


"Take her down!"

PS: Aww! My Li'er is so handsome, Piao'er Piao'er, come and let me know, ouch~

Another: The book city’s building activities, after the statistics are finished, we will announce the list together, let’s give out prizes together, and pay attention to tomorrow night’s digression~

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