Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1300 The Poison Woman is Vigorous! 31 more

"I don't know." Long Yingyun also replied solemnly, and said, "Although Feng Ruoxi has an advantage, it should never be so obvious, and Jinfeng's understanding is the best, she can catch up instinctively. "

This made Ye Qianli even more puzzled, and carefully observed Feng Ruoxi, and her right eye was quickly penetrated by her! Zhu Xiaowen's power was vaguely merged with Feng Ruoxi's! ?

"It's Zhu Xiaowen." Qingyi, who has a good mental strength, also found the clue and said, "He has integrated into Ruoxi's reincarnation with supernatural powers, and together with her, he has comprehended the reincarnation of the nine generations."

"That's okay?" Ye Qianli was stunned. It was equivalent to two people who were comprehending the power of reincarnation on the Phoenix Path. No wonder Jinfeng was defeated.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianli said, "I'll go and beat him down."

"It's useless, when Feng Ruoxi takes a step, the Phoenix Road is completely closed, and no one can walk up it." Qingyi said.

Ye Qianli: "..."

"It's no wonder Feng Ruoxi is so confident, so she kept this move." Only then did Long Yingyun understand why Feng Ruoxi wasn't worried that Jinfeng would win her.

Zhu Xiaowen's comprehension is not bad, even better than Feng Ruoxi, with his assistance to Feng Ruoxi, Feng Ruoxi will definitely win the top spot, but he can't give Jinfeng such help.

Long Yingyun is ashamed...

Ye Qianli looked at Qing Yi and asked, "Then may I ask, if he can help, I can help too?"

"Theoretically, it is not allowed, because you are not Jinfeng's husband, but since you can come here, maybe helping her is not a foul, but it is not necessarily true. If it is a foul, Jinfeng will be eliminated directly. "Qingyi explained in detail.

"Thank you." Ye Qianli thanked her, then looked over, still focusing on Jinfeng in her reincarnation perception, and she was determined to help in her heart.

Long Yingyun also said, "Even if you are eliminated, Jinfeng will not blame you. Since you can't win, it doesn't matter if you are eliminated earlier."

"I think so." After Ye Qianli said, she took Jin Feng's hand, and the latter moved his eyeballs slightly as if he was aware of it, but he didn't open them.

"Second idiot, do you know how to do it?" The magic box was passed on to Ye Qianli, who responded, "Of course I don't know, isn't there you, don't you know everything?"

The magic box that was wearing a high hat immediately responded, "That is! You two fools are also lucky to meet such an awesome existence like me."

Ye Qianli: "..." Can you not talk nonsense?

Fortunately, the magic box didn't talk too much nonsense, so it explained, "Put your consciousness into Jinfeng's consciousness, and let your soul body enter her sea of ​​consciousness. During this process, she must not reject you, otherwise you Be cool."

"Then what?"

"Then you can use your understanding to help her! Is there any need to ask? But as long as you don't foul, I think Jinfeng can definitely win, and the reincarnation perception or something will definitely not trouble you." The magic box said with a rare boast .

"Even if you praise me, you can't change the fate of being licked by Xiaobai." Ye Qianli said.

"Poison woman!" The magic box growled angrily.

Ye Qianli didn't care about it, she had already followed what the magic box said, and probed her consciousness into Jinfeng's sea of ​​consciousness, and her operation made Qingyi immediately frown and say, "What are you doing? ?”

Anyone's sea of ​​consciousness, especially a sea of ​​consciousness whose cultivation base has reached the step of golden phoenix, is very self-defensive! He would instinctively attack Ye Qianli's "invasion", but if Ye Qianli counterattacked, it would cause irreparable losses to Jinfeng.

Of course, if Ye Qianli didn't have to fight back, her own sea of ​​consciousness would be severely damaged because of this! In this way, wouldn't he put himself in a dilemma?


When Jinfeng sensed Ye Qianli's "invading" power, she didn't fight back, she didn't fight at all, as if she could be sure that the power entering her sea of ​​consciousness would never hurt her.

Qingyi: "..." She didn't expect that Jinfeng trusted this woman so deeply.

Long Yingyun: "..." He is very envious, if he is doing this now, will Jinfeng trust him so much? I will.

Long Yingyun said! He's really not jealous, just envious, eh! I'm just envious...

"The two of them must have fought side by side in Hongmeng Xiuchang, and experienced life and death together." Quexian also envied the relationship between Jinfeng and Ye Qianli.

Quexian felt that Jinfeng could trust Ye Qianli so much because Ye Qianli had done something that touched her very much, and she devoted her heart and soul to it. After all, Jinfeng is not a fool.

And although she and Qing Yi, Jin Feng, and Feng Ruoxi are members of the same clan, because of the existence of competition, they have never been so close, even with other sisters in the family, they have never been so close.

But whether it was Quexian or Qingyi, they all had to admit Jinfeng's trust soon after! Really got her extraordinary help.

Ye Qianli can really help Jinfeng reverse the disadvantage, because not long after she joined! Jinfeng took a step forward, which made people feel emotional.

In a quarter of an hour...


Jin Feng took another step, and was already in the same position as Feng Ruoxi! But she didn't stop, and took another big step forward, completing the second reincarnation.

same moment!


Feng Ruoxi has just taken the third step, completed the second round of comprehension, and entered the third round, the speed is very fast.

However, this is only relative to the normal time, but compared with Jinfeng at this moment, Feng Ruoxi is undoubtedly very slow, she has even lagged behind Jinfeng, after all Jinfeng is a little earlier than her! Take the third step.

"What is the origin of this woman? Are all the goddesses of the Taiyi clan so powerful?" Qingyi couldn't help asking Dong Chengxiao, only thinking that Ye Qianli seemed to be a pervert.

"I heard that the goddess of the Taiyi tribe has to experience three calamities of decline, one of which is human decline, that is, death. She is a person who has understood death, so she must have certain advantages?" Dong Chengxiao is not very sure.

"Three declines..." Qingyi also remembered the characteristics of the Taiyi clan recorded in the clan classics, and naturally thought of the three declines of the Taiyi Goddess.

"At such a young age, she has already experienced the decline of spirit, strength and human?" Qingyi didn't quite believe it, but felt that it was impossible.

But Xiao Rong said, "If it wasn't for that, she couldn't be so strong. It is said that the Goddess Taiyi would lose her memory and mental power when she was in decline. Do you think she looks like this?"

"It's not like..." Qingyi is very sure, but if Ye Qianli hasn't started to experience calamity, that's impossible, because when Goddess Taiyi awakens her ninth talent, she will fall into the third calamity due to her talent .

It is said that the goddesses of Taiyi in the past all died very early, even if they died in the calamity of three declines, they would not live to be twenty-five years old. Ye Qianli does not look twenty-five years old, but she has obviously experienced the calamity. , otherwise it cannot be so vigorous.

And when Qing Yi thought so——


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