Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1301 Unswerving until death! 32 more

Golden Phoenix!

She took another step.

"..." |

Qing Yi and the others were speechless.

But Feng Ruoxi and Zhu Xiaowen still didn't react, Feng Ruoxi was fine, she naturally had no distractions during this process.

But what about Zhu Xiaowen? He has been "seeing" with his eyes open all the time, could it be that he didn't notice the scolding at all? Of course not, he sensed it.

But Zhu Xiaowen's character is very strong, he was not affected, but he is helping Feng Ruoxi with all his heart, the key is! Not long after, Feng Ruoxi took another step forward.

After that, it was almost Jinfeng who took a step! Feng Ruoxi just followed one step, which surprised Qing Yi and Que Xian, and paid more attention to Zhu Xiaowen.

"Zhu's mystical powers are said to penetrate the past and the present, and he can see the future reincarnation. It is very suitable for walking the way of the Phoenix. Feng Ruoxi pursued him back then because of this. Now if it weren't for Ye Qianli, she would have won nothing. No suspense." Qingyi sighed slightly.

Although she knew before that Feng Ruoxi's pursuit of Zhu Xiaowen was very purposeful, just to prepare for the inheritance of the Feng Clan's secret realm, but she didn't expect it! This preparation is so strong.

Quexian obviously didn't expect that Jin Feng was secretly aware of it, but she also didn't expect that Zhu Xiaowen could give Feng Ruoxi such a strong help.

Zhu Xiaowen! He is the trump card that Feng Ruoxi has prepared for many years, and she has paid a lot for it, otherwise, with Zhu Xiaowen's mind and ability, how could he agree to join the Feng family.

In recent years, Zhu Xiaowen has been criticized by his peers because he joined the Feng family, which also made the family no longer value him as much as before. After all, he is an "outsider".

But Zhu Xiaowen naturally has plans, and the plans are big, otherwise he would not agree to marry Feng Ruoxi, even if there is an agreed divorce agreement, he would not agree.


Seeing that the Phoenix Terrace is in front of him, as long as he walks through this Phoenix Road, he will be able to get close to the target. Naturally, Zhu Xiaowen will not tolerate any changes, so he is also exerting his full strength.


"Da da!……"

The fight for the front was going on with the sound of step by step, which made Qing Yi and Que Xian pay close attention. The only leisure people in the scene were Hua Qianfang and the three of them. These three really regarded this place as the best training ground.

After half a day.

Both Jin Feng and Feng Ruoxi have reached the ninth world successively, and they are already very close to the top of the Phoenix Terrace. They each take another nine steps! can climb to the top.

"Zhu Xiaowen's face paled a lot, but Ye Qianli seemed to be able to handle it with ease. In this duel, Jinfeng may eventually win." Qing Yi asserted.

"Feng Ruoxi has been planning for so long, I'm afraid she won't be reconciled, maybe she still has a backup." But Quexian knows that Feng Ruoxi is the best at planning, and it's really hard to say until the end.

Long Yingyun was also very worried, so he was always vigilant and kept in the best fighting condition, in case the opponent made any small moves and destroyed Jinfeng's advantage.

Time is gradually passing by in the feeling that everyone seems to be fast and extremely slow...

Zhu Xiaowen and Feng Ruoxi have remained silent, but being Jinfeng has the advantage! When it became two steps, Feng Ruoxi, who hadn't caught up with the previous step, was obviously a little restless.

When she woke up halfway and found out that she had no advantage, Feng Ruoxi's heart could not be completely calmed down, and now she was even a little restless.

"Don't be restless, there is still a chance." Zhu Xiaowen said in a deep voice, but he himself was sweating profusely on his forehead, obviously expending a lot of energy.

Feng Ruoxi could hear the weakness in his voice, and couldn't help but sink! He calmed down completely, and took a step soon after.

"Da!" Jin Feng took another step, she was only three steps away from the Phoenix Terrace! Feng Ruoxi is still five steps away, and there is already a gap of two steps.


"Da!" Before Feng Ruoxi took another step, Jin Feng took another step with ease! This made Zhu Xiaowen look at Ye Qianli.

Zhu Xiaowen is very clear that all these variables are born of a girl! But he didn't understand, he paid a big price to help Feng Ruoxi go so fast, what about her? Does she not have to pay the price?

Zhu Xiaowen didn't know, but he knew that he couldn't let this girl continue! He must ensure that Feng Ruoxi gets the inheritance, so he is ready.


"I know!" Qingyi said at this moment, "You can use force on the Phoenix Stage."

It's a pity that before Qingyi finished speaking, Zhu Xiaowen had already left, cooperated with Feng Ruoxi, and stepped onto the Phoenix Stage! A mysterious light was shot towards Ye Qianli.


Long Yingyun immediately burst out his body to block the mysterious light, he knew that Zhu Xiaowen was very strong! So he didn't have any reservations, but he was still repelled by Xuan Guang.

After Long Yingyun backed away, Zhu Xiaowen yelled at Ye Qianli, "Wake up!" Not only did he yell, but he also superimposed his hands and typed a hand formula, gathering terrifying destructive power! Blast at Ye Qianli.

"It's so strong!" Qing Yi could see that Zhu Xiaowen's hand formula contained meaningful space rules, and had the ability to kill ordinary domain masters. If Ye Qianli didn't fight back, he would be severely injured.


"Roar—" Long Yingyun was at this moment! Very timely, he blocked Ye Qianli again, and resisted Zhu Xiaowen's blow with his flesh and blood dragon body.


The terrifying domain master level attack violently exploded on Long Yingyun's body, but he let out a stronger dragon aura with a long roar, insisting on not retreating! Let those terrifying forces continue to destroy his dragon body.

"He's looking for death." Qingyi shook his head, but Dong Chengxiao could understand Long Yingyun. If it was him, he would definitely protect Qingyi's inheritance until death! Fangxiu.

"Pfft!" As expected, Long Yingyun, who was critically hit, was so severely injured that he vomited blood. The bright red blood of the dragon stained the Phoenix Road red, but Jin Feng had already taken another step at this moment. She was only one step away from the Phoenix Terrace. two steps.

"Get out!" Zhu Xiaowen was also in a hurry, the hand formula he played became more and more powerful, and he acted desperately, fearing that he would kill Long Yingyun, who was in the way.


Enter with another trick! Long Yingyun's dragon body has been exploded, blood sprayed out, but he still did not retreat, and stared at Zhu Xiaowen with burning eyes, there was still a stronger dragon's breath raging out from his body.

That's not counting!



On Long Yingyun's shattered dragon body, there are wisps of wonderful power, helping him quickly repair his injuries, causing Zhu Xiaowen to exclaim in surprise, "The regular divine body?!"

same moment!


Jinfeng took another step, and! Ye Qianli has opened her eyes, she knows the last step, Jinfeng herself will have no problem, as for Zhu Xiaowen.

"Taiyi!" Ye Qianli turned the magic box into a Taiyi gun again, then got up and shot at Zhu Xiaowen! The latter's eyes hung, but he stared at Ye Qianli's eyes.


just for a moment...

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