Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1292 Contest for the Secret Realm! 23 more

Long Yingyun's answer is very affirmative, he can try his best to repay the Dragon Clan, but he can't leave Jinfeng, if he wants to lose his love in the hundreds of thousands of years of his life, it is better not to exist.

He wants to be like Jinfeng, live a small life like Rong Mo and Ye Qianli's family, and he doesn't want to be like his father, fighting against the beauties in the first palace! Always calculating.


He is really not suitable to be the young master of the Dragon Clan.

Moreover, since his father decided to let him marry the Dragon Girl of the East China Sea, he didn't intend to keep the pure dragon blood of the South China Sea Dragon Clan, so he didn't have to insist anymore.

He thought clearly about all this, so he answered affirmatively, and his eyes were firm. Jinfeng could see it, and she held onto it! The hand of the man in front of him.

If he doesn't regret it, why should she hesitate?

"Papa papa!..." Xiao Yi'er, the little cheerleader, immediately puffed up his little palms, eliciting thunderous applause from the audience.

But Zhu Xiaowen said softly, "Long Yingyun is no match, this time the inheritance must belong to you, Ruoxi."

"En." Feng Ruoxi nodded, but she was not as happy as she imagined. If she didn't get the inheritance, but could get the sincere affection like Jin Feng, she felt that she would also like it.

"It seems that my Feng clan will have a happy event, and all the people present are witnesses. If you have time in the future, please come to my Feng clan for a glass of wedding wine. As for now, please prepare yourself and follow me to the secret realm of the Feng clan." Linggu said The announcement sounded after the applause faded away.

"Thank you Linggu,..." Talented people from all sides got up to thank each other, feeling very excited. Even if they couldn't imagine it in the central area, the secret realms outside the Feng Clan also had good opportunities.

"You are being polite, and I would like to thank you all for coming from afar to support our Feng Clan." After Linggu said, she also stood up and led the crowd towards the Feng Clan's secret realm.

The secret realm is actually in the back mountain of the Feng Clan's mansion, but before the secret realm is opened, this back mountain is just a spiritual mountain, and when the secret realm is opened, the whole spiritual mountain will have the opportunity to attract people from all over the world.

However, the secret realm of this meeting has not yet been opened, but people who are close to the back mountain of the Feng clan can feel that there is a pure phoenix pressure! The soul has come.

"The secret realm will open soon, please wait for a moment." After Linggu said, she added: "Before that, I also made it clear to you that after entering the secret realm, no matter what your current cultivation and combat power are All levels will be suppressed below the primary realm; in addition, mounts and other combat power are also forbidden to be used, otherwise they will be judged by the power of the rules of the secret realm, please remember."

Everyone present knew these two points, so they didn't have any doubts. Jin Feng also told Ye Qianli and others not to use their mounts and other powers.

"I can't help you in the battle in the central area. Be careful yourself." Ye Qianli also warned, and handed Long Yingyun a few small flowers and said, "They leave me, and they can still maintain their strength." It has a certain effect, you take it."

"Thank you." Long Yingyun accepted it politely, and Hua Qianfang also gave him a bottle of elixir, which touched Long Yingyun and patted him on the shoulder, "This time I really want to thank Brother Hua and Qianli is here for you."


There was a faint fluctuation of pure rules, and at the same time as Long Yingyun thanked, it had radiated from the spiritual mountain in front of him, making everyone in the audience silent immediately, everyone knew it! The Feng Clan secret realm is about to open.

"Buzz, buzz..."

The regular waves that are constantly emitting have covered the audience more and more densely, making everyone feel as if they are bathed in the winter sun, warm and comfortable.

a moment later...

"Look, sycamore tree!" Everyone at the scene could see that the entire Lingshan Mountain had turned into a giant sycamore tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, ancient and majestic.

The endless starlight fell into the sycamore wood, but it reflected the brilliance like the warm sun, lighting up the whole Fengcheng, as bright as day, and letting everyone in the city know the secret realm of the Fengzu! turned on.

The endless splendor of the phoenix tree constantly shone with astonishing brilliance, which moved the entire South Three Thousand Regions, and also made the Dragon King in the South Sea Dragon Palace feel something, and looked towards Fengcheng.

He had just received the news from Fengcheng, so he naturally knew that the Nizi finally got his wish and defeated all the contestants.

"Dragon King, the young master awakened the blood of the nine-clawed true dragon, and he will become a great weapon in the future. Do you really want to depose him?" As the confidant of the Dragon King, the aged Prime Minister Long Gui had to remind him.

"If you don't depose him, can I, the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea, bear the revenge of the East China Sea?" The Dragon King said lightly, and he stood up and walked back to the bedroom.

Looking at his lonely back, the old dragon turtle could only shake his head and look in the direction of Fengcheng, secretly thinking that the Dragon Lord must regret it, but the Dragon King's golden mouth has been opened, and it is impossible to take it back.


"I hope the young master can come back." The old dragon turtle always felt in his heart that all the children of the Dragon Lord were inferior to Long Yingyun, the son-in-law.

Even though some dragon sons are extremely talented and improve their cultivation quickly, he has always firmly believed that the young master with a solid foundation and hard work will definitely be able to accumulate a lot of money.

It's a pity that the Dragon Lord has no patience to wait, he wants to pin his hopes on the next generation, and insists on forcing the young master to marry the demon dragon, and then wants to bless the power of the real dragon with demon energy.

"Alas..." The old dragon tortoise couldn't say right or wrong, he only knew that the current South China Sea dragon clan was really going to fall into a rift, and the only true dragon descendant was recruited into the Feng clan as his son-in-law.

But no matter how emotional the old dragon turtle is, at this moment Long Yingyun and Jinfeng have walked into the phoenix tree, together with them are Feng Ruoxi, Zhu Xiaowen, and two other outstanding young couples of the direct descendants of the Feng clan.

The Phoenix family has multiplied so far, the Golden Phoenix of the Golden Phoenix line, and the Fire Phoenix of the Feng Ruoxi line are the most powerful, followed by the two lines of Qingluan and Nine-Tailed Sparrow.

So the other two young couples are the holy girl Qingyi from the lineage of Qingluan and her husband, and the holy girl Quexian from the lineage of the nine-tailed sparrow and her husband.

After all the saints from the direct descendants of the Feng clan entered the secret realm, Linggu said, "Everyone can enter the secret realm. Linggu waits for you to return with success."

"Thank you Linggu, thank you Feng Clan." People from all sides at the scene, as well as the rest of the Feng Clan's children, walked into the phoenix tree one after another.

"Let's go and have a look too." After Ye Qianli said that, she had already walked towards the sycamore tree first, and Rong Mo, who was leading her, naturally went in together.

"Let's go." The three of Hua Qianfang entered one after another.

And as soon as they entered the sycamore tree, the scene in front of them changed immediately, and a "picture of mountains, rivers and waterfalls" was displayed in front of everyone.

"There seems to be a fire on the waterfall, go up and have a look!" Some people have already noticed the clue and jumped over the waterfall, and Xiao Yi'er also shouted, "Let's go!"

Rong Mo took his wife and children up without delay, and saw that at the end of the stream that formed the waterfall, there was a fiery red mountain stream, and there was a phoenix singing in the mountain stream, which was very loud.

"Ah! Fanfan!"

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