Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1161 Get out and die! 3 more

Following Zhang Hongyu and Xinbanghui's loyalists were thrown far away like salted fish! The onlookers should disperse further, so as not to be accidentally injured.

Wait for the last person to be thrown away! Xiao Yi'er, who participated in the embarrassment, hugged his father's long legs excitedly and shouted, "Dad! Throw it away, go! Throw it away."

Hearing this, Liao Zongming smiled and squatted down and said, "Yi'er, people are lost all the way, don't lose it, it takes a lot of effort, you should be hungry again in a while."

"Hahaha..." Jinfeng also laughed, "That's right! Yi'er, we've already won the victory, let's go and eat, don't lose it."

"Okay!" Xiao Yi'er, who was excited when he heard about the meal, of course would not refuse the delicious food, and Zhang Hongyu's resources eventually became the little guy's meal.

Some members of the powerful clan scattered in the distance were all sighing, but they didn't disperse. After all, Ye Qianli didn't leave after finishing the fight. She also built the Limenghui on the spot in the Xinbanghui meeting On the address, it was clearly stated that she was waiting for Yinggu to bring someone to kill her.

In addition, Renjie will always offer rewards for the capture of Ye Qianli and others, so Dong Daye will definitely bring people here, and there will definitely be more exciting battles here soon!

Moreover, not only the onlookers did not leave, but many strong men from various clans who had heard the news, or Tianjiao who had entered the Hongmeng cultivation field through the channels of various clans, were still rushing in one after another.


Characters on the Hongmeng list! They all showed up one after another.


"Then, who do you think that is? Then, isn't that Zhu, Zhu Yunwen!?" Some people also saw that Zhu Yunwen, who was ranked seventh on the Hongmeng list, also came.

This is the first one to come to the scene! In addition to Ye Qianli and others who were in the top ten of the Hongmeng list, and Zhu Yunwen's reputation as a handsome young man, many female cultivators were blown up.

"Ah! Zhu Yunwen! Zhu Yunwen—ah—my God! The male god in my heart, he is here, no way! I'm going to be out of breath."

"You are really ignorant, but forget it, you came late, and you were still fascinated by Zhu Yunwen because you didn't see Rong Langjun's magnificence. This lady is different! My current male god is Rong Langjun .”

"You guys are so flamboyant, I don't look at male sex, I adore Ye Qianli! She is really a proper goddess of attack, a mere beginner saint Tianzun, already a saint Tianzun is invincible."

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, but some clan arrogance knew secretly that Zhu Yunwen didn't just come for the crowd, he probably came for Xueyuan!

"It is said that after the map was refreshed, super inheritances appeared in the Xueyuan area. It seems to be true, otherwise Zhu Yunwen, who is in retreat, would not come out of the retreat." You clan Tianjiao said.

"What kind of super inheritance? Comparable to Cangwang's unique knowledge, and Fu Tiandijun's unique knowledge?" Someone asked disdainfully, but was scoffed, "It's more than comparable! It's far beyond it, and you haven't heard the news? "

"I haven't heard of it! Tell me what kind of inheritance it is?" The clan Tianjiao who heard it all started to inquire.

The person who broke the news whetted everyone's appetites, and then said eloquently, "Have you heard about the King of Ten Thousand Realms?"

"You mean the inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Domains? Impossible! Didn't Sage Tianqi have already obtained this inheritance? Why did his inheritance appear again?"

"Heh... Who knows if the news is true or not, but the inheritance or unique knowledge that appeared in Xueyuan is definitely left by the king of the ten thousand domains himself, just wait! The super talents from all walks of life will rush into the Hongmeng training ground soon , then the Hongmeng Cultivation Field will be even more lively."

The whistleblower asserted farsightedly, and the arrogances of all the clans felt that if the news was true, then the Hongmeng Cultivation Field would definitely usher in an unprecedented grand event.

I am afraid that the outstanding juniors from the twenty super clans will all rush to come! Sure enough, as soon as the Hongmeng list comes out, it means that the Hongmeng Xiuchang will usher in its heyday, and super talents from all walks of life will show up one after another.

Ye Qianli...

How long can she hold the top position of Hongmeng?

However, compared with this guess, all Tianjiao at present are only interested in the inheritance of the King of the Ten Thousand Realms, or their unique skills! I am more interested, after all, this person exists, but so far no one can surpass the extreme.

King of Ten Thousand Domains! Many people think that his cultivation should be higher than that of Pangu, the god of creation, because he started before chaos! is the originator.

But there were also people who didn't quite believe it, so they respectfully asked Zhu Yunwen, "Young Master Zhu, do you dare to ask about the fact that the inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Territories appeared in Xueyuan, is it true?"

Standing on the top of a building, Zhu Yunwen in white clothes responded in a gentle and elegant voice, "The wind does not come from the hole, the wind is not from the hole, it is true."


The scene immediately exploded even more violently, and the news, like flying eagles with wings, quickly spread to all directions, letting many people know about Xue Yuan.

Although there are rumors that Tianqisheng has obtained the inheritance of the king of ten thousand realms, neither Tianqisheng nor Tianshi have responded positively, so many people believe this news firmly! After all, there is Zhu Yunwen's evidence.

There are more than three thousand Zhu clans in the south, but they are a fortune-telling clan! The things predicted by them are usually facts, and certainly there will be no falsehoods.

But amidst the divergent opinions, there are two groups of people who have rushed from outside the city, with a mighty momentum! If there is a long river of Taotao rushing from the sky.


Surprised, many people in the city immediately looked outside the city, and vaguely recognized that these people were Yinggu who came from another city! Ying Shuang'er, Dong Daye and others.

Behind them, each brought a group of people with good fighting spirit! Especially the members of the Heroes Association brought by Dong's side are even more numerous and majestic.

"Here we come! Dong Daye has indeed come to the Hongmeng Training Ground, and what's more! Isn't the person next to him his uncle Dong Yunmin? The high-ranking domain master Dong Yunmin! He is also here."

"Wow! In addition to Dong Yunmin, the Dong family also has two domain masters. They died two domain masters, and there are still three domain masters in the training field. Such a powerful background."


At the scene, there was a lot of discussion about the two teams who came rushing in, but Yinggu was so angry that she just wanted to vomit blood when she saw that the Xinbanghui, which she had worked so hard to manage, had been renamed the Limenghui.

What's more, Zhang Hongyu was abolished! this……

"My surname is Rong! Get the hell out of here and die." Yinggu immediately yelled coldly. Zhang Hongyu was her most useful confidant, like her right-hand man, but was crippled by Rong Mo. How could she bear it? Wang exhorted you to add.

And Yinggu's voice had just finished drinking, and Dong Daye also yelled, "Who is Ye Qianli! Stretch out your neck and let your Grandpa Dong cut it!"

"Boom—" Dong Daye said this! The whistling of the sound waves contained the mystery, which made the whole city humming, showing its strength undoubtedly.

That's not even counting...

"Ye Qianli! Heaven's evil is forgivable, self-inflicted evil cannot live, you seek death, no one can blame anyone, today! It's your end." Ying Huan'er's voice was already stern, and she also exposed ! She seems to have advanced into the breath of a high-level saint.

ps: Those who have monthly tickets, please don’t save tickets, the list ranking is more important! Re-investment at the end of the month is like tasteless! grateful!

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