Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1184 Let's see who has a long butt! 1 more

The mighty throne forging force is like beating a drum! Constantly beating loud "drum sounds" in Xueyin's body, it shook the people in the cave to feel tinnitus.


Xueyin is tyrannical! Withstood wave after wave, the power of the throne that kept forging on his body, not only was he not blown back, but he also didn't vomit a mouthful of blood.


There is a transparent streamer, which continuously emerges from Xue Yin's body, and people are shocked to find that Xue Yin has clearly completed his soul building.

"Xue Yin's obsession has been stimulated." Dong Daye knew that from now on, Xue Yin would become stronger and stronger, because he was stimulated by Ye Qianli.

This also made Ye Qianli look at Xue Yin in surprise, but the latter didn't look at her again, as if he no longer cared about her, and only had the throne in his eyes.

"Second idiot, this mental retardation is not simple, you have to be careful." The magic box reminded Ye Qianli with a bullet screen, fearing that its master, the second idiot, might stumble.

"Yeah." Ye Qianli also responded seriously, and continued to march towards the throne, and in the subsequent competition, Xue Yin almost kept pace with her, and did not pull back.

And this battle for the throne seems to have become a battle between Ye Qianli and Xue Yin, and no one else can get involved, because it is difficult for almost everyone to move forward after they are close to the throne.

Even if it was Dong Daye, he was still at six feet, so he couldn't move an inch, and he was blown away again and again! When she saw that Ye Qianli and Xue Yin were only one foot away from the throne, her eyes became extremely unpredictable.

However, both Ye Qianli and Xue Yin sat down cross-legged before the last ten feet! I started to practice with my eyes closed, as if I had reached a bottleneck.

"I don't know who will finally ascend to the throne." Many people were subconsciously guessing, but it was a bit hard to say, but there were still quite a few people standing on the throne.

Although Ye Qianli is also very good, but Xue Yin's cultivation level is stronger after all. If the two people's cultivation bases are equal, the person standing for Ye Qianli will definitely surpass Xue Yin.

But Ye Qianli was only a beginner saint after all, and when she ascended the throne, Jinfeng and Long Yingyun obviously couldn't help her, so Xueyin's chances of winning would be even greater.

But after three days, Ye Qianli opened her eyes before Xue Yin did, and many clan arrogances who were paying attention also opened their eyes one after another, "Are you going to start the final battle?"

Even Zhu Yunwen opened his eyes silently, because he knew that Ye Qianli was about to attack the throne, and she and Xue Yin stopped walking one after another, because they were making final preparations.

Now, Ye Qianli is obviously ready! Ke Xueyin, he also opened his eyes.

The magic box warned with a nervous barrage, "You two idiots! You can't lose, this is the throne forged by the person who created me. You can't let this mentally handicapped person sit on it, or I will abandon you! Abandon the Lord, hmph!"

Ye Qianli didn't respond, she just walked up to the throne! And when she took this step, a golden glow burst out from the throne and blasted straight into her body.


Ye Qianli was so blasted that she vomited blood, and her face turned pale.


But Xue Yin, who also took a step forward, just let out a muffled snort, and didn't vomit blood. It was clear at a glance who was stronger and who was weaker.

But Ye Qianli didn't stop, she had already taken a step forward, and spit out a mouthful of blood again! But she just didn't stop.

One step, two steps, three steps! Ye Qianli, who was vomiting blood again and again, stepped up to the throne, and was about to sit directly on the throne.

"Get lost!" At the same time, Xue Yin swept towards Ye Qianli, the throne! He is going to make a decision, how can he tolerate being taken away?

But Ye Qianli, who had been on guard for a long time! But the moment Xue Yin made a move, he sat down on the throne and ignored Xue Yin's attack.


Tianjiao of some clans couldn't help but swear when they saw this! This is surprised, just think this is okay? Even if you are beaten to death, you have to sit on it first?


It does work.


Has the power of a fiery king and overlord! At this moment, it has turned into a black dragon, and the raging attack that rolled around the throne not only destroyed the tyrannical force that Xue Yin swept out, it was like destroying the power of an ant, and even blasted him away on the spot.


And when Xue Yin was swept out of the air, Ye Qianli, who sat down on the throne, could clearly feel it! There is a scorching force that has surged into her limbs, bones, internal organs! Dantian knows the sea, even in the soul.

At that moment, Ye Qianli felt as if she was under the scorching sun, as if wandering in the galaxy, but also as if wandering into the vast darkness.


"Bang! Bang!..."

At this moment, her body kept making thumping noises, but she didn't feel any pain, and a translucent light like ice and snow shone brighter and brighter from her body.

Invisibly, everyone in the cave could feel a kind of hidden coercion, making them feel that Ye Qianli in front of them seemed to be the throne, immortal.

This feeling made Xue Yin's eyes burn even more when he stood up again, "The Immortal Celestial Body! Sure enough, after successfully building the soul, can I obtain the Indestructible Celestial Body?!"

"What?!" Dong Daye and the others exclaimed. Naturally, they had heard of the Immortal Celestial Body, but they hadn't thought of it before Xue Yin said it.

Because of the immortal celestial body! It is said that only the king of the myriad domains can forge a physique, and the king of the myriad domains is the owner of the indestructible celestial body.

This is not a divine body, but the divine splendor of a divine body! It is said that after casting this body, even if a person dies, he will not be corrupted, and his soul can be reunited, and he will be resurrected from death.


"This is the inheritance of the immortal celestial body!?" Dong Daye asked in disbelief.

But no one answered at the scene, because the answer is already yes, the throne is the symbol of the indestructible celestial body, but unfortunately they have limited ability and cannot obtain it at all.

Inheritance in the world, those with high talents will get it, most of them are like this...

But Xue Yin did not give up! He has already walked up to the throne again, with a firm belief in his heart, "I must get the indestructible celestial body!"

Even though Ye Qianli had already sat on the throne, Xue Yin still didn't give up, he was taking it step by step! Walking towards the throne again, his spirit of faith! The tyrannical effect affected the entire cave.

"Let's go! Let's continue. The throne is still there, which means we can still work hard." Some clan arrogances have strengthened their beliefs one after another, and they are also marching towards the throne again.

"We will continue." Hua Qianfang said to Liao Zongming and the others.

"Yeah." Jin Feng also closed her eyes and continued to cultivate, she could still feel the oppression of the throne, and it didn't weaken in any way because of Ye Qianli's seat.

But at this moment, Ye Qianli felt that she had entered a very delicate state, which also made her very confused. She didn't know where she was, whether she was in the scorching sun, in the galaxy, or in the dark? !

she doesn't know...

But the little old priest who was far away in the Shanglin Realm knew that he had opened his eyes because of this, and looked at the location of the Hongmeng Cultivator, the location of the Wanyu Center.

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