Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1182: Shenhuo Gang Fights Xueyin! 3 more

"!" The people in the cave opened their eyes after hearing the words, staring at Xue Yin and Ye Qianli, knowing that the former was going to make trouble.

As for Xue Yin, since he entered the Hongmeng Training Field for more than ten years now, he has never done anything. He has always only cultivated in Xueyuan, so his name is not listed on the Hongmeng List.


"Is Xueyin finally going to make a move before the succession of the throne of the King of Ten Thousand Realms?" A clan's Tianjiao was already whispering excitedly.

Many people have heard of Xue Yin's strength, but he seldom competes with others. For him, precious time should be used for cultivation, not for fighting.

In addition, he is Xue Wang's beloved disciple, with a noble status, and no one who is blind will challenge him, so Xue Yin's name seems to only exist in "legends".

Now that Xueyin is about to make a move, even the arrogant clan Tianjiao can't help but watch it! Everyone wants to know how strong Xue Yin is.

Ying Huan'er clenched her fists even more excitedly, feeling that Ye Qianli was seeking her own death! I hope this bitch will seek death to the end, but don't be cowardly.

But Ye Qianli did not disappoint Ying Huaner's "expectation", she sneered, "You are really ridiculous, you have no ability to catch up, you want to be rough, right, I will accompany you to the end!"

But Xueyin emphasized more seriously, "You have to come before me to gain the advantage. I didn't tell you not to fight with me. What I mean is that you must stand on the same starting line as me and fight fairly. , if you are not willing, I can only tell you to be willing."

Ye Qianli: "..." What kind of mental retardation is this?

"I'll ask you again, do you agree?" Xue Yin asked persistently.

"..." Ye Qianli choked speechlessly for a while, and then said aloud, "It's not impossible for you to ask me to agree. According to what you said, you have more than me, and the inheritance of the palace in the middle , if you are capable, you will abolish that inheritance! I will wait for you."

"Impossible!" Xue Yin refused without thinking.

Ye Qianli didn't look at his turn and continued to walk forward, she was also stupid, to be serious with a mentally retarded person, what kind of Xueyin is not an idiot at all! Are you retarded?

Oh, he can get the benefits first come, first served, but others can't, so they have to wait for him? ! What domineering reason, sick! The princess's illness is not serious, but it is very similar to Ying Huan'er.

But Ye Qianli just took a step forward! Xue Yin, who was behind her, said indifferently, "You are looking for death yourself, no wonder I am dead."

That's all he said! Jinfeng immediately shouted, "Qianli be careful!" She could sense that a terrifying force had raged within Xue Yin's body.

At the same moment——


Xue Yin has already tore Ye Qianli's back with a palm! The entire cave was immediately covered by an extremely icy cold, and many people shivered from the cold.

Some people who were closer to Xueyin even felt as if their surroundings were frozen! This made Dong Daye say in shock, "Snow King is gifted with supernatural powers, great freezing technique!"

The Great Freezing Technique, when practiced to the extreme, can freeze space, even freeze life, and it can be frozen by leapfrogging. It is a super supernatural power that can only be cultivated by the Xuanbing Divine Body.

"I didn't expect that! Xue Yin turned out to be the Divine Body of Xuanbing, no wonder he is deeply loved by the Snow King." Only then did Dong Daye know that Xue Yin was also the owner of the Divine Body, but this didn't surprise him, he just took it for granted.

But just as the thoughts in Dong Daye's mind flashed, Xue Yin's palm tore through the pressure of the throne and crushed Ye Qianli's back! So tyrannical.



And the two-step space that was torn apart by Xue Yin's palm was indeed frozen by him! A sheet of transparent ice crystals formed, and it was about to freeze Ye Qianli.


The icy flames of the Nine Heavens Profound Flame, however, burned out from Ye Qianli's body the moment the ice crystals approached, forcefully resisting the snowy ice crystals.

"It's useless!" Dong Daye asserted, even though the Nine Heavens Profound Fire is one of the top ten divine fires, Xueyin's Xuanbing Divine Body is a super divine body! The icy aura in his body comes from the Wuji Yuanbing in the chaotic period.

Although not as tyrannical as Wuji Yuanbing! But I feel that it is not inferior to the top ten divine fires of the Hongmeng period, and even surpasses it! That's why Dong Daye dared to assert that the Nine Heavens Profound Fire couldn't stop Xue Yin.

And the truth is...


Dong Daye was right, Xue Yin's ice crystals! It actually froze the Nine Heavens Profound Fire that Ye Qianli radiated, and Ye Qianli was so shocked that she immediately turned around and stared at Xue Yin.

To know! She did not underestimate Xue Yin, what she released was not the ordinary Nine Heavens Profound Fire, but the Nine Heavens Profound Fire itself! The deity, the result...

The magic box couldn't help but barrage again and again, "Second idiot! He is not an ordinary mysterious ice god, he is a boundless black ice god, and he is definitely not able to resist the nine heavens black fire, and he has a chaotic source thunder! This mentally retarded person really has some skills. "

"Yeah." Ye Qianli was also about to wreak havoc with the Chaos Origin Thunder, but she hadn't adjusted well yet, and Jinfeng had already drank and came out, "Qianli! I will lend you the Nine Heavens Profound Fire, don't resist me."

After saying this, before Ye Qianli could respond, Jin Feng had already shot towards Xue Yin! The six divine fires in her body converged towards Ye Qianli's Nine Heavens Profound Fire.

Immediately afterwards——

"At the beginning of primordial enlightenment, and the beginning of divine fire, I use chaos to call it Nine Heavens, Nirvana, Hell, Netherworld, Red Lotus, Taiyin, Ziwei, and Fusion!"

Jinfeng's chanting sound like Xu Shiji's, at the moment she made a move, she had already sung the order of heaven, and there was a misty yellow breath in the world, under her urging, the Jiutian Xuan including Ye Qianli fire inside! The seven great divine fires returned to chaos.


The seven divine fires immediately merged into a cluster! However, it exuded a terrifying and suffocating power, counterattacking the ice crystals raging towards Xueyin, which had the potential to melt the latter.


"The Promise!"

Xue Yin's eyes turned cold! Unleashing his ultimate power - Wuji Yuanbing, it will be almost ready soon! Jin Feng's Chaos Flame froze back again.


"It's called the sun! It's called Sanwei, and it's called Nanming." Ye Qianli's clear voice of reciting the verses has been uttered word by word like pearls falling to the ground at this moment.

Then, three clusters of Nine Heavens Profound Fire were shot out by her! Under the unbelievable eyes of the audience, as if by magic, it evolved into a real sun! Sanwei Zhenhuo and Nanming Lihuo.

Right now……

In this way, Ye Qianli easily "matched" the three kinds of divine fire that Jinfeng lacked in the role of Chaos Fire, which made Jinfeng stunned.

Ye Qianli shuddered all over and shouted, "What are you still doing in a daze? If you don't hurry up and melt into your chaotic fire, I'm going to freeze to death."

"Oh! Oh oh!" Jinfeng finally came back to his senses! Immediately include the three kinds of divine fire, and deduce it into one element that is not lacking! The ancestors of the top ten divine fires - the fire of chaos.

In an instant—


The cold air in the cave was immediately swept away by the scorching air!

ps: Updates will be added soon, under revision~

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