Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1168: The Purpose of Tian Qi Sheng! 1 more

Rong Mo also appeared with Xiao Yi'er in his arms, and saw a strange black mist approaching Jin Feng, but before he could make a move, the monstrous mist had dissipated.

So Ye Qianli, who appeared a step later, only sensed a faint demonic aura, but did not see the cloud of demonic mist, let alone any other unknown traces, so she asked, "Jinfeng, what did you see?" ?”

"I don't know what it is." Jin Feng also felt very strange. At that moment just now, she felt that the demon mist seemed to penetrate into her body, but as soon as Rong Mo and his son came out, the demon mist dissipated.

"Youxiong, you might want to suck the evil fire in your body, so be careful." Rong Mo asserted, after all, although Jinfeng's kung fu is of the fiery attribute, she swallowed four kinds of yin attribute fire, It is the sacred fire that many demons and spirits love.

Hearing that Ye Qianli sacrificed a ray of fire with her backhand, it was not her Nine Heavens Profound Fire, but a wisp of purple faint purple sky fire. Seeing the light in Jinfeng's eyes, she said in surprise, "This Is it Dong Dacheng's power of fire?"

"That's right, here it is for you, just to neutralize the yin and yang imbalance in your body, and then we'll go to Xueyuan together." Ye Qianli said with a smile, and handed the wisp of fire to Jinfeng.

Jinfeng said without hypocrisy, "Okay! Then I won't be polite, thank you very much." After saying this, she had released the fire of nirvana, devouring the ray of crape myrtle sky fire.

"Go to retreat." Ye Qianli waved her hand and said, not caring at all.

Fengling, who also heard the sound not far away, was quite moved. He knew very well that even though Ye Qianli already had the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, Ziwei Heaven Fire was still useful to her, not to mention that Ye Qianli's Nine Heavens Profound Fire It's not easy, if it devours Ziwei Skyfire, it will become stronger.

But Ye Qianli didn't do that, instead, he gave the Ziwei Sky Fire to the eldest lady, and asked the eldest lady to balance the unbalanced fire power in her body.

The point is, neither he nor the eldest lady knew beforehand that while killing Dong Dacheng, Ye Qianli also kept Dong Dacheng's power of fire, so if she didn't give it away, neither he nor the eldest lady would. I know, I will still be with her.

But she gave it away without any deliberate intention, just like giving a handful of firewood to the neighbor to fuel the fire, so simple and casual, but she treats each other sincerely.

"Miss has made a worthy friend this time." Fengling Laohuai thought about it with great comfort, and then quietly withdrew, only thinking that after returning to the clan, it is necessary to have a good talk with the clan leader and clan elders.

But Ye Qianli, who really gave it away very casually, didn't take it to heart. If it wasn't for the fear that others would doubt the beauty of her Nine Heavens Profound Fire, she would have wanted to give Jin Feng a wisp of Nine Heavens Profound Fire power, anyway, she With the physical Nine Heavens Profound Fire, it's okay to give it a wisp.

She was looking for something to say to her highness in the middle of an awkward chat, "Is Yi'er asleep?"

Because she was a little embarrassed, she was talking, and she leaned over to look at it. The sleeping child, she saw that the little boy was breathing evenly, his nose moved slightly with his breath, and his red and tender mouth pouted once in a while, so cute .

"Your Highness, Yi'er really looks like you, so cute and beautiful." Ye Qianli boasted, with a soft smile in her voice.

"The eyes are like yours." Rong Mo said softly, and Ye Qianli was taken aback because she didn't have purple eyes.

But Rong Mo has already stretched out his hand to gently lift her jaw, and then caressed her eyes and said, "When you are fully concentrated, you will be as crystal as glass and as sharp as a leopard."

Ye Qianli took advantage of the opportunity to circle her Highness's narrow waist, then leaned on him and asked, "Then did you fall in love with my eyes first?"

"..." Rong Mo didn't say a word, just leaned over, and put his handsome face close to the person who was looking up and smiling at him, but he didn't kiss him.

When the four eyes met, Rong Mo said, "Well, your whole body is so dirty, only these eyes are left to see."

Ye Qianli was slightly startled when she heard that, and she knew that he was talking about the time in Tianyu Palace, when he chased and killed "her house", she was really in a mess at that time.


"You lied! You clearly wanted to kill me at that meeting, why did you set your sights on me?" Ye Qianli was sure that he had murderous intentions for her at that meeting, and she was so frightened that she racked her brains and managed to get away with it.

But Rong Mo raised his eyebrows and asked back, "If I really want to kill you, but there is no evidence, and the night is dark and the wind is high, who would have thought it was me?"

"..." Ye Qianli was speechless, after all, this guy was very strong back then! Her uncle Ye Fengtian was no match for him at all, if he did something secretly, no one would know it was him, even if they knew! What can we say without evidence?

Besides the evidence, he can fake it and put the blame on Su Lianhua's female cousin, even if her grandfather comes back to find trouble! I can't find his head, he is so smart, he will definitely be able to pick himself off.


"Your Highness fell in love with me at first sight?" Ye Qianli excitedly wrapped her legs around the narrow waist of her beautiful prince, and hooked her hands around his neck.

Rong Mo just smiled and said, "I'm attracted by you." If he hadn't been attracted at first sight, he wouldn't have paid attention to him, he was so busy and in such a hurry.

"Hey, you can't coax me into saying it was love at first sight!" Ye Qianli said coquettishly while avoiding the sleeping child, leaning against her Highness's arms.

Rong Mo hugged these two leopards, big and small, and subconsciously hugged the rare and delicate little mother leopard tightly. He kissed the brows and eyes with love in his heart, "This is not in line with your and my development. You can say that you lose your mind and body after sleeping."

"It's a good deal!" Ye Qianli smiled and kissed her highness on the lips, but was avoided again, but her highness had already carried her back to the room, apparently feeling that the outside was too "exposing" and would not tease her .

But what she didn't know was that someone was actually watching! Only this time, the person watching is not Rong Mo's "Butterflies" and the like, but her "Big Bee"—— Tian Qisheng.

Standing alone in the distance, Tianqisheng, who saw this scene with special eye skills, was expressionless, but his slightly clenched hands still revealed part of his thoughts.

After a while, he disappeared from the spot. No one knew exactly what he was thinking, why he fell in love with Ye Qianli, and whether it was because of her status as the goddess of Taiyi.

Considering Tianqisheng's current height, he doesn't seem to need to do anything he doesn't want to do in order to marry a goddess of the Taiyi tribe.

So why he treats Ye Qianli like this, no one can guess, and neither does Rong Mo, but no matter why the other party is, he will never! Let the little female leopard on the tip of his heart have any "mistakes".

This is his little mother leopard, no matter who it is or what it is for, whether it is sincere or false, they will never take away his heart and soul.

As far as he is concerned, Ye Qianli, his wife, is his life, whoever wants to take it, he will fight! Life, and even if it is desperate, it will not be given out, die! Also want to dominate.

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