Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1303 Choose! 34 more

"Did the two patriarchs ever think that if he is really the son of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, if the King of Ten Thousand Realms blames him, our Feng Clan will surely collapse?" Jin Feng asked, and she asked calmly.

But in her heart, disappointment was born. She never thought that the ancestors of Fenghuang and Wutong whom she had worshiped since she was a child would have such thoughts.

"Heh..." Patriarch Wutong smiled, and looked deeply at Jinfeng and said, "Are you really unwilling? This son is far superior to the little dragon you have a crush on, both in appearance and in mind."

Jin Feng didn't say a word. In her opinion, this is simply incomparable, and there is no need to compare. No matter how good Rong Mo is, he is also Qian Li's husband, and what's more! No matter how good Rong Mo is, he is not the Long Yingyun who accompanied her since she was a child.

But she also knew that if the two ancestors really decided to do something, it could not be transferred by her will, so she was thinking about how she should answer so that the two ancestors could stop thinking about it.

"Stupid child." Old Fenghuang chuckled lightly, and said, "As you think, if you don't want to, how can we force you? Call your little sister up."

Hearing this, Jinfeng couldn't help but looked back at the two ancestors, but seeing that they had faint smiles and admiration in their eyes, she was assured, so she called out to the phoenix tree, "Qianli, come up."

Ye Qianli was stunned for a moment, secretly thinking that Jinfeng was receiving the inheritance on it, why did you ask her to go up there? Not to mention she was stunned, Feng Ruoxi was also stunned, this was obviously something that had never happened before.

However, Ye Qianli still went up, which made Feng Ruoxi, Qing Yi and Que Xian, who had also been able to walk up the Phoenix Road, very puzzled, and looked at the top of the sycamore tree with envy.

However, the sycamore tree is extremely luxuriant, and each leaf also contains a terrifying power of rules, which cannot be seen through by them at all, so they can only give up.

"Wen Lang, can you see the clue?" Feng Ruoxi asked Zhu Xiaowen unwillingly.

Hearing this, Qingyi and the others all looked at Zhu Xiaowen, but they saw that the latter was looking at the top of the phoenix tree with a pair of very impressive eyes full of mysterious light.


"I can't." Zhu Xiaowen shook his head when he looked away, "This is the real body of the ancestor of Wutong from the Feng family. If the old man doesn't want others to see him, no one will be able to see him."

"That's true." Feng Ruoxi and the others nodded, but their hearts were unavoidably envious and curious.

But Ye Qianli at this meeting, she has already climbed to the top of the sycamore tree, and saw the ancestor of the phoenix and the huge phoenix, so she immediately bowed respectfully, "Ye Qianli pays respects to the ancestor of the phoenix, and the ancestor of the sycamore tree Zu."

Although she only glanced at it, the unpredictable firepower of the old phoenix gave Ye Qianli a sense of emptiness and remoteness, making it impossible for her to see through the other party, especially those phoenix eyes, which were really haunting. Two black holes, full of endless possibilities.

Even the benevolent patriarch Wutong exudes an aura that has truly transcended the power of the world, and even transcended the rules of the world.

"These two immortals are already at the level of the Human Sovereign and the Dark Lord of the Abyss, but they are not as ferocious as they were at their peak." The magic box analyzed the barrage. This is the first time it has seen it. He is serious! The strong survived.

The background of the Phoenix Clan! Sure enough, it is not ordinary horror, but the Feng clan with such a terrifying background, can be so low-key, which is the real horror.

This race is not simple...

This is the first thought of the magic box, and it is also Ye Qianli's thought at the moment.

"Little girl, don't be restrained." Patriarch Wutong also said.

Ye Qianli stood up straight now, and heard that the ancestor of Phoenix also said, "I see that you have the unique aura of Cangwang and Tianfu."

"Senior knows everything clearly, and this junior has indeed studied the unique skills of the two former teachers." Ye Qianli replied respectfully, only feeling that the other party's eyes could really see through her and see everything.

"Cang Wang's creation of characters is not only an act of pioneering the world, but also benefiting future generations. He is a model for our generation. His unique knowledge of character creation is deep enough to shake the field, and his shallow knowledge is passed on. What you have learned is only superficial. A little deeper, such as this child of Tianfu, can only be regarded as acquiring a part or two of his true meaning."

Old Phoenix's words, like an ancient scroll of history, were slowly displayed in front of Ye Qianli, which greatly shocked her! He looked at Old Phoenix again.

Old Fenghuang was just stating one thing calmly, as if being in the same generation as King Cang and living with the years, such immortal things, were just ordinary things to him.

This is not pretentiousness, but the experience of the old Phoenix is ​​there. To him, ten thousand years, tens of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, may be just a snap of the fingers.

"Since you have come here, I will give you a chance. Thank you for sending Xiao Jinfeng to us." Old Phoenix also said.

"Senior's words are serious." Ye Qianli hurriedly responded.

But the old Phoenix had already swept a flame towards her, and the fire was in the void, opening a curtain of sky, sucking Ye Qianli's mind into it.

In the sky, Ye Qianli saw a middle-aged man with an aura that made her feel kind, as if he had something to do with her.

But for a moment, the middle-aged man suddenly burst into peerless brilliance, and then he picked up the pen and wrote an ancient character towards the sky.

And every time he writes, the endless divine light and the mysterious power that he releases make Ye Qianli feel emotional, what's even more terrifying! Whenever he wrote a stroke, there was a scream that day! Are you slaughtering the sky?


"..." As drops of blood fell from the sky, a terrifying statue! The Heaven Swallowing Beast, which was full of monster aura, was slaughtered into pieces that were scattered everywhere.

There are countless strange monsters below it, and the moment the middle-aged man finished writing, they disappeared along with the ancient characters with terrifying power.

The number field is overturned! Dissipating into powder was only a matter of breath, which made Ye Qianli's eyes widen, but the magic box knew that this was a real scene.

"Back then there were many demons and chaos, and the demon king even tortured and killed Cang Wang's relatives. Cang Wang was furious! He wrote down this divine pattern and slaughtered hundreds of millions of demon troops." Old Phoenix also told about this incident, making Ye Qian Li was shocked.

"I let you watch this scene to let you know that a real strong man is fearless to the world and rules, and can destroy the world if he moves, just like the Ten Thousand Domains you see, in front of strong men like Cang Wang , can be destroyed with a flick of a finger."

Having said that, the old Fenghuang still looked at Jinfeng and said, "Like my Phoenix clan, it seems that the branches and leaves are lush and the roots are solid, but if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, you will also be uprooted. Even the old Wutong couldn't resist."

And this is the reason why Old Fenghuang and Old Wutong asked Jinfeng so much before, and the answer in Jinfeng's heart made them very satisfied.

"Jinfeng would like to follow the teachings of the ancestors." Jinfeng also replied solemnly, she also saw the scene just now, and knew that the two ancestors were really not dirty people, it was her narrow-mindedness.

Old Phoenix nodded calmly, and then continued, "I know how to get to the Wangqing Cliff where King Cang lived in seclusion later."

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