Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1180 Slap in the face like a tornado! 1 more

Tianjiao of the clan in the cave heard the words, and they all believed it. Dong Daye also felt a little depressed because of this. He was already borrowing the power of the throne to build his soul, but he hadn't found the way yet. But he has figured out the key.

However, Dong Daye's slump only lasted for a while, and he continued to march towards the throne. After all, even if he could not get the ultimate inheritance of the throne, it was a great opportunity to use the throne to refine his body and soul.

Tianjiao of the other clans at the scene also thought the same way, and prepared to continue to work hard, even if they could achieve a little success in building a soul, it would be worthwhile to make this trip.

Ye Qianli flashed back at this moment, because she ran too fast, and before she could follow anyone around, Ying Huan'er couldn't help but sneer, "This throne is nothing for you anymore, Why come back?"

"Your bitch is itching again, do you need to be beaten?" Ye Qianli asked coldly, but she did not approach Ying Huan'er, but headed towards the throne again.

"You..." Ying Huan'er just wanted to make trouble, and it would be good if she could make this bitch slow down, anyway, she wouldn't let this bitch get an inheritance, but Ying Gu stopped her, "Huan'er, do you want to keep doing this?" Is it weak?"

Ying Huan'er stopped talking and continued to approach the throne, but many clan arrogances stopped and paid attention to Ye Qianli.

After a while, Ye Qianli was hit by the power of the throne again, making her body "bang bang", but she held on! She was not blown away, she stood firmly at a distance of five feet from the throne, and continued to move forward after slowing down the impact in her body.

"She's advancing again!"

Some Tianjiao couldn't help but murmured, but Ye Qianli not only walked out, she also stood firm again, unlike before, when she approached again! Every time you will be knocked into the air, you have to try three or four times before you can stabilize.

And this time Ye Qianli, under the gaze of everyone, took three steps in a row, which was enough to make everyone look sideways. Went two steps.

Ye Qianli went back and forth this time, but it was as if she had been beaten to death, and she made three steps forward as soon as she came! She hadn't been blown away yet, and she still stood firm on the spot. Even though she couldn't bear to vomit blood after all, she didn't retreat.


There is a faint red color constantly overflowing from her body, giving people a faint sense of oppression, which makes Dong Daye frowned slightly, and only feels that the aura emanating from Ye Qianli's body seems to be different from before, as if stronger! ?

But Ye Qianli didn't move forward after three steps forward, and she was already sitting cross-legged in place to practice. And Jin Feng, Zhu Yunwen and others who had followed in this meeting also found their own positions and rushed towards the throne together.

Rong Mo didn't come back, he went to the evil snow palace, which made Ye Qianli secretly relieved when he noticed it, and couldn't help but pooh to himself, "It's really worthless! It's not mine!" Wrong, what are you guilty of?"

"You're worthless in the first place, I'm going to screw you up, tsk tsk..." the magic box complained.

"You are promising, why do you disappear when you see a cat?" Ye Qianli immediately said, the magic box stopped talking, this is its "weak spot".

Ye Qianli finally settled down and continued to practice, but Zhu Yunwen, who was not far behind her, looked at her back inadvertently after she practiced quietly.


At that time.

Somewhere in Hongmeng Xiuchang, there is a demonic aura that explodes! The demonic beasts in the Hongmeng Xiuyuan were so frightened that they ran away, but where the monster aura passed, it instantly swept away the beast-level demonic beasts into a piece of dry bones.


"Damn it!"

There was a voice of extreme anger, cursing and hissing from the center of the evil spirit at this moment, isn't it the voice of the evil man? road!

But this one is obviously the strongest, at least has the combat power of a peak domain master. As for his real body, obviously, as Xue Yin expected, he must be at least a half-step domain king.

But at this moment, in the mind of this evil man, there are only three pairs! The faces he remembered in his heart were Xiao Yi'er, who defeated him; Rong Mo, who hindered him; and Ye Qianli, who restrained him.

The more I think about it! The stronger the murderous intent in the evil man's eyes, the more violent the evil energy emitted, and destroyed the hundreds of miles around into a place with no life.

If Ye Qianli were here, he would definitely find that the land that was ravaged by the evil spirit of this evil man is similar to the desolation in Shanglin that has never been born for a long time.

But she is not here, she is busy at this moment, she has been forged continuously on the throne, and has slowly integrated the power of Yaoyue and other innate powers into her skin, but...


However, during this process, the magic box discovered that with the penetration of the Yaoyue's power step by step, there seemed to be some kind of power already in Ye Qianli's body, forming a certain echo with the Yaoyue's power.

When it felt it carefully, it found that it seemed to be the power of Taiyi Yuanling himself! ? But isn't Taiyi Yuanling's deity still in the eardrums of the ancient battlefield?

Although because of the throne, Taiyi Yuanling has gradually formed a closer relationship with Ye Qianli, but its real body is still in the ancient battlefield!


"How do I feel that the power in Er Fool's body is Taiyi Yuanling's main body?" The magic box was a little dazed, and it even asked the Dark Lord of the Abyss.

"Impossible." This is the answer of the dark lord of the abyss. He also said, "The power you perceive should be the blood power of the Taiyi clan, which is a bloodline that can make Taiyi power instinctively close."

"Is that so?" The magic box always feels that something is wrong, but it can't explain clearly now, so it can only temporarily put this question aside, and continue to watch Ye Qianli.

And this time Ye Qianli, she has stood up again! He took another three steps towards the throne, and he was about to get close, only four feet away from the throne.

"Why is she so fast!?" Ying Huan'er was once again so stimulated that she couldn't calm down, because Ye Qianli's current forward speed had completely surpassed Xue Yin's.

Let Xue Yin, who had gained a half-foot advantage and was supposed to go to the four-foot position first, has already been left behind and can take a step back! Even if it's just one step.

But Ye Qianli's current speed made the clan arrogances at the scene understand that she has the possibility of competing with Xue Yin for the throne inheritance! this……

"How come? She went out for a trip, what is she going to do!?" Dong Daye didn't understand, it was fine if he lost to Xue Yin, he was not a person with excellent talent, what he was fighting for was his toughness.

As a result, Ye Qianli, whom he didn't think much of at first, actually started a counterattack? ! This made Dong Daye a little unacceptable.

Although his brotherhood with Dong Dadong and Dong Dacheng is not very deep, he and Ye Qianli are destined to have a confrontation, and he originally wanted to find a suitable opportunity to assassinate Ye Qianli.



The throne approached by the pride of the clans! But suddenly a bright golden light bloomed, and then——

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