Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1171 If you don't do it, you won't die! hug grandpa legs 1 more

Hearing that everyone was slightly surprised, Ye Qianli took Xiaoer's hand and said, "Yes, that's a grandpa talking, we'll be there in a while, don't worry."

"Oh~" Xiao Yi'er withdrew his hand and obediently stopped urging his father, so everyone didn't "think too much", and all rushed towards the snow ladder, preparing to comprehend the divine pattern on it.

Tian Qisheng also greeted him and said, "Qianli, let's go too."

"Brother Qisheng has a lot of people, so I invite you first." Ye Qianli politely shirked. Before she knew the real purpose of this person, she really couldn't immediately "turn her face and deny him", so she could only play around first.

Tianqi Sheng didn't bother, he led all the clan's arrogances behind him, rushed to the snow ladder, and ordered, "Everyone, please understand a thing or two, and work together to break the road."

"Yes, brother Qisheng." Only then did the Tianjiao of the Bailai Clan approach the snow ladder one after another, using their spiritual power to infiltrate the divine pattern on it, and Tian Qiyu was entrusted with the important task of thinking about the evolution of the "big picture".

There are also combinations such as Younu, Kunzhan, and Yuenu who bravely climbed up the snow ladder without fear, first walking step by step, and then cracking step by step.

"Let's go too, let's take a look at each other first, and then exchange ideas?" Ye Qianli said to the people around him.

"Okay." Jin Feng and the others had no objections, and their group followed up.

Rong Mo touched the bald head of the little leopard in his arms, and signaled the little guy to be calm, so the little one lay down in his arms more relaxedly.

Ye Qianli has already walked up to the snow ladder at this moment, and focused her mental power on her right eye to observe carefully, and saw that the snow ladder has a thousand steps, and every ten steps has a complete divine pattern, divine pattern and divine pattern They seem to be inscribed independently, but they influence each other and their attributes are integrated.

Let these divine lines look like each one contains the power of the nine lines, and the more they stack up! The more stamina is infinite and continuous, no wonder there is a saying that the king of the domain is unbreakable.

But Ye Qianli only noticed one of the mysteries, and then heard that familiar Weiba voice shouted out of nowhere again, "It's not right for you to do this!"

Hearing that she subconsciously diverted her attention from the snow ladder, she saw a black light and shadow flashing from the snow abyss to Tian Qisheng who had already walked down the snow ladder.

Immediately afterwards, a nine-foot-long man! Wearing a plain black warrior uniform and a jade belt with a dark gold dragon pattern around his waist, the middle-aged uncle appeared in everyone's eyes.

And he exudes a domineering and mighty aura all over his body, at the same moment! It was like a solid piercing into the hearts and souls of everyone present!

next moment!


Thousands of living beings present have prostrated themselves to worship the ground, even the Heavenly Strange Saint, he bowed down to this middle-aged man in a trance moment, this is an instinct! An instinct that cannot be resisted at all.

It seems that they are worshiping their creator gods, there is no suspense! He bowed to the bottom without any struggle, and even everyone's eyes were subconsciously filled with fanaticism.

Only Rong Mo, Xiao Yi'er and Ye Qianli did not "follow the trend" to bow down, even Jin Feng, Long Yingyun, Zhu Yunwen and others knelt down to the ground.

Such a scene gave Rong Mo a very familiar feeling. He had experienced a similar scene before, and it was much more spectacular than now.

When the Tianjiao of the clan came back to their senses in a trance, they saw this middle-aged strong man, who had already pinched Tianqi Sheng like a chicken! Pinch it in the palm of your hand.



Many people stood up quickly, but their hearts were turbulent to the extreme, especially for a proud and tenacious person like Jin Feng, they couldn't believe it! They actually knelt down without saying a word? He also knelt down in complete convincing, which showed that this person was extremely powerful.

You know, even if it is the domain king! They never gave birth to such a subconscious behavior. At most, they only gave birth to the surrender heart that wanted to kneel, but they couldn't inadvertently make people kneel without hesitation and struggle!

"Senior..." As for Tian Qisheng, who would be pinched and held up, he tried to explain a thing or two to this strong man before he suffocated.

But the middle-aged and strong man didn't give him a chance at all, he lifted him up even more vigorously, and immediately pinched him until his face turned purple, and he seemed to be strangled to death.

But at this moment!


There was a strong breath but "awakened" in Tianqi Saint's body, and then! There was a voice that did not seem to be heavenly and holy, and he said, "Which one is your Excellency?"

"This is..." Tianjiao of the clan immediately recognized that this voice was the voice of Tianzhaobei, the father of Tianqisheng, who is now the king of the Northern Three Thousand Regions!

"You don't have the right to know." The middle-aged strong man responded indifferently, and the strength in his hand has been strengthened a lot! The "Tian Qi Sheng" who had recovered his normal complexion suddenly showed signs of turning purple again.

The hearts of all the people at the scene trembled! After all, Tian Qisheng at this moment has been "borrowed" by Tian Zhaobei, so he can exert a lot of Tian Zhaobei's power, but even so, the middle-aged strong can still pinch him like a chicken.

However, "Tian Qi Sheng" has already said sincerely, "In Tian Zhaobei, the king of the Three Thousand Regions in Xiabei, if my son offends you, please be merciful. Considering his young age, please be tolerant, okay?"

"Tianzhaobei?" The middle-aged strong man relaxed slightly, but asked, "Who are you from Tianciyuan?"

Hearing that, "Tian Qi Sheng" was shocked! Then he said in disbelief, "It's the first ancestor of my Tian clan, may I ask you, do you recognize this ancestor?"

"Hiss!" The people at the scene gasped subconsciously, and looked at the middle-aged strong man in shock! I just find it unimaginable.

You know, the ancestors of the Tian clan were bestowed by heaven! That was a character from the era of the King of the Ten Thousand Territories, and it was precisely because of the gift of God that "the dragon has meritorious service", the Tian Clan was canonized as one of the twenty super clans in the Ten Thousand Territories.

But existences like Tianciyuan have already returned to ashes to ashes to ashes, and returned to the ruins as a floating dust of heaven and earth, but this one in front of him... him! He, he was actually a figure of that era?


This is real.

Because the middle-aged and strong man had already said embarrassingly, "So you are a junior from Tianciyuan, so I will spare you a little, get out." After saying that, Tianqisheng was thrown away by him.

"Thank you, senior!" Tian Zhaobei said respectfully, and the scene was shocked! At this moment, except for the dry word "shock", everyone no longer knows how to describe the emotions in their hearts, and they can't describe them in detail at all, okay? Simply...

But they lost the middle-aged strong man of Tianqisheng, but turned their attention to Ye Qianli's family! This made many people who found out that the family didn't kneel before felt that he was going to attack this family.

And when the middle-aged strong man stared at Ye Qianli's family with a pair of eyes as sharp as hooks but as clear as amber, Ye Qianli immediately felt unprecedented pressure.

What surprised her even more! In the eyes of the other party, all she saw was strangers, he didn't recognize them anymore, so he really shot at them, with the irresistible power of Weiba, in an instant! rolled towards her, and yet—


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