Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1177 Let the dog! Dali builds a legend again! call for votes

"How?" Rong Mo, who had already caught Ye Qianli, couldn't help hugging the person in his arms tightly, although he knew that this was the pain she had to go through to become stronger.

But seeing her so pale and lying in his arms so delicately, he felt suffocated, and subconsciously lowered his head, resting his forehead lightly against her smooth forehead.

"I'm fine." Ye Qianli was hugging the man who was leaning up, but she was rubbed against her face affectionately and distressed, which made her move slightly stagnant.

Rong Mo buried his head in her neck, although he didn't say a word, but Ye Qianli could clearly feel the reluctance and distress in his heart.

She felt slightly hot-eyed, and said a little funny, "It's not the first time, I can do it." He wouldn't be so reluctant to let her suffer like this before, but he has a "heart of stone".

As everyone knows...

"It's not the same." Rong Mo said in a muffled voice, "It will be more and more difficult as it goes on." But he knew that his rock-solid little mother leopard would never give up, no matter how hard it was, she would always go to the end.

But when he thought of his experience in Shanglin, Rong Mo subconsciously hugged him even tighter, but he also knew that he couldn't walk her path of cultivation for her, just like she couldn't help him survive the calamity.


"I'm not afraid." Ye Qianli said lightly but firmly in Rong Mo's ear, "You and our son are both so perverted, I can't keep up."

Rong Mo didn't speak, but he didn't let go, seeing Ying Huaner was very, very jealous! But other than her, no one else at the scene stared at the young couple. After all, they were all busy approaching the throne.

And Ye Qianli, who was being hugged, didn't get up in a hurry, she also hugged her highness quietly, and said after a while, "Go to another palace, don't look at me."

"I..." Rong Mo wanted to refuse.

But Ye Qianli said, "It's so ugly when I'm thrown around, I don't want to be looked at by you."

"I haven't seen you in a more embarrassing state?" Rong Mo asked calmly.

Ye Qianli: "..."

Only then did Rong Mo let go and said, "Go." Although he was reluctant, he did have a "heart of stone", and he could not hinder her from becoming stronger in the name of love.

"You really don't want to go?" Ye Qianli asked.

"Leave me alone." Rong Mo didn't say whether to leave or not.

"The son is handed over to you, you have to watch it." Ye Qianli was worried that she would not have time to look after him for a while, so she specially reminded her to give Rong Mo some distractions, so don't stare at her all the time.

"En." Rong Mo responded, and put him down.

Only then did Ye Qianli walk towards the throne again, but Dong Daye glanced at her subtly, because he found that Ye Qianli's recovery speed was so fast! Was she already healed after being severely injured? Didn't see her healing her wounds, or swallowing a pill? !

"Miss Sister, are you alright?" Liao Zongming immediately opened his eyes and asked when Ye Qianli walked past him. He didn't want to disturb the young couple just now.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, and don't focus on defense. Being completely concentrated by power will also have unexpected benefits." Ye Qianli whispered.

Hua Qianfang who heard it nearby all raised their eyes to look at her, and saw her nodding, so they all understood, but some of the clan's Tianjiao heard it, and they sneered with disdain.

Being beaten so badly that he vomited blood, so there are unexpected benefits? Who is it! Anyway, they didn't believe it. It would be too naive to think of using this method to make them all severely injured and lose the throne.


But in the follow-up process, Ye Qianli was thrown out repeatedly without defense! Even Liao Zongming, Hua Qianfang, Jiang Yu, and even Jin Feng and Long Yingyun followed suit and were hammered!

"Sick." Many clan arrogances felt that this group of people were sick, especially that Jin Feng and Long Yingyun were brought to a terminal illness.

Ye Qianli and his like are low in cultivation, so they may not be able to withstand the pressure at all. After all, strong combat power does not mean they can withstand pressure, but Jinfeng and Longyingyun are strong, and the clan's geniuses present all know it.

But they were clearly able to resist, but they were instigated not to resist, wouldn't they be seriously ill? Really... so stupid! Can't say.

Little did he know that Jin Feng and the others felt some subtle power revived in their bodies because of this, especially Long Yingyun, who felt the most.

Because his bloodline is good, but his aptitude is not the best among the young masters of the Dragon Clan, even belongs to the last class, but he is the only son of his father, but his younger brothers have been eyeing his position all the time , especially his ninth brother.

After all, his ninth younger brother is more talented than him! It was also born when his father married a concubine daughter of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea, and that's why his father wanted him to marry the Dragon Xuannv.

But now, Long Yingyun could feel it! Is there a stronger force that seems to come from his blood, which is faintly swaying because of the hammering he has been beaten again and again? !

"Could it be possible that I can awaken a stronger bloodline power?" Long Yingyun's heart was pounding like a beating! A pair of dragon eyes became brighter and invisible, and he felt unprecedented excitement.

And at the same time!


Ye Qianli, who was thrown into the air again and hugged by Rong Mo again, her whole body glowed with a strange red color, but her skin was faintly translucent.

Seeing Dong Daye's eyes suddenly brighten! He stood up and said, "Zhupo!"


The Clan Tianjiao at the scene was immediately shocked by the two words he said. You must know that the people who came to Xueyuan this time are basically from the top twenty super clans. not coming.

Therefore, these knowledgeable clan arrogances all know what Dong Daye means by "building soul", and even more know what it means to a cultivator.

Yinggu said in disbelief, "It is rumored that there is an ancient practice method that can completely transform a practitioner's physique. Even waste materials can be transformed into a cultivation genius. If you can successfully build a soul, it will be like building a solid body." The foundation must be able to become a domain master, and there is still a 50% possibility in the future! You can enter the king's way."

Needless to say, the domain owner! This is not something that every clan's arrogance can advance to if they want to advance. Generally, only the best group of clan's arrogance have the hope of advancing to become a domain master. As for ascending to the king...

That was more than 99% of the people present! It's a step that I never dare to dream about, but if I can succeed in building my soul, there is a 50% chance of thinking about it! 50% chance! It sounds only half possible, but it is the highest success index in Wanyujian.

Even the strongest king today! He may not be 50% sure before he advances to become a king, this... This makes it difficult for everyone in the audience to breathe.

They just realized! Ye Qianli wasn't playing tricks, she had explained the secret of this clearly, but they treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.


She has clearly started soul building! The transparent light in her skin is the best proof, which also shows that she is very likely to succeed in building a soul.

But at this moment! In that misty cave, Xue Yin, who was the first to accept the inheritance, has opened his eyes, and the circle of light around him is gradually dissipating, causing Rong Mo's eyebrows to condense slightly! found out——

ps: A red envelope of 80,000 monthly tickets was issued! Quickly vote and grab Yier brand warm baby! As of the time of writing this page, it is more than 300 monthly tickets away from the first one! I believe in your combat power, come and fight! This seat will also add battle codes! [Add 4 more! Plus 4 more! Plus 4 more! ] Only more than three hundred votes away! As long as you work hard! This seat is absolutely awesome!

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