Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1291: Wife-loving madman! 22 more

"Hey~" Xiao Yi'er smiled reservedly, but her fat face was raised slightly proudly, arrogant and elf, Linggu couldn't help but say, "Can I hug you?"

Aunt Ling could clearly see that this little boy was a child with his own ideas, but she didn't ask Rong Mo who was holding him, she only asked the little guy himself.

"No." Xiao Yi'er shook his head, then slipped into his father's arms and said, "Yi loves father! Daddy hugs."

"Okay, okay, I don't want to hug you, I don't need to hide." Aunt Ling was not annoyed, she just thought that this kid was likable no matter how she looked, if only she had such a smart grandson, granddaughter would be fine too.

"Thank you Linggu." Liao Zongming thanked Long Yingyun on behalf of Long Yingyun. The latter has been quiet in his healing world, and he must try to stabilize the dragon soul as much as possible.

Fortunately, under the suppression of Hua Qianfang's Shennong Cauldron, the dragon king's aura affecting Long Yingyun's dragon soul has been stabilized, and Ye Qianli's divine flower power wandering in Long Yingyun's body has an extremely healing effect. The situation of Long Yingyun has gradually been brought under control.

When Linggu saw this, she knew that there was nothing serious and said, "I'll go and report to Phoenix Lord so that God Master Luo doesn't have to come."

"Auntie, thank you very much." Jinfeng thanked from the bottom of her heart. For the first time, she felt that it was very wise for Fengzhu to let Linggu act as an agent for the affairs of the clan.

Linggu asked with a slight smile, "Don't you think I deliberately let Long Yingyun win? In his situation, he can't help you a lot in the inheritance competition. On the other hand, Jin-eyed Tianpeng will definitely be your big brother." help."

"I don't think so." Jinfeng replied affirmatively.

"But I really think so. I will enter the secret realm in two hours. Get ready." After Linggu said, she looked at Rong Mo.

Only then did Rong Mo loosen a hole in the barrier to allow Linggu to go out, but the latter looked at him deeply. Linggu was very fortunate that her daughter and son-in-law did not have this young man in their opponents, otherwise they would not have won at all. Odds.

This son...

Is it really the parent and child of the King of Ten Thousand Realms?

Aunt Ling couldn't say anything, she just went to the inner court to report the matter, she didn't say anything about Hua Qianfang's fighting on behalf of her, one thing she promised not to say, and two things she knew that Hua Qianfang and Long Yingyun couldn't hide anything An old ancestor.

About two hours later, seeing that the time given by Linggu was about to come, Ye Qianli and Hua Qianfang stopped. After all, Hua Qianfang gave a reminder to let Ye Qianli know that there was no time, so it could only be temporarily .

When Ye Qianli stopped, Jin Feng asked anxiously, "How is it?"

"Ask him yourself." Ye Qianli raised her eyebrows and signaled.

Jin Feng: "..." She didn't think Ye Qianli was so bad before.

"I'm fine." Long Yingyun answered by himself, and reached out to hold Jinfeng's hand and said, "Don't worry, my father's power is not for my life, it seems critical, but in fact it's okay. "

"Who's worried about you!" Jin Feng refused to admit it and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Long Yingyun refused to let go, and held her hand tightly. Jin Feng didn't dare to use force to break free, for fear of hurting him, Can only be held by him.

Seeing this, Ye Qianli's lips curled up into an aunt's smile, the two of them were happy friends, fortunately they were not delayed, otherwise it would be a pity.

"Om." Only now did Rong Mo clear the barrier, and Linggu at the other end also announced, "Please Jinfeng and Longyingyun to go to the Nirvana Stage for the third round of competition."

Although the two seem to have reconciled, but there are rules in the group arena, and there are so many people watching at the scene, so naturally they can't let it go.

"Jinfeng, go up." Long Yingyun also said inquiringly.

Jin Feng saw him as "poor", but responded, "Do you still want me to carry you up?"

"Pfft." Ye Qianli and the others laughed, this Jinfeng! It's also a wonder.

"Why not." Although Long Yingyun blushed, she dared to speak.

"You have a good idea!" Jin Feng ignored him, and swept towards the Nirvana Stage by himself, and Long Yingyun naturally followed without being dragged down.

"It's over, it's over, another wife-loving madman, I think Long Yingyun is a little more acceptable than the husband-in-law, and he will definitely be eaten to death by Jinfeng!" Liao Zongming was touching his forehead.

"Who are you talking about?" Rong Mo asked calmly.

Liao Zongming: "..." It's over! Wrong word again.

"Can't you bear it?" Ye Qianli asked, couldn't she eat her highness to death? No! She wants to eat His Highness to death!

Rong Mo: "..."

"Your Highness!" Seeing that he was silent, Ye Qianli called after him.

"Okay." Rong Mo replied honestly.

"Hmph!" Queen Ye immediately looked at the Nirvana Terrace proudly!

But Rong Mo added, "My son and I will listen to you, and Immortal will listen to you."

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er immediately echoed.

Ye Qianli poked his little fat face with a smile, "Just you, when you have a wife, you should forget about your mother. You'd better listen to your wife, as long as I have your father, just listen."

"No!" Xiao Yi'er shouted unhappily, "Yi loves you dear, daughter-in-law! Hug~" After saying this, he threw himself into Ye Qianli's arms and hugged Ye Qianli, but unfortunately he couldn't move.

Rong Mo, who hugged the little bastard who "pried the corner of the wall" tightly in his arms, patted the little hands with "wrong intentions", and educated him earnestly, "Your daughter-in-law looked for it yourself, this is your father and my daughter-in-law." .”

"No!" Xiao Yi'er refused.

"Beat you." Rong Mo threatened.

"No!" Xiao Yi'er bluffed and expressed his resolute refusal to give in.

"I really beat you." Rong Mo's eyes darkened.

Xiao Yi'er thought for a while, then looked at his mother and said, "Liang Qin chooses!"

Rong Mo: "..."

"Pfft! Mother doesn't choose, mother loves you two." Ye Qianli only thought it was funny and hugged one big and one small, while Liao Zongming and the three felt sad and covered their ears.

Alas, the sour smell of dog food has already soured their ears, and the son is so old, and he sweetens them every day to the point of doubting life.

But they covered their ears and looked elsewhere, but they still saw another wave of dog food. Not long after Long Yingyun took the stage, when the two sides were about to exchange ideas, they said directly, "I admit defeat."

Jin Feng glanced at him, but didn't think about fighting, but Long Yingyun said, "Jin Feng, you can still choose, if you think you don't like me enough and don't want to marry me, I can wait. "

"Tsk—" There was a sigh in the audience, and some people even booed, "Golden Phoenix Saintess, there is no need to choose! Just marry."

"Marry! Marry!..." There was a sound of urging marriage in the audience! I just feel that infatuated men like Long Yingyun are really rare in the cultivation world.

Ye Qianli said enviously, "Your Highness, you were too domineering when you proposed marriage."

Rong Mo: "..." He was the one who was slept. Who is overbearing?

But this time Jinfeng said, "Are you really willing to marry me and never regret it?" She asked very meaningfully, and everyone in the room understood what she meant.

"I would."

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