Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1170 Mysterious Appearance! Grandpa Yier 3 more

Such an attitude, coupled with the fact that there was still a ray of pure dragon aura hidden in the other party's monster aura, made Ye Qianli immediately guess the other party's identity, she should be Longxuannv.

As for Long Yingyun, who was being yelled at, he glanced at the other party, and then responded indifferently, "Xuannv's cultivation base has improved again, no wonder she can be ranked fifth on the Hongmeng list, but she has not yet Qualified to serve as my young master."

"Hey!" Long Xuannv sneered and said, "I'm giving you a chance to show off, if you don't cherish it yourself, then tell your father not to kneel and lick my father, and let my father recruit you as his son-in-law."

Some words! Speaking of which, Long Yingyun's handsome face suddenly sank, the South China Sea Dragon Clan is not as good as the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and his father had always hoped that he could marry Long Xuannv as his wife and consider for future generations, but he never meant that! After all, his heart belongs to him.


Before Long Yingyun could say anything, Jinfeng sighed exaggeratedly and said, "Tsk tsk, Qianli, do you know what a fairy looks like?"

"What?" Ye Qianli responded wittily after a sudden realization.

"Look over there!" Jin Feng pointed at Long Xuannv and said, "That's it! She is a fairy, and all men in the world love her! She is the most beautiful."

Having said that, Long Xuannv proudly puffed up her chest and said, "You, the golden phoenix, have eyesight."

"That's it!" After Jinfeng finished speaking, he turned to Qisheng, "Brother Qisheng, why didn't you show yourself in front of the heavenly immortal? Because of your cultivation base and first-class appearance, the heavenly immortal will definitely give you a chance." of."

Hearing this, Long Xuannv felt something was wrong! What's more, Tian Qisheng said disdainfully, "I don't like a woman who can do her best."

"You..." Long Xuannv's face suddenly turned blue, but she didn't dare to slander Tian Qisheng, so she could only stare at Jin Feng, "Are you looking for death?"

"Oh! Heavenly Immortal, I praised you, how can you hate me like this? Don't let people praise you, it's better to be scolded? Bitch?" Jin Feng said sarcastically.

"You..." After Long Xuannv took a deep breath, she looked at Long Yingyun playfully, "It seems that this is your current concubine, I didn't care about it before, but since you want to marry me now , broke off with her in front of my face."


Jin Feng's face darkened! She opened her mouth to be angry. She was not a person who would make her suffer, but she hadn't spoken yet.

Long Yingyun took the first step and said, "No matter what my father thinks, Tianxian, don't worry, I, Long Yingyun, don't mean anything to you. I already have a loved one, and I'm with her now, so don't bother to give me your love." Opportunity, please give the opportunity to others."

As soon as this statement comes out! Many people subconsciously looked at Jinfeng, and Ye Qianli pushed Jinfeng's shoulder with her shoulder, and winked and said, "Hey! My beloved, who is it?"

"Don't talk!" Jin Feng was about to cover Ye Qianli's mouth, not to let her speak, because Jin Feng could vaguely realize who Long Yingyun was talking about, but...

"It's the golden phoenix." Long Yingyun answered Ye Qianli's words, and there was a strange cry at the scene, and many people sent blessings.

After all, Long Yingyun and Jinfeng are very compatible at first glance, and the two clans are in the Southern Three Thousand Regions, and their friendship is not bad. If they can be successful, they will be a good match for marriage.

"Shut up!" Jin Feng refused to let Long Yingyun say.

Long Yingyun really shut up obediently, and then Jinfeng breathed a sigh of relief and thumped Ye Qianli's shoulder, she didn't think about anything! This dead girl just teases her.



Long Xuannv was furious, but she really couldn't do anything to Jinfeng, she could only stare at Long Yingyun and say, "You will regret it!"

"I won't." Long Yingyun replied crisply, and was so angry that Long Xuannv fled to the front without seeing her, but not many people dared to laugh at her.

Long Xuannv, a half-step domain master, is the fifth existence in the Hongmeng list, and it is not the turn of ordinary people to comment.

However, after Long Xuannv, another group of people came to the scene. Although it was only three people forming a group, it caused a lot of heated discussions, and Ye Qianli paid special attention to it.

"It's You Nu, Kun Zhan, and Yue Nu. You Nu just replaced Dong Dadong's name and made it tenth on the Hongmeng list, Kun Zhan was twelve, and Yue Nu was thirteen. These three are high-ranking saints. Zhan The strength is above the half-step domain master, what a strong combination."

"Indeed, it seems that Xueyuan is really dangerous. The top talents are forming a group. Fortunately, we begged Brother Qi to lead us, otherwise it will be difficult for us to move forward."


These discussions made Ye Qianli focus on Kun Zhan and Yue Nu, because the former was born very tall! Taller than the average person, she subconsciously thought of Kunlun God.

And on that Moon Slave, she could vaguely perceive a kind of solemnity of sacrifice, which also reminded her instinctively of the Moon God, so she passed on her thoughts and asked the magic box, "Beyond the heavens, is there a moon clan?" people?"

"Yes, there is indeed a bloodline similar to that of the Moon God flowing in this person, and the one named Kunzhan is definitely a descendant of the giant race." The magic box did not have a hole this time, it said very reliably.

But at this meeting, Long Xuannv said decisively at the front, "The taboo level on this road is too high, and it is impossible to go down. It is rumored that Xue Yin has been in it for many years. He must not go on like this."

Hearing this, Sheng Tianqi also fell into deep thought. He thought to himself that with the protection of Yuli, it would be no problem to forcibly walk across this taboo snow ladder, but his younger brother Tian Qiyu and others might not be able to make it through.

But Xueyin is not yet the domain master, how did he get down? Tian Qisheng was puzzled...

However, there came out from Xueyuan, a powerful voice that Rong Mo, Ye Qianli and others did not feel unfamiliar with, "There are hundreds of taboo gods on this road, and the power of each one alone is not counted." horrible.

But when they are derived and influenced together, they will form the strongest blocking force in the world, and the more they get to the end, the more difficult it is to move forward! The domain king is still unbreakable. "

"Your Excellency, are you joking? If the king of the domain is unbreakable, what is the significance of the inheritance here?" Saint Tianqi asked disapprovingly.

"Have I finished?" Wei Ba's voice asked coldly, as if he was quite dissatisfied with Tian Qisheng's self-righteous interruption.

Tian Qisheng waved his hand indifferently and said, "Your Excellency, please continue."

The mighty voice continued, "Although one person cannot break through all the divine patterns, what about ten people? Twenty or a hundred people? As long as there are cooperators working together, all the divine patterns can be broken at the same time, and they cannot interact with each other. It’s not a hard road to walk.”

"Can't be broken by one person? I'm afraid not." Tian Qisheng replied with a light smile, but he was thinking in his heart, could it be that Xue Yin broke the hundred divine lines alone?

But there was no response from Xueyuan, only Xiao Rongyi was pointing at Xueyuan, and shouted at his father, "Master! Master! Go! Go!"

ps: The last three days of this month! Please be sure to rummage through the box and clear out the monthly pass for Yier as a meal. Those who voted yesterday will receive a Yier brand warm baby tonight. Please check it~

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