Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1234 Ye Qianli's conspiracy! 1 more

At that time, the outskirts of Taikoo City were immersed in a strange calm, and the onlookers could still smell a strong smell of blood, but the desperate begging for mercy, fighting, and crying of the people in the void had all disappeared. up.

The members of the Limenghui are still counting the loot, and those dead people from the void realm have been searched for their bodies. It's really too much! Not a single one was left.

Tianjiao from all clans couldn't help but think that if this scene was seen by the higher-ups in the void world, or the masters of the void world, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood and die.

But even if you didn't see it, it's not hard for the Tianjiao present to imagine how furious the Lord of the Void Realm would be when he got the news! I'm afraid I can't wait to swallow Ye Qianli and the others alive.

"Heh, I don't know if the Taiyi clan is so poor and crazy that they search corpses to collect money. It's really unsightly and insulting to my 20 super clans." Ying Huan'er's voice came in this strange Breaking out of the calm.

Hearing that all the Tianjiao were "refreshing", they just felt that Ying Huan'er was really brave. At this moment, he dared to choke with Ye Qianli, a murderous god?

However, as soon as the Tianjiao saw Tianqisheng not far away and the members of the Tiandihui who had not dispersed, they understood that compared with the "mud-legged" world of nothingness, Tianshi's background is not so thick .

Limeng is powerful when fighting against the people of the void world; but against the heaven and earth society, everything hangs in the balance! Even everyone present can see that Ye Qianli is not what he used to be, but Tian Qisheng is also not what he used to be.


Before the Tianjiao could think about it, Ying Huan'er had already been captured, that's right! She had been captured by Ye Qianli who made a sudden attack.

"You!" Ying Huaner was stunned! She never expected that Ye Qianli would attack her suddenly, and Ying Gu, who was standing beside Ying Huaner, was naturally stunned, because she had nothing to investigate! nothing to check...

A majestic middle-level domain master! However, a high-ranking saint quietly took his daughter away from him. How could Yinggu not be surprised by this? But after being shocked, only anger remained.

But before Yinggu had an attack, Ye Qianli said preemptively, "Ying Huan'er, you're right, I'm just poor and crazy, hand over your other Bone Jade Double Dragon Sword."

"Ye Qianli! You are presumptuous!" Ying Gu angrily scolded unbearably, "If you destroy the people in the void world, you can become invincible in Hongmeng, and you can walk sideways?! Do you think that you, Taiyi, are the only ones in Wanyu?" The clan is the strongest, no one can do anything to get you!?"

So, ginger is still old and spicy! Ying Gu's words directly "raised" Ye Qianli as a target of public criticism, causing the eyes of many clan's arrogances present to slightly change.

Naturally, Tianqisheng would not say indifferently, "Qianli, let go of sister Huan'er, she is always reckless and ignorant, why should you bother with her?"

"Brother Qisheng..." Ying Huan'er, who was said to be reckless and brainless, turned hot and felt embarrassed. How could she be reckless and brainless?

But at this moment, Ying Huan'er's throat has been pinched tightly, making her unable to speak, she just feels like she is about to suffocate! And Ye Qianli, who pinched her like a chicken, explained lightly, "Say it again, hand over the bone jade double dragon sword, or you will die."

"How dare you!" Ying Gu's expression completely changed, she just felt that this Ye Qianli was simply unreasonable, to act like a robber in public? No more faces! ?

"You can try." Ye Qianli said in a low voice, her bare hands had already increased her strength, Ying Huan'er was about to hold her breath, and the whites of her eyes were turned out.

"Qianli! Let them go." Tian Qisheng stood up. After all, Ying Huan'er and Ying Gu had joined the Tian Di Hui, so he always wanted to protect them.

"Crack!" What responded to Tian Qisheng was the bone cracking sound from Ying Huan'er's neck, which made Ying Gu's eyes tear open, but Ye Qianli clung to her, and the strength in his hands increased again!

"Stop! I'll give it to you." Ying Gu was a perceptive person, so she could see that if Ye Qianli pushed harder, Ying Huan'er would surely die.

If it was before, she would dare to bet! Ye Qianli didn't dare to kill Ying Huan'er to bet that Saint Tianqi was here, but she didn't dare now, especially in this bloody scene, she didn't dare to bet.

"Yinggu don't worry, the Bone Jade Double Dragon Sword will always belong to your Ying family." Tian Qisheng assured him, making people understand what he meant, if Ye Qianli got the thing now, so what? It's just a passerby.

Yinggu understood, so she gave out the sword with more confidence, she was convinced! After today, all of Ye Qianli's glory and arrogance will fade away, and she will fight against Tian Shi and Tian Qi Sheng! It will never end well.

At that time! Ye Qianli not only wants to return this bone jade double dragon sword, but also presents the previous sword. This is the perfect return of the bone jade double dragon sword.

Otherwise, what Tian Qisheng said before will be suppressed! It's really hard for her to get back another bone jade double dragon sword. Now that Ye Qianli sent it to her door, Yinggu is of course willing to make it happen.

As everyone knows...

The other Bone Jade Double Dragon Sword had long been swallowed by the sleeping Dragon Emperor, leaving nothing left! Ye Qianli didn't intend to spit out the bone jade double dragon sword she received again.

A joke, when it came to her Ye Qianli's mouth, when did she spit it out? She even bit her beautiful prince, and "digested" it, what else could she not "digest"?

It's a pity that Yinggu at this moment still doesn't understand this truth, but this is something for later. At this moment, everyone has looked at Ye Qianli silently, and then at Tianqisheng again.

They didn't leave all the time, so they didn't just stay and watch the Limenghui clean up the scene, what they really wanted to see! It was the duel between Ye Qianli and Tian Qisheng.

But Ye Qianli didn't keep everyone waiting for a long time. After she received the bone jade double dragon sword, she raised her eyes to look at Tianqisheng, and said casually, "Do you want your avatar or the deity?" , or the avatar and the deity together?"


Ye Qianli's question was so subtle that the scene couldn't help it, and she let out another click of surprise, because Ye Qianli's words revealed that she wanted to challenge the deity of Tianqi! ?

The deity...

"Is she looking for death? The deity of Saint Tianqi is the domain master. She fought against the clone of Saint Tianqi before, but only with the help of Jinfeng, Long Yingyun and Zhu Yunwen, she was able to barely win."

"That's right! I really don't know who gave her the courage to challenge Tian Qisheng's true self. Does she think her life is too long!?"

There was a lot of astonishment at the scene, and everyone felt that Ye Qianli might have taken the courage of Xiongxin leopard to dare to provoke Tianqisheng like this, but some people smiled and secretly praised Ye Qianli for being smart.

After all, Saint Tianqi wants face, and he also has his pride of being the proud son of heaven, plus he still has the heart of coveting and conquering Ye Qianli!


Tianqisheng smiled wryly, "Qianli, I will not take advantage of you, I will only fight against you as a human being, but I will not show mercy, and I will definitely fulfill your wish."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qianli's eyes glowed coldly!

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