Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1172: The King of the Pit! Another cheating grandson! 【Notice supplement


When Xiao Yi'er's immature yell came out of the air, his whole small body also jumped up towards the falling big palm, and landed directly on the palm and arm of the middle-aged strong man.

"..." |

The people who saw the scene were startled, but they hadn't reacted yet.

Ye Qianli's heart rose up in her throat, because this person turned into a human! The strong man with a voice like the Dragon Emperor, he didn't recognize their family at all, this little guy rushed forward so rashly, he was afraid that he would be cold.

But Xiao Yi'er had already "chucked", and climbed up from the middle-aged strong man's hand, and hugged his bearded face with no specific outline.

"Hiss!" The people at the scene let out another gasp, feeling that this little baby is so bold! It's like touching a tiger's ass.



Little Yi'er was hung up with a small belt! Hanging him, he danced his little arms and legs and shouted, "Master! Master, Yi! Yi!" This is telling his grandfather Longdi that he is Xiao Yi'er.

But Grandpa Longdi really didn't recognize him, to be precise! The guardian avatar of Grandpa Dragon Emperor doesn't recognize Xiao Yi'er at all.


Just as everyone thought!

When the middle-aged strong man would throw the rude child away, or even kill him, the middle-aged strong man suddenly laughed and said, "You are good at friendship, you can call me grandpa when you climb up!" , the physique is still very good, if you have a chance to get my master's inheritance, go."

Say that! Before Ye Qianli could react, the middle-aged strong man threw Xiao Yi'er towards Xue Yuan, causing the little guy to keep yelling "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

"Father! Liang—" Xiao Yi'er didn't know any inheritance at all! He was still so young, he just wanted to be with his parents, but unfortunately he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Yi'er!" Ye Qianli didn't even want to jump down, but she didn't jump yet! The middle-aged strong man threw her and Rong Mo down together and said, "You two are also good, go down."

Then, Jin Feng, Hua Qianfang and other people around Ye Qianli and Rong Mo were all thrown into the abyss, and they would not be bounced back by the taboos pervading the abyss. They were all stunned! Just want to say "is that okay?"

I knew it was possible to have sex like this! Be cute, they also brought the children at home, why are they so passive? What a loss.

But just as they thought about it, the middle-aged strong man glanced at them and said, "Although your qualifications are too poor, since you are here, you are considered to be destined for the inheritance, so I will reluctantly send you in."

"Thank you..." When everyone heard the words, they were overjoyed and asked to worship, but the middle-aged strong man didn't bother to listen. With a wave of his hand, he swept all the people on the scene, including Tianqi Sheng, into the abyss of snow. He himself disappeared with it.


At the same time, Ye Qianli and Rong Mo who landed on the ground, as well as Jin Feng and the others who came after them, had already seen the three snow-colored palaces standing not far from them, followed by the snowy cliffs, Built according to the potential, ingeniously majestic.

But these three halls exude three completely different auras! The one in the middle is misty, as if it is close in front of your eyes, but also seems to be far away in the sky; the one on the left is extremely evil, hidden by repeated mist; the one on the right is magnificent, as if a superior person is here.

"Yi'er is in here!" Ye Qianli stared at the hall in the middle, and could sense that her little son was inside, and she also looked at her highness with certainty, seeing that the latter also nodded, she said yes I know I can't go wrong.

"Which one are you going to?" Ye Qianli hurriedly asked Jinfeng and the others, and said, "I want to go to the one in the middle to see Yi'er."

"I'll go to the one on the left, as if something attracts me." Jin Feng said.

"I'll go to the right." Hua Qianfang and Jiang Yu also had a choice.

Gong Liuyun said, "I'll go to the center too."

"I'll go too." Zhu Yunwen agreed.

Long Yingyun wanted to go to the right, but he said, "Let me and Jinfeng go to the left first."

"Then split things up and get together again later, each taking care of himself." After Ye Qianli finished speaking, she said to Rong Mo, Gong Liuyun and Zhu Yunwen, "Let's go."

"Don't worry." Rong Mo took Ren'er's hand and comforted him. If he hadn't been sure, even if this Uncle Dragon Emperor wasn't Uncle Long Emperor, he still wouldn't hurt Yi'er, and he wouldn't let it go so easily. The little leopard went out.

But Ye Qianli was still very worried, not to mention that when she walked into the hall, she also found that someone had come in earlier than them, such as Tian Qisheng! He was already sitting cross-legged in the hall, but her little son Zai was not in the main hall, as if he was in the inner hall.

But Tian Qisheng's expression was very strange, as if he had suffered a serious internal injury? But didn't you just come in, why did you get hurt! ?

Ye Qianli was just puzzled, but Rong Mo had already protected her in his arms, and looked at the roof of the hall with a particularly deep gaze, which made Ye Qianli and many people subconsciously look up.

"what is that!?"

The complexions of all the people who entered the hall changed, because on the top of the hall, there were clearly eighteen dark skeletons floating, which looked extremely ferocious, the key is! They have surrounded the people who entered the temple.

The scary thing is that one of the skeletons is particularly huge! It is almost all over the entire huge hall, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Compared with it, other skeletons are like small ants, but those are the skeletons of normal human size.

That's not even counting...

"Look! Is that a half-orc skeleton?!"

"It seems that this is the strongest half-orc ancestor who was executed by the king of the ten thousand domains. If so, then these... especially the largest bones, could it be the legacy of the legendary ancestor of the giant race? Bones!?"

The more people at the scene looked at it, the more they felt that they were going to be messed up in the wind! In particular, these skeletons still exude a rather mysterious and strange aura, as if they will come back to life at any time, and they have not really died, even though they already look like skeletons.

Think of Tian Qisheng again! Everyone was even more frightened, but the reality made them even more frightened, because those skeletons really opened a pair of holes at the moment they suspected it! Confused, but really have eyeballs, eyes with living eyeballs...


All clan arrogances turned pale! I just felt that this scene was extremely weird, and I wanted to run subconsciously, and then their bodies ran away one step ahead of their thoughts.


All clan arrogances are at this moment! They showed their instincts of agility and speed, and rushed towards the inner hall at full speed. Unfortunately, although they ran fast, the speed of the skeletons was even faster, and they "slapped" everyone back into the inner hall.


But at this moment Rong Mo hugged Ye Qianli and said that he had already darted towards the entrance of the apse where Xiao Yi'er's breath was coming out, the huge skeleton! But at the same time, it blocked the entrance and blocked the couple.


Its incomparably huge palm! It has also been swept down...

ps: The last two days of this month! Call again to clear the monthly ticket and let Baby Yi go home! A must for winter! Aww~ [Besides, it’s still a little late to make up for dinner. Today, there was a power outage for a day, and the notebook didn’t go well. I rewrote it all, and it hurts my heart...]

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