Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1258 A small slap in the face of Wang Yi'er! 1 more

"Good boy." Xiao Yi'er stretched out her small hand and touched the big head of this monstrous dragon, her big eyes were full of "doting and spoiling" light.

This is his meal, if his father won't let him eat it now, then he can touch it. As for the big one, it would be great if the biggest one came over and let him touch it. If he can't eat it, he can eat it first touch it.

In this way...

Gan Chengling, who was originally saying that Xiao Yi'er was scared, was immediately slapped in the face. The scene just now was far away, and they didn't hear it very clearly, so it's hard to say.

But no matter how you look at this scene now, the little god doesn't seem to be frightened, and clearly treats the monster dragon of the saint's heavenly realm like a small pet.

And these beasts and monsters who have been trained naturally dare not do anything to Xiao Yi'er, at least they will not show their "fangs" without an order.

So after the monster dragon was touched, he could only stand back with a strange look, and only felt that the way this child looked at it made it feel like it was a piece of "fat meat"?

Shuang Ronglong then stood up and greeted him, "Goddess please."

"Goddess." The rest of the people also stood up one after another and clasped their fists and shouted, which was regarded as a formal salute.

Ye Qianli didn't say anything, as soon as everyone was seated, the slaves of the Shuang family refilled wine for Ye Qianli and his party. Xiao Yi'er looked at the wine glass curiously, and reached out to grab it, but was stopped by Rong Mo.

Sitting on it for a while, it was all right, and Ye Qianli could see clearly that the pair of Ronglong looked good, with star-eyed eyebrows, well-defined outlines, good-looking features, and quite a good temperament, and they seemed to be in charge of the overall situation. Vigorousness, it can be seen that he has indeed advanced to become a domain master.

"Congratulations, brother Ronglong, who has advanced to become a domain master. You will be able to fight Shengfan in the future." A child of the Wang family stood up and congratulated at the moment when the atmosphere was still harmonious.

"Thank you." Shuang Ronglong immediately raised his glass in response, but his eyes turned to Ye Qianli, who didn't seem to hear anything, and was concentrating on peeling her little boy's prawns.

"Congratulations, Brother Ronglong." Gan Chengling and the others also got up to congratulate, but there was no Ying Huan'er among the Ying family's disciples who came today.

After drinking for three rounds, Gan Chengling looked at Ye Qianli's mother and son with a smile and said, "I think the goddess has already peeled the third Wushuanghu spirit shrimp. It seems that the hidden place of the Taiyi tribe is extremely short of delicious food. Look at the little god. Those who are hungry will be hungry.”

"My son is the most honest. I was brave enough to be a little god just now. Now, it seems that I have no experience and don't know how scary monsters are, so I dare to touch them?"

"Brother, what you said must be the truth. The little god is innocent and doesn't know the difference between evil and good. You can't blame him. After living in seclusion for a long time, arrogance and ignorance are inevitable." After receiving Gan Chengling's words People, all speak with a pun, full of irony.

Not waiting for Ye Qianli's response, the Shuang Ronglong said with a smile, "I didn't pay attention, so the goddess loves me Wushuang Lake Spirit Shrimp, come here! Prepare a few more plates of Spirit Shrimp, how can we make us unparalleled in the world?" The Goddess at the top of the Hongmeng Ranking has lost her appetite and enjoyment."

"Thank you." Ye Qianli thanked without being annoyed.

"Goddess, you are welcome. I just wonder who are the people on the Hongmeng list now? I think Shengfan, who came to the Sheng family, has never gone to the Hongmeng training ground. Back then, I fought with Shengfan in the Hongmeng training ground. I was defeated in a hundred moves. Shengfan If he is here, he will be the first in the list, and if I am not talented, I am afraid that he will be second." Shuang Ronglong said eloquently.

"Brother Rong Long is humble. Now that you have advanced to become a domain master, you can defeat that saint in the first place. If you are in the Hongmeng training ground, you will be at the top of the list!"

"That's right!" People from the Qian family and the Ying family echoed one after another, while the Wang and Guo children of the Northern Three Thousand Regions remained silent. Although they didn't know whether Sheng Fan was in the Hongmeng training ground, they knew that Tian Qi Sheng was going there. up.

The disciples of the Wang family and the Guo family knew who was stronger and who was weaker between Tian Qi Sheng and Sheng Fan, so they just took it as a joke and looked at the people in the Western Three Thousand Regions to be ignorant.

Although the news of the twenty super clans came very quickly, it would take some time for certain things to spread from the Hongmeng Cultivation Field if they crossed the entire domain.

For example, now, most people actually don't know why Tian's and Yaoyu are fighting to the death, they only think that there is some conflict of interest in it.

These are all digressions. For now, Shuang Ronglong's words are naturally meant to mean that Ye Qianli's top spot on the list must be because the strong have not yet entered the Hongmeng training field, so she can get the top spot.

Hearing this, Ye Qianli looked at the Wang and Guo disciples with a smile and asked, "I don't know if Sheng Fan is stronger or weaker than your Heavenly Strange Saint from the Northern Three Thousand Regions?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course, Saint Tianqi is better than Saint Fan." Gan Chengling looked at Ye Qianli with a look of "you are so ignorant".

"Sister Chengling is right. Although Shengfan is strong, Tianqi Shengxiu's Tianshi's unique skill--Tianwai Clone, has given him more combat power. , Sage Tianqi must be worthy of the title of the first person in my generation." Shuangronglong said that Sage Tianqi admired him very much.

"That's right, so when the Hongmeng list first opened, those who happened to be in the Hongmeng training ground were lucky, and they could come back with the top spot at random, the real king of luck." A young man from the Qian family said with emotion.

"Stupid!" Xiao Yi'er suddenly pointed at him and called out.

"..." |

Everyone on the field was taken aback, after all, Xiao Yi'er was quiet but loud, and said "stupid" in a full-fledged way, and immediately stopped the noisy taunting on the field.

"Goddess, I don't know what the little god son means?" The young man from the Qian family asked Ye Qianli with a gloomy face.

Ye Qianli smiled, and replied while peeling the shrimp, "Of course it means literally. My son is innocent, but I don't know how to insinuate, so I just say what I have."

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the young man from the Qian family turned dark immediately, but Xiao Yi'er said immaturely, "Tianfan is the third, cold kiss is the first! Stupid!"

Xiao Yi'er, who is small but understands a lot, stunned the whole table with one sentence. Although they didn't understand what "Tianfanfan" was, they were talking about Tianqisheng and ranking Well, Xiao Yi'er's words are naturally very intriguing.

Therefore, Shuang Ronglong also asked bluntly, "The meaning of the little god, is it to say that Tianqi Sheng is also in the Hongmeng training field, but he is ranked third? Not only is he not as good as the goddess, but he can't even squeeze in the second place?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er replied vaguely and affirmatively with a big prawn stuffed in his mouth, and after swallowing the prawn, he said, "Tian Fanfan was beaten away by Liangqin, Liangqin is the most annoying! Number one."

"Wow, Yi'er! You can say a word." Ye Qianli praised his son in a strange way. This was the first time Xiao Yi'er uttered a complete sentence.


The people at the banquet table were stunned by Xiao Yi'er's words, they just felt...

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