Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1259 Dali'er, a model beloved husband! 2 more

This kid really dares to say that Tian Qisheng lost to Ye Qianli? Who will believe this! ? Anyway, among the people present, except for the Wang family and the Guo family who vaguely knew the inside story, no one believed it.

And even if they knew some inside information, people from the Wang family and the Guo family still didn't believe it. They just thought that there might be something tricky in it. Anyway, they really didn't think that Tian Qisheng would lose to Ye Qianli. After all, Ye Qianli's cultivation was too high Not convincing anymore.

"Little God is so young, I didn't expect to be able to say such nonsense in order to praise his mother, but he is a lovely little padded jacket. Who said that giving birth to a son is not as caring as a girl? I think the little God is very obedient and attractive. It hurts." Wang's daughter seemed to praise sincerely.

As soon as Shuangronglong heard what Wang's daughter said, he smiled more confidently and said, "Although the goddess is extremely talented, the supernatural powers of the Taiyi tribe are said to be unpredictable, but if you face the long-famous Tianqi Sage, Assuming that there is no chance of winning, what the child said is really not true.

It must be known that Tian Qisheng's human clone has 60% of his strength. With the current cultivation level of the goddess, even Tian Qisheng's human clone cannot defeat him. "

Shuang Ronglong said these words clearly and logically, which shows that he knows the strength of Tianqisheng very well, and he may have fought against him before, otherwise he would not have such a view on Tianqisheng's human clone.

Ye Qianli didn't pierce it, she just touched Xiao Yi'er's bald head and said with a smile, "I am the most powerful person in my son's heart besides his father."

"Same!" Xiao Yi'er explained, expressing that in his heart, mother and father are as fond of each other, and he likes them both.

"Tsk tsk, look at this sweet little mouth, really good at coaxing people, why don't you come over to my sister's place, my sister will peel the shrimp for you, and then let my Xiaohong play with you." While talking, Gan Chengling touched a red one beside him. There are three lions, the latter immediately stared at Xiao Yi'er with a bearded face.

"That's a good suggestion. The little god is innocent and has the same wisdom as beasts. He should be able to play with them." Wang's daughter also said with a smile, but her words were vicious, clearly saying that Xiao Yi'er is a little beast.

But the pair of Ronglongs scolded, "Wang Yuanyuan, what do you mean by that? How can the Son of God be compared with a beast. If you speak rudely again, don't blame me for being rude."

"I'm sorry, the girl's wording was inappropriate. Please forgive me, Goddess. I don't mean any malice. I just like the naivety of the son of God, and I just want the mount to play with him." Wang Yuanyuan, the Wang family, immediately explained.

Xiao Yi'er couldn't understand these more convoluted words, but he could understand that the other party asked him to play with the lion, so he looked at his father with some emotion, although the shrimps and shrimps were delicious, but Still not much taste.

Rong Mo gave the little idiot an angry look, but Ye Qianli said without a smile, "My son has a bad temper and gets angry easily. If I hurt your precious beast, what should I do?"

And as soon as she said this, Hua Qianfang knew that a good show was about to start, saying that Xiao Yi'er was a beast? Then let them see what a "beast" is, and show them what a real "beast" is.

But the pair of Ronglong said badly again, "No way! No matter how docile the animal is, it is an animal after all. What if it hurts the Son of God? The father of the Son of God is the son of the King of Ten Thousand Realms."

Only then did everyone look at Rong Mo with a sudden realization! Ye Qianli raised her eyebrows, only to realize that these people turned out to be "Xiang Zhuang danced for Pei Gong", and they were walking around here staring at her highness.

"Little girl, dare to ask Mr. Rong, your father's real name is Rong?" Wang Yuanyuan asked speciously.

"The king of ten thousand domains is not surnamed Rong, so is it possible that he is surnamed king?" Ye Qianli raised her voice and asked back.

The faces of Wang Yuanyuan and other members of the Wang family changed suddenly. After all, Ye Qianli's question was very meaningful! The meaning of the surname Wang of the king of Wanyu is that they have the intention of rebelling against the sky.

Wang Yuanyuan immediately said coldly, "Goddess! Food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately. Since ancient times, the surname of the king of Wanyu is something we look up to. But there are people with the same surname in the world, and everyone knows the name of Wanyu. After Wang's real surname, they changed it one after another, how dare he have the same surname as the King of Heaven."

"Yuanyuan's words are very true. I don't believe the rumors that Mr. Rong is the son of the king of Wanyu, but to avoid misunderstanding, Mr. Rong should change his surname." Shuang Ronglong warned indifferently.

"It's ridiculous, an ignorant person, but you still force my husband to change his surname. How can you prove that my husband is not the son of the king of the Ten Thousand Realms? Could it be that you can go to Mount Sumeru and get a reply from Mount Sumeru?" Ye Qianli Sneered back.

Everyone was speechless, because none of them had the qualifications to pass Mount Sumeru, not to mention they were not qualified, even the oldest seniors in their clan did not have such qualifications.

They dared to call Rong Mo's surname, but they believed that the news was false, and it was for the sake of the Taiyi clan to suppress the Tian clan, and the Tian clan had no time to respond to the news released, so it was okay for them to meddle in this nosy matter, so as to suppress it After all, the Taiyi clan can force the husband of the Taiyi Goddess to change his surname, which is definitely a matter that makes the Taiyi clan extremely depressed.


Shuang Ronglong was naturally not good at giving up and said, "Goddess, don't worry, I only made this proposal for you and the sake of the Taiyi tribe. After all, if Mount Sumeru learns about this news in the future, I will definitely not make it easy for Brother Rong. The Taiyi tribe and you can't eat and walk around."

"This is a matter between me and my husband. There is no need for others to meddle in other people's business." Ye Qianli said flatly.

"You say Brother Ronglong is a dog?" Qian Chengling pointed out sharply.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Ye Qianli responded.

"A dog bites Lu Dongbin, he doesn't know what's good and what's wrong! He's a real dog." Shuang Rongyu couldn't hold back his yelling, Shuang Ronglong is the pride of Shuang's clan, how could anyone call him a dog! ?

"You dog! You are a dog!" Xiao Yi'er could hear right now that these people were calling his mother a dog, so he cursed back impolitely, and stood up angrily and shouted, "Beat!"

That said! Xiao Yi'er had already grabbed the plate in front of him and threw it directly at Shuang Rongyu. His speed was so fast and his explosive power was so strong that it was impossible to guard against! So...

Before that pair of Rong Yu could react, a plate of prawns splashed on his head with the soup, smashing him! Pain is still a trivial matter, the main thing is the embarrassment.

"Hmph! Bad! They are all bad people, bullying Liang Qin, Yi'er beat him!" Xiao Yi'er still shouted angrily, pretending to carry the plate and hit someone again.

Gan Chengling took advantage of the situation and yelled, "Let's start a fight if we disagree. The little god seems to be really suitable for playing with animals. Why not just let me play with him? Save him from being on the table." Playing wild and embarrassing the goddess."

Say that! Gan Chengling patted the three fierce lions beside him, and the latter jumped onto the banquet table immediately, approaching Xiao Yi'er who was sitting on the banquet table, with fierce eyes in his eyes! It was obvious that Xiao Yi'er was going to be eaten.

And this, of course, is what Qian Chengling meant! She viciously wanted to use this to kill Yi'er, her intentions were extremely sinister, and this was not counted...

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