Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1160: Glass League! Scum Carnival! 2 more

"Create your own faction?" Ye Qianli really didn't think about this question.

But Jinfeng already said, "That's right! You see that Aunt Ying and her daughter are so poor, they can form a Xinbanghui, let me tell you! You can form a Limenghui, just to make a name for yourself by smashing the Xinbanghui, me and My Phoenix Clan is the first to join, Long Yingyun! What about you!"

Long Yingyun: "..." What can he say? He could only nod his head and say, "I'll join too." Even if he said to the outside world now, it's unlikely that he and Ye Qianli were not in the same group, and besides, he also got some benefits of Cang Wang's unique skills.

As a result, the Limenghui was established so "sloppily" and immediately "in command" to set off! Attacked towards Xinbanghui.

Along the way, people from the Feng and Long tribes were spreading the news about the Limenghui and the news that they were going to attack the Xinbanghui.

"With this little force, they are going to attack Xinbanghui. Could it be that the rumors are true! Ye Qianli's husband has abnormal combat power!?"

"It must be, otherwise Yinggu is a middle-level domain owner, how dare they hit the door so easily? But even if Ye Qianli's husband is very strong, Xinbang will have tens of thousands of members, and Saint Tianzun will have thousands of members at least." People, I'm afraid they won't be able to attack."

"It doesn't matter whether you can attack or not, let's follow up and watch the fun!..."

As the news spread, it spread infinitely, but after a while, there were many strong people hanging behind Ye Qianli and his party after hearing the news, all of them came to watch the excitement.


But when Ye Qianli and others rushed to the Xinbanghui, Yinggu and Ying Shuang'er were indeed not in the Xinbanghui, only Zhang Hongyu was in charge.

Because he has made great achievements in the maze, Yinggu gave him a lot of scarce resources and elixir, which not only restored him to the peak, but also had surplus materials for his cultivation.

So when Ye Qianli and others came, Zhang Hongyu, who was practicing in the training room on the third floor of the meeting place, immediately flashed out of the meeting place! Blocked in front of Ye Qianli and the others.

"Ye Qianli! You've finally stopped shrinking. Are you here to apologize?" Zhang Hongyu said arrogantly, obviously not recognizing the facts clearly.

Ye Qianli ignored him, and just said, "Your Highness, this big miscellaneous fish is handed over to you; Lord Jiang, you are in charge of guarding the formation; Jinfeng, Longyingyun, Qianfang, Liuyun and Zongming, follow me Go in; Chen Junjie, you stay here."

"Me!" Xiao Yi'er called out unhappily, because his mother didn't assign him any tasks.

Ye Qianli poked his tender face angrily and said, "You stay with your father."

"Okay!" The little guy hugged his father in satisfaction.

"Pfft! Yi'er, you are getting cuter and cuter." Liao Zongming couldn't help poking this little one too! It's a pity that he was dodged, and he was disgusted and said, "Smelly!"

Liao Zongming immediately looked at Chen Junjie with a dark face, and the latter looked into the distance...

"Let's go! Quick battle and quick decision." After Ye Qianli said, she didn't even look at her already dark face! Zhang Hongyu, who had also gained momentum, went up to kill the loyal Ying family behind him.

"Bastard!" Zhang Hongyu yelled angrily, and wanted to order all members of the Ying family to go! Killed Ye Qianli, a dead girl who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.


"White Tiger."

Rong Mo had already shot the divine beast White Tiger towards him first! The latter flew out of the room and stabbed directly at Zhang Hongyun's eyebrows, showing his murderous intent.

"Damn it!" Zhang Hongyu backed away in fright, he didn't even bother to give orders, but he backed away as fast as Baihu, only for a moment!


Zhang Hongyu was torn off half of his face by the sharp claws of the white tiger, and he screamed out in pain on the spot, which also stunned the Tianjiao powerhouses who were watching.

at the same time!

"Ye Qianli! You are so brave." Ying Yuanchu, who led the people from the Ying family and Ye Qianli to charge forward, was aggressive, but the two just approached.


With a flick of my sleeve! Ye Qianli, who had hit dozens of first-order god-killing god patterns, gave the opponent a feast of god patterns, and severely injured Ying's first batch of diehard loyalists! The crippled and crippled seemed to have lost their combat effectiveness, and Ying Yuanchu was no exception.

"Soul strike!"

Liao Zongming followed closely, and gave a sour soul shock to the following group of Xinbanghui diehards, knocking them all unconscious to the ground.

"Eastern Emperor Bell!"

Not to be outdone, Gong Liuyun killed a group of members of the Xinbanghui, causing them to fall to the ground convulsively, foaming at the mouth after being shaken by the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Hey!" Jin Feng took Feng Ling to kill those middle and high-ranking saints Tianzun, and Long Yingyun followed closely behind, also invincible! Invincible.

Hua Qianfang's Shennong Cauldron was naturally able to hit one person at a time, and coupled with his equally good ability of divine patterns, his combat power was better than Liao Zongming and Gong Liuyun.

"..." |

The strong men who came to watch were stunned, and felt that the fighting power of these young people was far more brutal than they imagined.

Originally, they thought that this might be a close battle! The fierce battle will last for a long time, but judging from the current situation, the site of the Xinbanghui will be captured in less than a quarter of an hour.

And people think so...


Zhang Hongyu was beaten into a bloody waste fish, and smashed directly in front of the plaque of the Xinbanghui! It shows that the people who sit in the Xinbanghui are dead.


All the onlookers wiped off their cold sweat when they saw Mr. Rong Lang! Already hugging Yuxue's cute bald-headed baby, standing on the huge plaque of the Xinbanghui, the brocade clothes fluttering! Undoubtedly, he is a peerless and handsome man.

same moment!



Ye Qianli, Jin Feng and the others have also beaten all the loyal servants of the Xinbanghui, the loyal servants of the Ying family and the Shuang family, and these people are still thrown like fish! All of them were thrown out of Xinbanghui.

As for those scattered outside members of the Xinbanghui, they were naturally frightened and ran out of the meeting place early, and they all became onlookers. How dare they confront Ye Qianli and others?

Therefore, the entire Xinbanghui, which claimed to have 30,000 members, was wiped out by the 200 people led by Ye Qianli in less than a quarter of an hour.

This combat power! This speed is already making people speechless, not to mention that Hua Qianfang directly used a plaque of "Limenghui" and replaced it with the plaque of other people's Xinbanghui.

As for Zhang Hongyu, Ying Yuanchu and others who were forced to witness the "reign change", their faces were all dark as hell.

"President! How to deal with this group of people?" Chen Junjie was the first to change his tune and asked.

"If you roll their storage rings, everyone will stay away." Ye Qianli said, and those people's expressions became even more ugly when they heard it.

But they were so badly injured that they couldn't resist at all, and even Zhang Hongyu was robbed of resources! It's a pity that the reward he just got was robbed before he used up much, and he was humiliated to the extreme.

That's not even counting...

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