Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1169 Bedside godwife! Snow Abyss Strange Saint 2 More

A few days later, in the cold northern snow-capped mountains that were originally inaccessible and frigid, there were already many arrogances of clans marching forward in small groups or in mighty formations.


Xiao Yi'er's voice sounded cute in this silent world of ice and snow, because he saw the rainbow on the snow mountain and thought it was so beautiful.

And recently, this kind of similar gorgeous celestial phenomenon has been continuously performed from the Xueyuan area, indicating that there are "treasures" here.

However, Xiao Yi'er, who was as tender as glutinous rice flour balls, Rong Mo in brocade clothes who was holding him, and the stunning Ye Qianli beside him, in the eyes of the surrounding Tianjiao, it was a landscape that surpassed the rainbow.

In addition, Zhu Yunwen, Jiang Yu, Jinfeng, Long Yingyun, Hua Qianfang, Liao Zongming, and Gong Liuyun were all well-colored romantic figures, and the arrogance of the clans around them were a little dizzy.

"There are handsome men and beauties in this Limenghui, and most of them are handsome young men, who are really eye-catching!" Some female cultivators couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and some wanted to join Limenghui.

Even though the rules of the Limenghui are very strict, when he thinks of being able to be with so many handsome young men every day, it feels like "dead under the peony flower, even a ghost is romantic"!

"Qianli, your son is so beautiful, how did you give birth." Jinfeng asked with a sigh, she also wanted a good son who was so beautiful and cute, smart and witty, and a thief.


Ye Qianli didn't know how to answer these words, but Long Yingyun at the side gave Jin Feng a look, there was no deep meaning in that look.

But earlier this time someone was saying, "Look! This is Xueyuan."

"It's not too deep, but it seems that there are taboos in it. It feels mysterious and dangerous. Don't panic, let's take a look."

The Tianjiao of the clan who went ahead did not rush into the abyss, everyone was discerning, and could see that there was an aura of divine pattern taboos on the snow ladder leading to the abyss, and it would definitely be cold to rush forward. .

St. Tianqi didn't go down either, but he didn't avoid the snow ladder, but was waiting for someone. There were hundreds of people standing behind him, all of them were geniuses of various clans including Tianshi. Many clan geniuses were worried. If you enter Xueyuan alone, you will encounter accidents.

So not long ago, Tianjiao of the clan asked Tianqisheng to take the lead to lead them to explore Xueyuan together. Therefore, Tianqisheng sent a message to Ye Qianli that he could not go with her, but he could help each other.

Ye Qianli didn't care at all, she was quite happy that he didn't go with her! After all, she already knew Tian Qisheng's intentions, especially after being "taught" in bed by her highness that night, she knew even more.


"Qianli, you are here, I have been waiting for a long time." When Tian Qisheng saw Ye Qianli and his party, he took the initiative to say hello, which made Ye Qianli feel his scalp go numb.

"Heh..." She could only greet with a half-smile, "Brother Qi is safe and sound."

"Let's go together?" Tian Qisheng invited.

But behind him, a large group of clan arrogances sized up Ye Qianli, and whispered, "She is Ye Qianli, the number one in the Hongmeng list? I don't think her cultivation is very good."

"Never mind anything else, haven't you noticed that Tian Qisheng treats her with special respect? Even though she knows that she has a husband, she is still very close, which shows that there must be something extraordinary about her."

"Pfft, I think it looks good, don't look at that waist..." Some people wanted to insult Ye Qianli, but he soon found that he couldn't say what he said later, no matter what he said, it was just no sound? !

This made Tian Qisheng immediately look at Rong Mo, and saw a flash of strange blue light in the latter's eyes, and he knew that it was Rong Mo who "made a move".

Rong Mo did make a move, and the clan's arrogance found out immediately! Not only was he unable to speak, but he also lost his eyesight. He was so panicked that he hurriedly grabbed the people around him, but he was unable to speak, so that everyone didn't know what was going on with him.

Tian Qisheng cupped his hands and said to Rong Mo, "Young Master Rong, don't be serious, it's all just a joke, and he doesn't mean anything malicious, so please be merciful, Young Master Rong."

Then everyone looked at Rong Mo in unison, but heard the latter say coldly, "If you don't look at it, you will be blind; if you don't speak, you will be dumb; if you don't think, you will die. "

The previous ones are all right, they are just talking about the unlucky clan arrogance, but the last seven words! Rong Mo said it while looking at Tian Qisheng, as a warning! There is no doubt about it.

Surprised, those who were greeting Tianjiao of the unlucky clan at the scene all looked at Tianqisheng in silence, thinking that the two were about to confront each other.

really! "The revenge of taking one's wife" is irreconcilable, even if it's only intentional, any bloody person can't stand it.

A few days ago, people were still saying that Mr. Rong Lang didn't seem to have any hostility towards Tianqi Sheng, so he might have to bear with it. After all, the Tian clan was too strong, so he took advantage of it today to explode.

It seems that it wasn't that he didn't have an attack before, but that he didn't find the point of the attack! Today, this unlucky clan's celestial arrogance has become a point for him to vent and target Tian Qisheng.

Who let this person stand in Tianqisheng's camp, and Tianqisheng was lucky enough to speak for him, so he took it for granted that he was "greyed" by Rong Mo.

But Tian Qisheng is also a capable person, he still said without changing his face, "It seems that Mr. Rong loves Qian Li very much, I hope you will always be like this."

These words are quite meaningful, it seems to be warning Rong Mo not to change his mind, he is like a brother; it seems to say provocatively, you may not be able to protect this person like this all the time.

"Don't worry about it." Rong Mo responded indifferently, no longer looked at Tian Qisheng, only glanced at the snowy abyss, and with one hand, he pulled the people around him to him without a trace, "Gu Shi "The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Ye Qianli didn't say anything and approached her highness, and she became more suspicious of Tianqisheng. If there is a reason why she didn't think about it before, it's not without reason.

After all, she is a married woman, what kind of beauty does a genius like Tian Qisheng want? Why focus on her, a married woman? So she didn't think about it at all, and it turned out...


What this person said made Ye Qianli feel very uncomfortable. What does it mean to "hope you can always be like this" and curse her highness to die early? Bah, bah, bah, bad luck poured back.

But there was a majestic dragon's roar, just when Ye Qianli was slandering the heavenly saint, it came from far and near and fell in front of everyone.

A group of powerful men full of monsters appeared in everyone's field of vision under the leadership of a green-haired beauty, and this green-haired beauty is not only hot, but also full of monsters! She is dressed in a unique and slim battle armor, which makes her even more seductive and eye-catching.

Seeing that many men Xiu Xiu on the field felt hot, but the enchanting green-haired beauty stared at Long Yingyun on Ye Qianli's side, and called out arrogantly, "Long Yingyun, you haven't come to my side yet."

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