Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1162: Give away a little white flower! Libaba! 1 more

This surprised many peripheral members of Xinbanghui at the scene, because Ying Huaner advanced very quickly. You must know that she was only a middle-level saint before, and it took only three or four days to advance. ! ?

But at this moment!


The voice of Ye Qianli piercing through the air had also flashed out from the Limenghui, and the strong breath of combat power emitted by her was comparable to the breath of a high-ranking saint burst out by Ying Huaner. Signs of being run over.


Jinfeng, Longyingyun, Hua Qianfang, Liao Zongming, and Gong Liuyun who followed Ye Qianli all had a very good aura.

However, the Dong family has a large number of people, and Dong has many peak-level saints, as well as three half-step domain masters, the overall momentum is still crushing Ye Qianli and others.

What's more, just after Ye Qianli appeared, Dong Yunmin, the high-ranking domain master of Dong's side, had already stared at her and asked, "You are Ye Qianli?"

He saw that among the other group of young people, Ye Qianli was not only the first to appear out of nowhere, she also had a vague aura of a leader, and the people around her obviously looked up to her, even if she was just a beginner. Holy One, this is exactly what the sources say.

It's just that his question got Ye Qianli's sarcasm and asked back, "What? Your Mrs. Dong has pasted my avatar publicly and offered a reward, but your old man doesn't recognize Ben, Madam? Your eyesight is 'very commendable'."


"Hugh is rude!"

The sage on Dong's side immediately reprimanded Ye Qianli, only thinking that although this girl is beautiful, she is vulgar and rude! I heard that she is still a goddess of the Taiyi tribe? Unexpectedly, the Taiyi clan has fallen to this point, and there is no family etiquette at all.

But Ye Qianli said coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, you are coming to our Li League meeting today, don't you just want to see my lady's demeanor, if so! Then you have all seen it, you can get out."

"Arrogance!" Dong Yunmin snorted, and said to Dong Daye, "Daye, this little girl is not worth your shot. You deal with that little phoenix and little creeping dragon. Leave the yellow-haired girl to the girl from the Ying family. , I, Dong Shierlang, will deal with it."

"Yes, Uncle." Dong Daye responded respectfully, and shouted at Jinfeng and Long Yingyun, "Jinfeng! Long Yingyun, come out, I just came to the Hongmeng training ground, and I haven't made a move yet, so use The two of you helped me get on the Hongmeng list."

"That depends on whether you have the strength! Just let the horse come here." Jin Feng Yiran rebuked without fear, and sacrificed her Phoenix Blood Divine Bow! It makes her heroic and valiant, especially neat.

Long Yingyun held a golden spear in his hand when his fighting spirit exploded. On it, there was a dragon soul whistling and galloping, like a living dragon lingering in it.

"Phoenix Blood God Bow, Dragon Teng Spear! Not bad." Dong Daye shouted with bright eyes, and he was already attacking Jinfeng and Long Yingyun, extremely domineering.

"The phoenix rises, the clouds and the wind blow!" The golden phoenix immediately soared nine thousand miles, and drew its bow and poised to attack Dong Daye, who was about to catch up.

"Crazy Dragon Twenty-Three Styles!" Long Yingyun also erupted in an instant, the strongest dragon spinning body technique of his family, devouring Dong Dadong, controlling him, and giving Jinfeng room to shoot arrows.

At the scene, there was a majestic and magnificent dragon and phoenix resounding in the world, which made many onlookers very happy to see it. Even Zhu Yunwen praised, "Jinfeng is worthy of her name. Her physical and combat skills are already proficient." Incomparable, already wanting to unite with the power of the phoenix."

"Long Yingyun is also good. It is said that the twenty-three moves of the mad dragon are the most difficult to learn for the dragons of the West Sea. Ordinary dragons can only comprehend the twenty-three moves, and they cannot understand all the twenty-three moves." Evaluating Long Yingyun.

Let the spectators at the scene know that Jinfeng and Longyingyun are indeed the fourth and sixth existences on the Hongmeng list, and they are both very outstanding! With the power of middle-level and high-level saints, Dong Daye, who is a half-step domain lord, can be held back.


"Ye Qianli, you are screaming so wildly! Still not playing yet?!" Ying Huan'er's voice hit Ye Qianli once again amidst the crowd's discussion.

"Please, I'm not in a hurry." Ye Qianli said Shi Shiran, as if she didn't pay much attention to Ying Huaner, but the magic box reminded her bullet screen, "Be careful, don't act foolishly." Yes! This Ying Huaner seems to have acquired some kind of treasure again."

"Oh?" Ye Qianli's eyes brightened slightly! Let the magic box choke silently for a while.

But the perception of the magic box is really as good as ever, because Ying Huan'er really has an ancient aura! Yinglong's dagger with steaming breath.

"!" Rong Mo Dun looked at the short sword, just like the last time Yinglong Dao appeared, the unconscious Dragon Emperor also reacted to this short sword.

It can be seen that Yinglong, who was relatively close to the Dragon Emperor's time, was very helpful in its recovery. In addition, the Ying family where Ying Huan'er lived was a descendant of the ancient Yinglong, and there were many Yinglong treasures in its collection.

In this way...

"Sure enough! Er idiot, this thing is the same as that Yinglong Saber, and it should be good for that big black dragon. I was thinking that you shouldn't rush to kill Ying Huaner, a little white flower. If you have nothing to do, just humiliate her and trample her. It couldn't be better if she comes to give you baby every day."

After playing the magic box like this, I think it is very clever! Use it to the best of its ability, when this little white flower is useless, it won't be too late to clean it up.

"It's reasonable, it's rare that you said something human." For the first time, Ye Qianli felt that the "contribution" of the magic box didn't trick her anymore, and it wasn't so cheap.

But she had just finished praising the magic box, and Ying Huan'er had already thrown a dagger in her face! The aura is fierce, breaking through the gap, destroying the spiritual energy in the space to be burned into five-colored fireworks.


There is also a condensed shadow of Yinglong's soul, carrying the burning firework, directly towards Ye Qianli's chest, extremely fierce and fierce! The people who saw the scene were all heartbroken.

"Princess be careful!" Gong Liuyun shouted anxiously, because he seemed to be distracted by Ye Qianli? ! What time is this, and you are still distracted! ?


But there was a ghost drawing talisman, at the moment when Gong Liuyun was impatient, and at the moment when the dagger was about to stab Ye Qianli, like transparent tadpoles, it had already condensed in front of Ye Qianli.

"Cangwang's unique knowledge! The divine pattern of making characters." The scene suddenly burst into an uproar, and even Yinggu's pupils shrank slightly and her face sank.

Because although Ye Qianli also used Cangwang's unique skills in the maze meeting, the power and spirituality of that meeting were far inferior to today's complete character-making divine pattern.

And the divine pattern of creating characters, it will be revealed immediately! As a treasure trove that people flock to, it possesses extraordinary and powerful features.


As Ying Huan'er's dagger pierced into the character-making divine pattern, all the attacks of the dagger! It was stuck into it, like a stone sinking into the sea, without splashing a little water.


However, Ying Huan'er let out a coquettish drink, and her eyes gleamed with a bright platinum light! The dagger shone brightly in response, and its aura was in urgent need of a surge.

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