Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1178 Little Yat who lay down and won! Add 1 to ask for votes

There was a faint demonic aura, which had already gathered outside the skeleton hall. It could be seen that the demon possessed by Zhu Yunwen wanted to plunder Xueyin's inheritance.

Although the demonic aura was very weak, Rong Mo still noticed it, but he didn't make any movement, but Ye Qianli asked as if aware of it, "Is there any movement from Yi'er?"

"Well, there's no rush, you continue." Rong Mo said.

Ye Qianli paused for a moment before saying, "Let's settle the matter with Yi'er first, otherwise I won't feel at ease. Tell me, what's the matter?"

Rong Mo had no choice but to explain the situation he perceived, and Xue Yin had already stood up at this time, and the clan's arrogance who was healing all around looked at him.

Xueyin also looked at Longxuannv, Tianqisheng and Zhu Yunwen, and looked at Xiao Yi'er deeply in obvious surprise, but saw that the latter was sleeping soundly...

"This kid is also weird. I haven't seen him wake up before. Could it be that he can get the inheritance?" Some clan's Tianjiao who had recovered from their injuries also subconsciously talked about Xiao Yi'er because of Xue Yin's gaze.

But Xue Yin didn't say much, he just walked out of the cave after sizing up Xiao Yi'er, and walked towards the skeleton hall, Rong Mo immediately sensed that the faint evil spirit had gathered into a group of evil spirits fog.

Next, a man with a wicked face! The young man who was somewhat similar to Ximo had already appeared from the demon mist, just as Xueyin had walked out of the hall.


The evil man grabbed Xue Yin head-on, but the latter was caught off guard, and his whole body shook with a defense as solid as ice! Resisted the opponent's palm.


The tyrannical energy shock wave shook Xue Yin's white fur to sway in the wind, but the evil man had retreated, and stared at Xue Yin with full hunting intent, like a hungry wolf staring at a fat sheep that would sooner or later be hunted into the bag .

Xue Yin said in a calm manner, "It seems that you have also obtained the inheritance of the king of the ten thousand domains. I am afraid that your deity has the strength of a half-step domain king. Being hunted down by someone like you is really a pain in the back. It is a pity. Your deity is no longer able to enter the Hongmeng cultivation field, and a demonic thought can't do anything to me, so get out."

Having said that, without waiting for the evil man to respond, Xue Yin had already walked past the other party Shi Shiran, not worried about being attacked again, and the evil man did not make any further moves.

After all, what Xue Yin said was right, his demonic thoughts couldn't help Xue Yin, but after Xue Yin left, he stared at the Skeleton Hall with an unpredictable smile and murmured, "Not necessarily."

In this Hongmeng cultivation field, he didn't just have a demon thought! He could feel that his other ray of demonic thoughts, in the process of obtaining the inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, has been getting stronger and stronger, and it is expected to completely control Zhu Yunwen.

"At that time..." The evil man smiled meaningfully, and his eyes staring at the skull hall became more and more aggressive, obviously catching Xiao Yi'er, Long Xuannv, and even Tianqi Sheng who were getting the inheritance inside. They're all on it.

Rong Mo "seeed" here, but still stood still, he didn't want to startle "Zhu Yunwen", it would make things more difficult, so he let Ye Qianli continue to practice.

Ye Qianli knew that Rong Mo was well thought out, so she stood up without any objection, and was about to continue to attack the throne, but that Xue Yin had already walked into the cave.

"Xue Yin! He's here!" The Tianjiao of the Clan resting in the cave mansion all paid attention to Xue Yin. Although the latter is not the domain master, he enjoys a reputation as an idiot in Wanyu, and his talent is extremely high! Xiu Nian is extremely crazy.

"Brother Xueyin." Ying Huan'er called out even more cordially. She came to Xueyuan to look for Xueyin before the inheritance here with Yinggu.

It's a pity that Xue Yin, who only met Ying Huan'er once, and had never spoken to her, after he glanced at her, he turned his eyes away as a stranger, obviously not remembering her.

Even Yinggu and Xueyin never recognized her, he only walked towards the throne, as if everyone in the palace didn't pay attention to him, in his eyes, only the throne and inheritance.

And when he walked towards the throne step by step, all the arrogances of the clans in the cave, whether they were busy or not, subconsciously stopped and stared at him.

Yinggu also said, "Brother, the throne has the ability to build souls. Some people say that if you don't defend against its attacks, you can be forged by its power, just like the ancient method of building souls."

Hearing this, Liao Zongming sneered immediately, "It's funny, there are people who say it, it's what my little sister said, if you don't agree with it, don't use this method."

"You..." Ying Huan'er was about to yell at her!

But Xue Yin looked at Ye Qianli and said, "You have completed the soul building."

"What does it have to do with you?" Liao Zongming responded in displeasure, thinking that since this person is from the same family as Yinggu, he must not be a good person.

Xue Yin glanced at him lightly, then continued to walk towards the throne without saying a word, but he dispelled the defense that was originally concentrated on his body.

Dong Daye's gaze sank a bit because of this, "Xue Yin, is he still coming to seize the inheritance of this throne?" As far as he was concerned, even if Ye Qianli had already achieved a small achievement, he didn't take it seriously. But as soon as Xue Yin came, he felt as if he was facing a big enemy, a great threat.

And Xue Yin did show his extraordinaryness! He got close at once, and Ye Qianli could only get close to the position of six feet away from the throne, after tossing for so long.


But at this moment, Xue Yin was also smashed out by the power of the throne! He also vomited blood, but his eyes shone with fiery light, and he stared at the throne even more fascinated, as if he had regarded the throne as something in his pocket.

This is Xueyin! Cultivated into an idiot, Ye Qianli squinted her eyes slightly, but she didn't say anything, and only continued to walk towards the throne.

But just as she was about to welcome the power of the throne, Rong Mo felt with a little astonishment that in the cave where Xiao Yi'er was, Zhu Yunwen seemed to be about to open his eyes and accept the inheritance?



At this moment, the elites of the clan who were in Xiao Yi'er's cave were all stunned to see that the halo of halo that originally shrouded Zhu Yunwen's body had a tendency to shift to that cute little boy! ?


"what happened!?"

"I don't know!..." The first ancestor Tianjiao in the cave was very confused, and Rong Mo was also a little surprised. Could it be that his unscrupulous father suddenly "discovered his conscience" and got in the way?

But Rong Mo knows that this possibility does not exist, so there is only one possibility! That was the arrangement of his unscrupulous father who "scrutinized the details" and discovered that "Zhu Yunwen" was possessed and violated the rules to plunder the inheritance.

So "arrangement" was furious! So the inheritance that originally belonged to "Zhu Yunwen" was allocated to the cute little Yi'er, after all, the latter made "him" feel very cordial.

This made "Zhu Yunwen" who felt something was wrong immediately opened his eyes, and then he realized that this scene made him vomit blood extremely!


"Zhu Yunwen" was so angry that he yelled loudly, and burst out with a tyrannical demonic aura, trying to bring back the circle of light that was about to be shifted. Unfortunately, the will of the king of ten thousand domains, how could he be able to get it when he wanted?


ps: I found out that it was overtaken by more than 500 copies again. I finished writing a chapter and posted it first. Turn around and beg for a ticket! If you can catch up, there will be 3 more! come on! In the last few hours, don't let go of any monthly pass in your pocket, there is still hope!

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