Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1181 If You Don't Wait For Me, I'll Let You Die! 2 more

The originally simple and dark throne faded from the "darkness" at a visible speed, revealing the golden background! The majestic black dragon dotted on it is brought to life, with angry eyes flying between its whiskers! It's like riding the wind to the blue clouds, no longer in the mundane world.


All the arrogances of the clan who were approaching the throne were overwhelmed by the sudden burst of arrogance! The whole body made a "crack bang bang bang" sound when it was crushed, even Ye Qianli was no exception.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Ye Qianli's mouth uncontrollably, Xue Yin, who was only one step away from her, could still hold on, but her face was already very pale.


The ferocious tyrannical dragon breath continuously hammered into the body of Tianjiao of the various clans, and finally wiped out twenty or thirty people, leaving only Dong Daye, Jin Feng, Long Yingyun, Xue Yin and Ye Qianli five people.

And these five people vomited blood one after another except for Xue Yin, and Ye Qianli vomited the worst! Because not only did she fail to resist this domineering aura, she even tried to absorb it! ?

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Dong Daye sneered in his heart, but at this moment, Xue Yin absorbed the aura of dominance into his body as if he had realized something.

At the same moment, Ye Qianli, who had already absorbed a lot of domineering aura, deeply felt it! In her body, there is really an unfathomable force that seems to break out of her body.

This feeling is somewhat similar to her previous awakening of the Emperor's bloodline and the bloodline of the Dark Lord of the Abyss, but it is quite different. She intuitively feels that this power cannot be awakened, at least not at this moment! Otherwise she will explode and die.

"Second idiot! Hold on tight." The barrage that the magic box also noticed warned, and was very sure that the existence in Ye Qianli's body, even if it wasn't Taiyi Yuanling himself, was definitely a very extraordinary force.

And Ye Qianli herself has stopped absorbing the tyrant's aura, and tried her best to stabilize the turbulent aura in her body! But the throne seemed to be staring at her, and suddenly shot a golden light at her.


Not to mention Ye Qianli was knocked into the air on the spot, she even vomited blood all the way, her whole body was a little sluggish, and Zhu Yunwen, who knew she couldn't bear it early in the morning, retreated to the back, and was about to catch her!


"Miss Sister! Are you alright?" Liao Zongming, who happened to be on the trajectory of Ye Qianli being blown away, had already caught his "Miss Sister" first.

"It's okay." Ye Qianli said weakly, but then "wow" vomited a big puddle of blood, and felt that the power in her body was "breaking through the ground"! To blow her up.

Fortunately, the throne had come to an abrupt end, and Ye Qianli's feeling of being overwhelmed was relieved by reining in all her domineering aura.


But she also frequently vomited several mouthfuls of blood, even though Hua Qianfang was helping her while she was treating herself, but this time her injury was too serious.

This made Dong Daye feel relieved and sneered again in his heart, "It's what you deserve! It's already difficult for the mere saint Tianzun to take over the domineering aura of the throne with his body, and he is trying to absorb it in vain, and he is looking for a dead end."


But this time Xue Yin also vomited a mouthful of blood, but his whole body has emitted a more transparent streamer, it can be seen that absorbing the aura of king and domineering is conducive to building the soul.

So when Ye Qianli came back slowly, the streamer from her skin was naturally more transparent than Xue Yin's, like ice crystals and snow sculptures, making Dong Daye's eyes sink back again.

In fact, Dong's Linglong Divine Body is somewhat similar to the physique after the ancient method of building the soul, but it is very different. Although the Linglong Divine Body is also extraordinary, it is definitely not as good as the physique after the soul building. There is a 50% chance of becoming a domain master.

"Miss sister, you are scaring me to death. Don't try so hard next time. Fortunately, my husband is not here, otherwise I will be so distressed." Liao Zongming said in fear at this meeting.

"I didn't try my best." Ye Qianli said, at least she hadn't reached that point yet, she just tried it out, but the power of this throne is really strong.

Liao Zongming rolled his eyes angrily, apparently not believing what Ye Qianli said, but Ye Qianli didn't explain any more, just helped him stand up, and was about to approach the throne again.

"Hey! My aunt and grandma, can't you take a break?" Liao Zongming immediately stopped him.

Even Jinfeng persuaded, "Qianli, take it easy."

"That's right, you can't hold on." Zhu Yunwen finally said, although he saw that Ye Qianli was in high spirits, but her face was still very pale.

"It's okay." Ye Qianli waved her hand, broke away from Liao Zongming's palm, and walked towards the throne again, no one could stop her.

"I'll call my husband." Liao Zongming said, but Ye Qianli didn't stop, so he could only follow up with a "ah", even if the distance he could follow was not much, he still followed.

However, Ye Qianli recovered while walking, and when she was about four feet away from the throne, her breath had basically stabilized, and her complexion had recovered, which made people speechless.

"What an insane resilience! No wonder you dare to fight so hard." Many clan arrogances secretly admired, but saw that Ye Qianli had already walked four or five steps forward like walking on flat ground, and was about to approach the three feet in front of the throne. location.

"Could she just sit on it!?" Dong Daye's eyes sharpened immediately, and he was considering whether to make a move first. After all, the stronger Ye Qianli was, the more unfavorable it would be to Dong.

But before Dong Daye could make a decision, Xue Yin spoke up. He said to Ye Qianli's back, "You can't go any further."

But Ye Qianli didn't pay attention to him, she had already taken another step forward, so there was only the last thirty feet between her and the throne.

Xue Yin's voice became sharper, "I said, you! You can't go any further, didn't you hear?"

Ye Qianli, who could feel the killing intent coming from behind, turned her head to look at this person and said, "Have you heard it? It's none of your business. Why should I listen to you?"

"You must listen to me." Xue Yin said stubbornly, his eyes were burning, as if it was a sign of going crazy, it was his infatuation at work.

Anyone who knows him knows that at this time, he should be kept at a respectful distance! Even his master Snow King couldn't calm him down.

"I don't." Ye Qianli turned her head and prepared to move on after categorically refusing, but the throne in front of her had once again radiated pure kingly energy, which made her feel pressured.

After that, Xue Yin was calm and said in a tone of no emotion, "If you don't stop and wait for me, I can only attack you."

"..." Ye Qianli was speechless.

Xue Yin went on to say, "You can only walk with me when I build up my soul to the same level as you, otherwise I will let you die now."

ps: There is another update before dinner, let’s add it together~ The first day of December, thank you for your strong votes last month, ok (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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