Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1235 Tianqi Holy Battle is defeated! 2 more

Liao Zongming cursed unbearably, "Damn it! This person is really the most disgusting person I've ever seen. How can he not be disgusted by me?"

He has never seen such a person who can pretend, and he obviously has ulterior motives! But she pretended to be infatuated, and even said that his young lady and his sister seemed to have an affair with him.

once! This happened twice, not to mention that Liao Zongming couldn't bear it, Hua Qianfang and the others' faces turned ashen, and they were all so angry that they were all smoked.

Ye Qianli, on the other hand, came out with a calm face to deal with Tian Qisheng's arrogance! There is only one kind of Jack Su who is hypocritical to the extreme! That is, his mother didn't even recognize him when he hit him.


"Boom!" Ye Qianli stepped out of the room in the air, and knocked the Yanyue long knife in his hand into the void, emitting a murderous intent! Go straight to Heavenly Strange Saint.

Sheng Tianqi took a deep look at her, and sacrificed his human avatar, but he still said, "Qianli, it's just a duel, don't work hard, if you lose, don't bother with other things."

"Oh, I hope you can still say this after the war." Ye Qianli smiled strangely, the left hand that had never held the Yanyue Saber was at the same time! The avatar of Chaotian Qisheng cast a divine pattern.

And this divine pattern, the moment it takes shape in the air, everyone can perceive it! There seems to be a pair of shackles in the dark, suddenly falling from the sky and locking towards them.



Between the heavens and the earth, because of the appearance of the talisman, there was an earth-shattering killing sound, which changed the faces of the Tianjiao of the clan in the audience, and they all saw it in horror! All these movements originate from the divine pattern in the sky.

that way...

"Fifth rank! Punish God!"

Tian Qizhen's face was colorful, and he shook his head in disbelief, "No! It's not the fifth-order god-killing pattern, but the fusion and creation of the character-making god pattern and the god-killing god pattern. This is a killing god pattern that is more powerful than the god-killing god. , she innovated again.”

"What!?" The scene exploded again!

Everyone knows that the strongest God-killing pattern in the world is definitely Zhushen. Even if the God-killing pattern has long been lost, all the remaining ones are the god-run talisman papers. This is why Ye Qianli and Dong are crazy to want The reason for seizing Ye Qianli's unique skills.

Whether it is Cangwang's unique skills! It is still the ultimate art of killing gods, which represent the pinnacle of the gods. One of them is the pioneer who opened up the world, and the other is the pinnacle of keeping the past and opening up the future.


"Om!" Ye Qianli, who has won the two masters, uses her fifth-level skill! The stronger God Punisher Divine Rune has allowed the world to witness how powerful the two great arts are combined into one body.

At that time, the storm was raging!

At that time, the stars will move!

At that time,...

"Put!" When Ye Qianli shouted, the color-changing world was swept away! When Ling Yao Xiang Tianqi Sheng, everyone's hearts were raised.

"Scatter!" Tian Qisheng's avatar's eyes sparkled, but when the murderous intent was raging all over the sky, it released a faint white glow, which seemed to be flying away with the wind, leaving the world alone.

But it was such a power that seemed to be hidden from the world, but it lightly faded away the overwhelming killing Ye Qianli rolled up, which shocked everyone in the audience.

"The inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms! Sure enough, the Tianqi Sage is already powerful, and now with the blessing of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, I am afraid that he will not be able to be shaken."

"After this battle, Saint Tianqi will surely become the top of the Hongmeng Ranking." Many people were thinking this way, but they saw that Ye Qianli had already launched a sweeping attack with fierce moves.

That's not even counting...

"Look at the light on her body!" Only now did many people realize that Ye Qianli seemed very different! Her skin actually showed a faint purple meaning.

The key is! These lingering purple thoughts not only annihilated the misty aura counterattacked by Tianqisheng's avatar, but also allowed Ye Qianli to reunite the scattered fifth-order God of Punishment and hit Tianqisheng's avatar directly.

So as soon as this fight started, it was almost considered as a battle that Ye Qianli would lose! Immediately ushered in a turning point, and then...

"The battle is evenly matched! The high-ranking saint Ye Qianli, in front of Tian Qisheng's half-step domain master clone, she actually fought with ease and never lost!?"

The onlookers Tianjiao and the elders from all sides were dumbfounded, especially Ye Qianli who swept out of the room with a knife! The more you sweep, the stronger you become, not only is there no weakness and decline, but there is also a more and more familiar strength?


"Could it be that she really came to find Tianqi Sheng's avatar to practice?" Some clan's Tianjiao couldn't help but think of what Rong Mo said before.

He said, "Zizi is nothing more than my wife's puppet."

At that time, no one took these words to heart, they just thought it was Rong Mo's nonsense after being very angry, now it seems! Doesn't seem to be?


Before the onlookers Tianjiao's heart was shocked, Tianqi Sheng himself smiled and said, "Okay! Qianli, you are really strong, but you were still clumsy before, so I will not be polite."

And as soon as he said this! Everyone saw that the avatar of the strange sage had already opened up, and there were nine forces with different breaths, lingering in the hollow space one after another.

"This is……"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth! Wind, thunder, light, and darkness, could it be that Sage Tianqi has controlled the source power of the nine elements?" All the arrogances of the clan were shocked.

"It turns out that he is a Tianyuan divine body who has awakened the natural power of the nine lines and controlled the original power of the nine lines. No wonder his old god is very present." The magic box all expressed their amazement.

And the divine body of Tianyuan! It is the supreme divine physique of Tian's lineage, but Tianqisheng can make his clones have such a physique, which shows that he is really powerful.

"Qianli! You are good, but in front of me, you still have to lose, but it doesn't matter, I believe that with your talent, you and I will be able to stand side by side in the future." Tianqi Sheng himself said proudly, as if the winning ticket was in his hands.

same moment!

Tian Qisheng's avatar also shouted, "Tianyuan unites, ninety-nine return to one."


The power between heaven and earth! At this moment, all of them were gathered by Tianqi Sheng's avatar, as if he is the master of power in this world, and all powers are under his command.

Coupled with that wispy divine aura, Tian Qi Sheng is even more kind! He is a born king, like the ruler of the world, he came to Ye Qianli with ease.

As a result, people thought that since all forces were controlled by Tian Qi Sheng! Ye Qianli has absolutely no strength to turn over, when she is really about to be caught.

"Wake up!" Ye Qianli said coldly to Tian Qisheng's avatar who was palming down, and followed her voice! It's not her suppressed power, but a knife! Or a stroke of money.

Ye Qianli, who uses a knife as a pen, writes with a single knife! It not only gathers the power of Cangwang to create characters, but also condenses the power of Emperor Tianfu to reverse the rules of heaven and earth, and also brings out the arrogance of Chaos Origin Thunder.

In an instant—

"Buzz!" The aura of heaven and earth controlled by the avatar of Tianqi Sheng with divine power and misty divine power immediately let out a moving buzzing sound.


"With your mere two copies of Piaomiao Cave Mansion! Inheritance of the King of Myriad Realms, you want to crush the unique knowledge of the complete Cangwang! The unique knowledge of the Tianfu Emperor, and me who inherited the throne? Are you thinking too beautifully?"

When Ye Qianli spoke, that knife was swept out by her! Immediately, with the momentum of overthrowing the top, the suppression of Saint Tianqi's clone was destroyed like a whirlwind.

That's not even counting...

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