Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1167: Winning the Crown Prince's Heartfelt Wife! [clear ticket

"Okay, I will visit your father again in the future." Sage Tianqi said with satisfaction, and at the same time shook his fist at Yinggu, "I have met Xueyin in Xueyuan, and I will greet Xuewang."

"That's it! Very good!" Ying Gu said these four words almost gnashing her teeth, and then she helped Ying Huan'er and said, "Let's go."

But after a while, after the members of Dong's Outstanding Talents Association left in disgrace, Yinggu and others also left in disgrace. This is the energy of Tianqisheng.

The Tianjiao of all the clans at the scene sighed secretly, no wonder there were rumors that the Tianqi Sage had been inherited as the King of the Ten Thousand Territories, and he really had the coquettish demeanor to dominate the Ten Thousand Territories.


"Qianli, it's over here, can you invite me to sit in your Limenghui?" But the Tianqisheng at this meeting asked slowly, still in a proper relationship, and didn't intend to ask for credit.

Even Ye Qianli couldn't refuse, and could only say, "Brother Qi Sheng, please."

"Please." Sheng Tianqi raised his hand to let Ye Qianli go first, quite like a gentleman.

Ye Qianli didn't refuse anymore, she led the people to walk towards Rong Mo and his son, but she only took two steps, but a gentle voice came down from the sky, "President Li, wait a moment."

Hearing that Ye Qianli's heart was agitated, everyone saw that Zhu Yunwen had fallen into the sky, and they clenched their fists at Ye Qianli and said in a salute, "Miss Ye, I wonder if your Limeng meeting can recruit people?"

"Of course, Mr. Zhu wants to join?" Ye Qianli asked, and she could know from the discussion of the crowd that the young master in white clothes fluttering in front of her, who looked like a gentleman, was the mysterious master of the Southern Three Thousand Regions. Shu clan - after the Zhu family.

"Not bad." Zhu Yunwen also nodded.

It caused an uproar among the spectators outside the stadium again, no one expected it! Zhu Yunwen, a solo traveler, unexpectedly joined the newly established Limenghui.

However, the Limenghui's battle today has clearly demonstrated their strength, and with the Tian clan as their backer, their development will surely flourish in the future.

Thinking of this, many clan arrogances have shouted, "I also want to join the Li League."

But Ye Qianli raised his voice and explained, "My Limeng Club is very different from other clubs. It only accepts valid members, that is, those who join the club must obey my Ye Qianli's orders, and those who violate it will be held accountable! And you cannot withdraw from the club. Join, live and die together.

Of course, this not only constrains you, but also me. As long as you are a member of our Limenghui, if you are treated unfairly after joining the association, or are brutally hunted down, our Limenghui will help you. efficient. "

"Uh..." Many clan arrogances suddenly lost their enthusiasm, and some people asked, "What about Mr. Zhu? Does he also need to abide by this rule?"

"Of course, if Mr. Zhu is unwilling, then you don't have to join the club, as if you didn't say anything before." Ye Qianli also clasped the conditions to Zhu Yunwen, but the latter said it didn't matter and was willing to abide by the rules.

As for Jinfeng and Longyingyun, before Ye Qianli could say anything, Jinfeng had already said, "These rules are excellent, our Limeng Society needs such daring companions."

And Chen Junjie, the director of the Limenghui, immediately shouted wittily, "Petition to join our Limenghui, the geniuses who fight side by side with our president and Jinfeng vice president, come here to fill out the form."

"Anyway, if you don't join this club, you have to join other clubs. It's not a problem to fish in troubled waters." There are a few clans who are proud to join, and most of them are female cultivators. After all, Zhu Yunwen has his own traffic, but overall there are only ten or twenty people who are willing to join on the spot .

Seeing Ye Qianli, she looked at Zhu Yunwen with a smile and said, "Thanks to you."

"President Li is laughing at you." Zhu Yunwen cupped his hands and walked towards Limenghui by himself. He didn't say anything to Tianqisheng, but he nodded with Tianqisheng after explaining that he wanted to join the meeting. seen.

"Please." Ye Qianli once again welcomed Saint Tianqi, and Rong Mo had already walked over with his child in his arms, and his landlord's style was undoubtedly evident.

Ye Qianli said to Tian Qisheng without thinking, "This is my husband, Rong Mo, and this is my son, Rong Yi."

"Young Master Rong." Tian Qisheng took a subtle look at Rong Mo. He had indeed known about Rong Mo's existence for a long time, but he thought that his uncle was exaggerating.

Now it seems that this person has real talent, as for this kid...

"Yi'er, you look so good, like sister Qianli." Tian Qisheng praised.

"No! Like dad!" Xiao Rongyi protested shamelessly.

"Heh..." Tian Qisheng just smiled and said nothing, his eyes glanced at Jiang Yu, Ye Qianli took advantage of the opportunity to introduce Jiang Yu, and even called Jin Feng, Feng Ling, Long Yingyun and others over to greet him Go back to the league.

After entering the conference hall on the second floor of the Li League, Zhu Yunwen said bluntly, "President Li must have heard about Xue Yuan."

"Not bad." Ye Qianli nodded in response.

"I wonder if President Li wants to go?" Zhu Yunwen asked.

Ye Qianli said, "Not yet."

"Then when you decide to go, call me to go with you, and I will find a place to live in the meeting." Zhu Yunwen said very simply, and it also showed that he chose to join the Limenghui because of Xue Yuan.

"Okay, Mr. Zhu, please do as you please." Ye Qianli didn't say much, she still had some reservations about Xue Yuan and his party, she wanted to find out more clearly, and would not make a decision hastily.

But Tianqisheng stood up and said, "Since that's the case, then I won't stay any longer. When Qianli decides to go to Xueyuan, you can just find someone to send a message to me. I've been in the Tiandihui recently."

"You want to go with me too?" Ye Qianli was a little surprised. Doesn't Tianqisheng need to lead the Tiandihui people?

"Depending on the situation, although Tiandihui will choose someone to go, I usually don't go with you. This time, I would like to go with you, Qianli." Tianqisheng also said frankly.

Ye Qianli felt it when she heard it! It's really weird.

But Tian Qisheng had already left, so she asked Long Yingyun to give it to him, but she didn't send it off in person, because she already felt that this person was weird, so why would she send him off?

"Go." Jinfeng said seriously to Ye Qianli after everyone left, "Although the trip to Xueyuan is risky, it is worth the risk. There is indeed knowledge related to the King of Ten Thousand Realms."

Hearing Ye Qianli frowned slightly, she heard Rong Mo say, "Go and see."

"Okay then." Although Ye Qianli didn't know that place well, her highness was going there, so there was no big problem, but she was still a little worried about the transparent arrow.

But Jinfeng has already teased and said, "Hey! You hesitate to say what I say. As soon as your husband says it, you go ahead. It's really a husband and wife, so I won't bother you, I will go first Rest, Qianli, little sister~"

A pretentious "Sister Qianli" suddenly woke up Ye Qianli and looked at Rong Mo, who called out with a half-smile, "Sister Qianli."


"Who is it!?" Jin Feng's voice came out in surprise at this moment! Not only is it dignified, but it also contains a sense of dread and fear, which makes Ye Qianli mention it! The person followed the sound and flashed out.

ps: Babies, a big red envelope has been issued for the monthly pass, and the monthly pass can be claimed! [I didn't expect to see it when I posted the article, and our mad doctor has returned to the first place, come on~ I love you, Xiao Yier will go to warm your beds at night~]

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