Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1302 Taiyi Mind Power! 33 more

Ye Qianli felt as if she had fallen into a quagmire, but it was only for a moment, she regained her clarity and raised her gun and shot at Zhu Xiaowen, who immediately avoided the sharp edge and tried to hold the Taiyi gun with her backhand.

Zhu Xiaowen's palm seemed to have gentle suction, if it was an ordinary artifact, he would have taken it away with his backhand, but the magic box is so clever, how could it be taken away by the opponent, it naturally counter-shocked out a tyrannical magic weapon.

"Good soldier!"

Zhu Xiaowen praised with bright eyes.


Ye Qianli had turned her spear and stabbed him back! The speed was extremely fast, but Zhu Xiaowen was like a loach, he dodged immediately, and the profound energy in his body suddenly became stronger! He also produced an ancient book with one hand.

Ye Qianli knew that it was the Book of Changes, so she exuded a super strong aura of Taiyi source spirit, blasting at the ancient book, otherwise Zhu Xiaowen would activate the power of the Book of Changes.

"Om!" And when the power of Taiyi Yuanling hit into the ancient book, a strange scene happened, the ancient book was closed.

Zhu Xiaowen: "..." How could it be so! ?

"Whoosh!" Ye Qianli's spear did not give Zhu Xiaowen a chance to think, it had already stabbed at his face, and Zhu Xiaowen, who was supposed to be in a daze, definitely couldn't avoid it.

Never thought about it! He still avoided it, making Ye Qianli's eyes darken, and blocked Zhu Xiaowen's path back to Phoenix Road, preventing him from going back to help Feng Ruoxi, and wanted to "kill" him here .

Zhu Xiaowen's eyes flashed, as if a little unexpected, but he said, "I don't need to interfere in this matter, but I hope you will do it again, you just closed my ancient book with that trick." After Zhu Xiaowen said, it was over Out of the Book of Changes.

"I won't fight." Ye Qianli said vigilantly.

"Then you will not be my opponent." Zhu Xiaowen said with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qianli backed away from the way and said, "Just go back, and I will go back if you go back. I blocked you just now, but it was just a brain twitch. Now think about it, am I stupid? If you can go back, I will That's fine too."

"You are stupid!" the magic box barraged.

Ye Qianli: "..." She couldn't refute this time, she just reacted instinctively just now, but now that she thinks about it, she is really stupid, no wonder Zhu Xiaowen's eyes just now were a little weird.

Maybe this place is very close to her highness, and she will be prone to brain twitches. Anyway, it's not her own reason, it must have something to do with her highness.

"You are very cute." Zhu Xiaowen really laughed, he had never seen such a brave person who admitted that he was "stupid", but while he was laughing, he summoned sixty-four runes from the Book of Changes!

But at this moment——


Jinfeng took a step by herself and stepped onto the Phoenix Terrace, and the entire Phoenix Terrace also underwent a wonderful change because of her stepping in!

There is a brilliant golden sycamore tree with an ancient breath, slowly appearing in front of the eyes of several people, releasing the endless breath of time, and the golden phoenix is ​​also at the same time! Inhaled by the sycamore wood.

At the same moment, Feng Ruoxi, who was still on the Phoenix Road, had already taken a step forward, but she knew that she had no chance, so she opened her eyes, which were full of disappointment.

"Am I still a failure?" Feng Ruoxi didn't expect that after she had paid so much, she would still lose to Jin Feng in the end, which made her feel uneasy for a while.

But she also knew that Zhu Xiaowen had tried his best, who would have thought that Ye Qianli would appear, it could only be said that her luck was bad, otherwise how could it have happened.

With this in mind, Feng Ruoxi could only look at Wutongmu with infinite longing, and then slowly walked up to Ye Qianli, "I now believe that you will not snatch the inheritance of my Feng clan, in fact, even if you want to snatch it, you can't." I can’t snatch it, I just don’t have confidence, the fact proves that my lack of confidence is right, I should have stopped you and Jinfeng with Qingyi and the others.”

"It's a pity that there are no ifs." Ye Qianli replied calmly.

"Yes, unfortunately there is no if." Feng Ruoxi glanced at Rong Mo who was not far away, and saw that he was just sitting there cross-legged, not knowing what he was doing, with a sleeping child in his arms.

And at the moment when they were chatting, Jinfeng was already seated on the top of the sycamore tree, in front of her! Standing a huge phoenix, the whole body of the phoenix exudes an ethereal and mysterious atmosphere.

That's not to mention, beside Juhuang, there is also an old man in gold robes, the old man has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, revealing an elusive spirituality.

them! It is the biggest support of the Feng clan, the most backbone force of the Feng clan - the old Wutong and the old phoenix.

"Jinfeng pays homage to Patriarch Wutong, Patriarch Phoenix." Jinfeng immediately knelt down and bowed, it was thorough! The five bodies prostrate themselves to the ground.

These two are living with their Feng Clan! She has always protected the prosperous and powerful existence of the Feng Clan. Jin Feng grew up listening to their legends since she was a child. She is very excited to be able to meet her now! Excited, she kept "on her stomach" and didn't move.

"Heh." Patriarch Wutong stroked his beard and smiled, "Little Jinfeng, get up quickly, do you want to worship there all the time?"

Only then did Jin Feng stand up, but he was a little at a loss, and Old Fenghuang said softly, "Son, don't be nervous, just sit down."

The voice seemed to have strength, and Jin Feng calmed down instantly. Only then did she have the courage to raise her eyes to look carefully at the Phoenix Patriarch and Wutong Patriarch in front of her.

The two patriarchs didn't speak, and they both quietly looked at the immature little phoenix in front of them. Yes, in the eyes of the two elders, the golden phoenix was just a newly born phoenix, and even inferior.

"Are we the same image as you imagined?" Ancestor Wutong also asked.

"Almost." Jinfeng nodded sincerely, then shook his head and said, "Patriarch Wutong is different, I thought you were a talking Wutong tree."

"I was originally a talking sycamore tree." The ancestor of sycamore smiled, looked at a young man with a baby under the tree and said, "What does that person have to do with you?"

"His name is Rong Mo, and he is my best friend's husband. In his arms is their son, Rong Yi, very cute." Ye Qianli replied knowingly.

But the patriarch Wutong said, "If I say, I can erase his memory, erase all his past, and transfer the memory of that little dragon boy to him, so that he will be infatuated with you without regret, you Are you willing to marry him?"

Jin Feng was taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting it at all! The patriarch Wutong would ask her such a question, which was beyond all the scope she could imagine.

But the giant phoenix also said, "That is to say, he is still that little dragon, but his physique has changed, and within his physique, he possesses the pure power of the Phoenix Emperor."

These two old monsters, who have been around for a long time, obviously saw Rong Mo's extraordinary physique, especially the power of the Phoenix Emperor in his body, which moved the two elders quite a bit.

For old monsters like them who live with the years, it is difficult for people and things in the world to make their hearts fluctuate, but Rong Mo has already made their hearts fluctuate.

ps: There are still more, but I haven’t fixed it yet, so I’ll fix it slowly, don’t forget to vote for the monthly ticket! The last two days!

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