Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1183 No one is qualified to fight! add more

"So strong!"

The Tianjiao of the clan in the cave were stunned, only to realize that Jinfeng will be ranked fourth in the Hongmeng list, not because she has created the body of the immortal Jinfeng, but because she can reproduce the fire of chaos!

You know, before the ancestor of Pangu opened up the world! The four forces of Chaos Fire, Chaos Origin Thunder, Turbidity Yuan Soil and Infinite Yuan Ice have already existed.

And these four forces! And the evolved version of the Chaos Flame, the Great Sun Golden Flame, can no longer be awakened by the gifted! The well-known five ninth-level talents.

But some practitioners will gradually control it in the process of continuous advancement! To use such extraordinary power, but this kind of control and use is very difficult. Not only do you need similar extraordinary talents, but you also have to pay an unimaginable price for ordinary people.

At least the Tianjiao of the clan in the cave have never seen it! I only heard that Ye Qianli seems to have controlled the power of the chaotic source of thunder, but now...

Wuji Yuanbing appeared!

The Chaos Flame appeared!

That's not counting, Ye Qianli is really here at this moment! She sacrificed her Chaos Source Lightning, so the Chaos Source Lightning also appeared, and it had already wreaked havoc towards Xueyin.

After all, although Jinfeng regenerated the Chaos Fire, the Chaos Fire can only compete with Xue Yin's Wuji Yuanbing, and cannot destroy it. These two Chaos-level powers! No one can help anyone.

To seal the victory! Of course, the Chaos Origin Thunder was used, so as soon as the latter came out, there was an original blue electric light, which immediately burned into the ice crystals swept out by Xue Yin's palm.


There's no after that.


The tyrannical Chaos Origin Thunder! Just like a sharp diamond knife, it makes Xue Yin extremely firm, can freeze space, freeze vitality, and freeze everything. incineration.


Snowy ice! The sound of being disintegrated soon came out, and the expressions of Tianjiao of the clan in the cave changed completely. Everyone looked at Ye Qianli again, full of unpredictable and complicated eyes.

No. 1 on the Hongmeng list! This is the strength of being number one on the Hongmeng list.

She can change whatever she wants!

Chaos-level power can also be easily captured!

That's not even counting...

"The dragon is trapped!"

Long Yingyun was still at this moment by surprise, urging Long Shensuo with the power of his blood, making the latter seem to turn into ten thousand dragons, devouring towards Xueyin.

"Don't think about it!"

Xue Yin felt that she was going to be trapped at the moment! Immediately, the billowing strong breath was raging, and there was still energy left to deal with Long Yingyun, which was so tyrannical that it made people sigh.

But he is strong! Jin Feng has already sternly shouted, "Chaos is shrouded, get down!"

As soon as this remark came out, before Xue Yin was ready to defend herself! The flame of chaos melted into one piece, and destroyed the cracked Wuji Yuanbing, knocking Xue Yin to the ground.


Long Shensuo followed closely! He imprisoned Xue Yin, and all the power in his body was reduced by 80% due to the effect of the Dragon God Cable.

This is the ability of Longshensuo, being imprisoned by it is tantamount to entering a dead end, that's why Xueyin has to resist Longyingyun's trap while fighting against Jinfeng and Ye Qianli.

Unfortunately, he failed.


Although Xueyin is already very strong! But Ye Qianli and Jinfeng were both perverted, and with Long Yingyun's divine assist, Xue Yin still failed.

The combat power of Ye Qianli and the three of them! They have reached the peak of being invincible under the absolute domain masters, even Xue Yin can't defeat them, and who else can defeat them who joined forces.

At least Dong Daye knew that he couldn't! Even if he wanted to assassinate Ye Qianli, he would go all out and never let Jin Feng and Long Yingyun stand aside, otherwise he would have no chance of winning.

Chaos source thunder.

Chaos fire.

Wuji Yuanbing.


"As soon as the Hongmeng list came out, it really means that there are many outstanding peerless geniuses in Wanyu. This is just the beginning, and there are three kinds of chaos-level powers. It was hard to find one of them before." I am ashamed.

However, Ying Huan'er wanted to speak out against Ye Qianli and the three of them for their incompetence, and they joined forces to besiege Xue Yin! It's too shameless, but Ying Gu won't let her speak.

Because Ying Gu misses it so much! I really want to see Ye Qianli kill Xue Yin, if that happens, her aunt Xue Wang will definitely be furious! At that time, it must be heaven and earth, and Ye Qianli will be crushed to death.

Xue Yin, but Xue Wang's darling! If he died here, Ying Gu would laugh.

However, Xue Yin, who was locked up, said coldly, "Go, I won't stop you." Although he didn't look at Ye Qianli, everyone knew that he was talking to Ye Qianli, and this It is his biggest concession.

"It's not that you don't stop me, it's that you can't stop me at all." Ye Qianli said clearly.

This made Xueyin stare at her coldly and said, "If you didn't have a helper! Do you think you are my opponent?!"

"If I am a half-step domain master, you are still qualified to fight with me!?" Ye Qianli asked back.

Xueyin: "..."

After a while, seeing that everyone was silent, Long Yingyun had no choice but to ask, "Qianli, will you let him go?" , Long Yingyun really dare not let go!

But Ye Qianli responded, "Let it go, let me see if he still has the face to stop me."

"You..." Xue Yin was extremely annoyed by these words, he didn't think it was wrong for him to stop Ye Qianli like this, he wanted this inheritance! Don't want any surprises, but he doesn't push anyone too hard, does he? He just told her to wait!

But after Xue Yin was released, he really didn't do anything anymore, he knew that he couldn't do anything about the cooperation of these three people, so naturally he wouldn't make unnecessary entanglements.

What's more, even if Ye Qianli builds the soul first, he may not be unable to catch up! He just didn't want any surprises, so he asked her to wait, but she refused.

But speaking of it, it was because of his lack of strength that he couldn't stop her. If he could be invincible! Even if the other three join forces, how can they win him?

With this in mind...

"!" Xue Yin stared at the throne! On the contrary, he became brighter and brighter, without the slightest sign of decadence caused by being defeated. A genius like him who is obsessed with cultivation has a strong heart and will not be easily affected.

Now that Ye Qianli can't be pulled down, what is he thinking! He just must catch up with Ye Qianli, he must! Be sure to get the inheritance of the throne.


Ye Qianli turned around suddenly, looked at Xue Yin and said, "How about I wait for you?"

Xue Yin was taken aback when she heard that, and asked subconsciously, "Is this true?"

"Of course it's fake." Ye Qianli laughed, then continued to walk forward and spread her legs.

Xue Yin immediately scolded angrily, "Little man! If you want to disturb my mind, don't even think about it!"

"Oh, I'm not a gentleman." Ye Qianli said Shi Shiran, and she has taken another step towards the throne, three steps ahead of Xueyin! Three steps away.

"Shameful!" Xue Yin glared angrily, but quickly calmed down, and walked towards the throne three steps in a row! Stand side by side with Ye Qianli directly.

The same moment!


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