Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1233 No reincarnation! 3 more

Yi'er hammered it out with a hammer! Just caught it, the moment when the elderly half-step domain master was forcing out the blood, not only hammered back his mouthful of blood, but also disturbed his breath, causing his defense to collapse instantly, and his head was hammered on the spot.

"Pfft—" The elderly half-step domain master who spat out a mouthful of old blood died immediately, leaving behind a group of bewildered guardians.

When someone reacted, Xiao Yi'er had slipped back into his mother's arms, still a pink and tender little doll, looking around excitedly.

But those people from the nihilistic realm who were targeted by him felt their heads hurt, as if it wasn't the elderly half-step domain master who was hammered to the head, but them.

"Damn! This kid, you're against the sky!" Some of Tianjiao's onlookers no longer cared about Wen's swearing, and just felt that the scene just now was really unbelievable.

Even the half-step domain master of the void world was attacked by surprise! But that is also a half-step domain master, the flesh is very hard! The half-step domain master.


In the hands of this little pink and white doll, it is like a porcelain doll! It exploded with one hammer, and it was also invincible. It really deserves to be a fierce child who has won the inheritance of Piaomiao Dongfu.

All the onlookers were ashamed, but the people in the void world had no intention of fighting any more. Some even yelled, "I can't win! Run away—"

"Run away! Run away scattered, maybe there is still a glimmer of life." Xiao Yi'er destroyed the last bit of morale in the Nihility Realm, and everything was in chaos.

Many people from the void world rushed out one after another, wanting to break the seal and escape to ascend to heaven! But Ye Qianli ordered, "Kill them all! Don't let any one go."

"No—" the hearts of the people in the nihilistic world became cold, and some even yelled, "We surrender! Can't we surrender? No more fighting."

"It's over, the world of nothingness is really over." Tianjiao, who was watching all around, sighed, he didn't expect the people in the world of nothingness to lose so quickly.

A battle formation of more than five hundred people! Even if the people of the Taiyi tribe are very strong in battle, if the Void Realm can hold back, it is not impossible to kill one and hurt both sides.

After all, the power of the battle formation is still very strong, and the battle formation in the void world is very strange and unpredictable, so it is not impossible to bite the vitality.

But Ye Qianli is too cunning! A face-to-face is the first to pierce the foundation of others, and now...

"Yes! We surrender and beg Madam Ye to spare your life. We will not fight against you again. Please spare our life and let us go." There were begging for mercy from all over the void world, only some people were still stubbornly resisting.

"Qianli..." Jinfeng still looked at Ye Qianli hesitantly, but it's not that she couldn't bear to kill people, but she was afraid that if these people were panicked, there would be a backlash!

But Ye Qianli insisted, "All beheaded."

"Kill!" After receiving the order, everyone in Limenghui did not stop! Killed the people in the void realm who were surrounded, and killed...

Some strong men in the void world roared angrily, "Ye Qianli, you little bitch! I'm just following others' orders, but you want to drive me to death. I'll fight with you!"

Having said that, the strong man in the void immediately urged himself to explode! Obviously, he was so desperate that he could only risk his life, but unfortunately he just forced himself to explode.

"Hey!" Ye Qianli had chopped him into scum with a single knife, and she herself was still standing in the blood mist, coldly snorting like a witch, "Whoever dares to self-destruct, I will tell him that he will not be able to reincarnate!" .”


The two or three hundred people who were still alive in the void world were so desperate that they burst into tears. They never expected that Ye Qianli would be so ruthless! He really wanted to kill them all.

But that day in Xueyuan, why didn't they encircle Ye Qianli and others with the heart of killing them all? Now that their fate has changed, they blame Ye Qianli for being too cruel.

But let them die like this, how can they be willing? for a while...

"Mrs. Ye! I am a child of the Sheng family. As long as you let me go, we will ask the family to pay you a large amount of cultivation resources!" the person from the Wu Realm with the Sheng family shouted.

"We are willing to hand over the storage ring. In the future, we will hand over all the items we get in the Hongmeng Cultivation Site to Madam Ye. I beg Madam to give us a way out—"

The begging for mercy in the Nihility Realm is getting more and more bottomless, and he almost kneels and kowtows, which makes some spineless onlookers very disdainful, "Mud legs are mud legs after all, without any phoenix bones! If you lose the battle, you will die. What can you say?" ?”

"Exactly! The Realm of Nothingness should really be called the Realm of Hypocrisy. A group of pious trash dare to claim to be as famous as the top 20 super clans like me. Shameless."

The Nihility Realm was wiped out step by step amidst contempt and sighs, making the onlookers sigh and frightened, because at the later stage of the battle, the desperate Nihility Realm people did not fight back with their lives! Grit your teeth and knock.


Ye Qianli used an iron fist! To shock and kill all these counterattacks is really achieved, the purpose of massacring all the people in the nihil world, and not letting a single person in the nihil world escape.

"It's terrible!" Many clan arrogances felt that Ye Qianli looked like a woman, but she had no woman's kindness, so she fought decisively! The killing was more straightforward, and the layout was also exquisite, so that no fish slipped through the net.


And when more than 500 people in the void world went to Huangquan together!

In the world of nothingness, the master of the world of nothingness, who was going to take the empress out, didn't go out, but his face turned green again and again! It turned green until it turned black, and when it turned red, it broke out into a roar of gnashing teeth, "She! What! What! Dare!"

"Boom—" The terrible wrath of the domain king! The entire ancient palace trembled, and all the high-level officials of the nihility realm "thumped" to their knees, sweating profusely.

But there were also people who wept blood while kneeling on the ground, "Qing'er, my Qing'er!"

"Xiao Chu! Xiao Chu! What are you doing..." Some of the high-ranking officials of the Nihility Realm who had lost their disciples and heirs all had tears in their anger, and their expressions were extremely icy.

In the half hour just now, they sensed one after another that the juniors who were sent to the Primordial Origin Training Field had died one after another? ! They came to report one after another, only to realize that not only they had this perception, but everyone else did too! ?

That is, the saints they sent to the Hongmeng Xiuchang from the Nihility Realm! The half-step domain masters have all fallen? ! Such news, how can it make the Lord of the Void Realm not angry?

"Immediately, launch the order to hunt down and kill Ye Qianli, Rong Mo, his son Rong Yi, and all members of the Taiyi clan." The cold and majestic voice of the leader of the void world reached the entire void world! It even diffused to the entire North Three Thousand Regions, and the Ten Thousand Regions shook.

"Qianli? Yi'er?" The empress was shocked by the three names of her daughter's family! Dazed, she didn't expect that she could hear the news of her daughter so clearly.

It's just that the trembling empress didn't notice it! The world lord of the void world, who was so angry to the extreme, was distracted to notice the slight strange color on her face.


Da Lier: Your Highness! Your Highness~ Are you jealous?

Prince Mei: The other party refused to talk to you, and threw a little Yier at you.

Xiao Yi'er: Huh?

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