Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1299 Change! 30 more

Otherwise, even if Dong Chengxiao's combat power is no match for Rong Mo, with Xiao Rong's cooperation, he can still hold Rong Mo for a long time, but Qingyi is on the verge of extinction! He has no heart to fight anymore.

at the same time.


Qingyi had already spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Ye Qianli with complicated eyes, Dong Chengxiao was also startled, because he thought that Qingyi would die after seeing Ye Qianli's blow.

But Dong Cheng Xiaozhi was stunned for a while, then he hugged Qingyi tightly, and said softly, "Forget it, let's not argue." At that moment just now, when he thought he would lose Qingyi, Only then did he realize that he couldn't live without this wife in his life.

If it was in the past, Qingyi would definitely not be willing, she wholeheartedly wanted to revive Qingluan's lineage, obtain the inheritance of the secret realm, and become the next Phoenix Lord, but now...

"Okay." Qingyi held Dong Chengxiao's hand, knowing that he had been frightened.

Qingyi originally thought that she would die for sure, but she didn't expect the opponent's attack to change suddenly. The spear's sharp edge brushed past her eyes, and only hit her luan head with the end of the spear, so although she was injured, it was not fatal.

"Xiao Rong." Quexian also supported her husband Xiao Rong at this moment, only to realize that even if she assists Qing Yi, they are not opponents of each other.

"It's okay." Xiao Rong stood up calmly, but still looked at Rong Mo with a fighting spirit in his eyes. He didn't expect that there would be such a strong opponent in the younger generation. He and Dong Chengxiao joined forces, but they couldn't shake each other. This person is so strong! beyond imagination.

"I hope Jinfeng believes in you correctly, and you won't steal the inheritance of my Feng clan." After Qingluan stood up, he looked at Ye Qianli calmly and said.

"You don't worry, you can watch." Ye Qianli responded lightly, then pulled Rong Mo behind her, and walked towards the Phoenix Road, and when the two of them entered the Phoenix Terrace, Xiao Yi'er, who was still sleeping , and immediately fell into a deep sleep, as if he was relieved.

Ye Qianli noticed it, so after she went up, she touched her son's head first, then held him in her arms and patted him on the back.

"Well~" Xiao Yi'er slept comfortably in his mother's arms, but Rong Mo reached out and took the little one over, took the little guy's exclusive strap, and wrapped him in his arms .

"Can you take him with you?" Ye Qianli asked, she knew that Rong Mo's coming here was something to do, but seeing him like this, it didn't seem like a big deal?

"Yes, I'll take him up first, you and Long Yingyun will guard Jinfeng." After Rong Mo finished speaking, he put Ye Qianli in his arms and said, "Don't worry."

"The son will be handed over to you." Ye Qianli looked at the little guy who was sleeping soundly, touched his face as pink as a peach, and kissed him again.

Rong Mo hugged her waist tightly and said, "What about me."

"What?" Ye Qianli didn't react.

Rong Mo just pursed his thin lips and didn't speak, just looked at her lips! just looking at...

Only then did Ye Qianli realize that he wanted her to kiss him too, or it might be because of her son's jealousy, so she stood on tiptoe and concocted a kiss on his face.

Rong Mo took advantage of the situation to support her buttocks, not letting the little leopard who shut up after kissing him "retract", embarrassing Ye Qianli who hadn't guarded against him doing this.

If she didn't know that the sleeves of his clothes were big, no one would have seen her, and she would be even more ashamed to death! But he still lowered his eyes, staring at her with quiet and deep eyes.

Ye Qianli immediately kissed his lips sincerely, only to see a few gleams in his eyes, and was obviously coaxed to be happy.

Ye Qianli: "..." This wave of operations is indeed the most experienced operation of her family's proud and beautiful prince, His Royal Highness, true and false! The thief is arrogant, black-bellied and sullen.

Rong Mo, who was satisfied, let go and said, "Then I'll go."

"Go." Ye Qianli watched the couple go forward, feeling like sending her husband to work and taking her son to kindergarten by the way, although she didn't know what it was like, but she thought, it should be How she felt at the moment.

After Rong Mo walked away, Long Yingyun chatted with Ye Qianli, "I don't know how long you and Rong Mo have known each other? It seems that the relationship is really good." And it seems to be much better than in Hongmeng Xiuchang .

"How long has it been? It seems like a long time, but in fact it's only been almost five years." Looking back, Ye Qianli found that they had experienced a lot together, but it was indeed almost five years.

The son has been pregnant for three years, and now the son is almost two years old, and it will be almost five years. It's not too long, but there are too many things I have experienced, and it feels like a lifetime has passed, and we are both old and married.

"It's only been five years?" Long Yingyun was a little surprised, he saw that Ye Qianli and Rong Mo had a tacit understanding, as if they had known each other for decades.


No, they are both young. If they have known each other since they were born, they have only known each other for more than twenty years. However, both of them have a commanding style, calm in dealing with things, and decisive. They have traits that do not match their real ages. Sophisticated means.

"Yes, but I also feel that we have known each other for a long time." Ye Qianli responded with a smile, and then asked Long Yingyun, "You and Jinfeng have known each other longer than us, right?"

"Naturally, I've known her since I was ten years old. She has always had a bad temper since she was a child." Long Yingyun talked about Xiao Jinfeng, his eyebrows and eyes were full of tenderness.

Ye Qianli was about to laugh and say something, but she sensed that Feng Ruoxi, who was on the other road, had already taken a step forward! ? She looked over in surprise.

Not only her, Qingyi and Quexian, who were defeated, all paid attention to Feng Ruoxi, which was taken for granted, and Qingyi also said, "If Ruoxi entered the state earlier, it is normal to go further first."

"Ruoxi has an advantage." Quexian said, but looked at Rong Mo who had almost reached the top and said, "What's wrong with him? How can he pass up without any obstacles?"

"I don't know..." Qing Yi's eyes darkened slightly, and she looked at Ye Qianli and the others again. She looked at Rong Mo very mysteriously, and was really worried about the loss of the Feng Clan's inheritance.

"He really didn't come here for the inheritance." Dong Chengxiao said with some certainty, "He is very powerful and has his own inheritance. He shouldn't care about the inheritance of the Feng Clan."

"Won't you care?" Qingyi frowned, not liking this term.

But Xiao Rong who was nearby also said, "Yes, to be honest, I would like to believe that he is the son of the King of Ten Thousand Realms. If he is, he already has the inheritance of the King of Ten Thousand Realms. For him, the inheritance of the Feng Clan is Nothing really."

"Xiao Yi, he's really strong. If it wasn't for the suppression in the secret realm, Xiao Rong and I would have lost a single blow to him." Dong Chengxiao also said pertinently, if he knew Rong Mo's record, he would definitely find out! If it wasn't suppressed by the rules of the secret realm, he and Xiao Rong would have no chance to make a move in front of Rong Mo.

"So strong?" Qingyi didn't believe it, but at this moment——


Feng Ruoxi has already taken another step forward, and the gap between the previous step and the previous step is less than half a cup of tea! ? This made everyone a little stunned.

"What's going on?" Ye Qianli also asked Long Yingyun cautiously. If things go on like this, wouldn't Jin Feng be completely crushed?

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