Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1313 The King Arrives! 44 more [monthly ticket plus more]

But Xiao Yi'er was really smart, he just lay in his father's arms without making a sound, and even arched a few times, as if he was going to sleep.

Liao Zongming stared angrily at the Lord of the Void Realm to cover up other fluctuations in his heart, and so did Hua Qianfang and Gong Liuyun.

Although it has been known for a long time that the empress was captured by the lord of the void world and may have lost her memory, when the empress suddenly appeared and stood beside the lord of the void world, it still had a great impact on everyone.

Fortunately, they are all people who have experienced strong winds and waves, so they can barely stand still. Even Jinfeng and Long Yingyun didn't notice anything strange, only felt that the emotions of Ye Qianli and others were fluctuating.

This is also normal, after all, Ye Qianli's side and the side of the Nihility Realm have long been openly hostile, so when they suddenly saw the problem of the empress, they were perfectly covered up.

What's more, everyone's attention at this moment has suddenly fallen on Jin Feng's side! A domain king of the Phoenix clan was attracted because this person was not the Phoenix Lord.

"Saint Junyi?!" The voice of the World Master of the Void Realm fluctuated slightly, and everyone present had great mood swings because of his title.

Especially those half-step domain king powerhouses, they stared at this beautiful woman of the Phoenix clan in disbelief, because she exuded the power of a domain king!

But in the Feng Clan, apart from those two beings that lasted forever, isn't there only the Phoenix Lord who is the king of the domain? Then what happened to the previous Saintess Feng Junyi in front of her? !

"Heh..." There was a voice of congratulations in the void, and he said slowly, "Congratulations to Saintess Feng Junyi, who has stepped into the king realm. It seems that the opening of the Feng Clan's secret realm is not as simple as the appearance of inheritance."

"It seems that the scriptures taught by the Zhu family's ancestors are extraordinary, and you, Zhu Yuanming, have stepped into the domain king realm." Feng Junyi responded lightly.

"Heh..." The man in the void appeared next to Zhu Xiaowen. He was an elegant middle-aged man in white clothes. Beside him was a young man who looked very similar to him. .

"Qianli!" When Zhu Yunwen saw Ye Qianli, he subconsciously called out in surprise, and with the same voice of surprise, he greeted Jinfeng, Long Yingyun, Hua Qianfang and others, and moved towards them And the one who went said, "I didn't expect you all to come."

"We all went to play with Jinfeng, and we were tricked by your brother!" Liao Zongming complained directly, which made Zhu Yunwen stunned.

"Zong Ming, Yunwen's brother is his brother, and it has nothing to do with him. Besides, he is a younger brother, so can he still control his brother?" Hua Qianfang said from the side.

Liao Zongming scratched his head and said, "That's right, but your cousin is really not a good guy, so don't imitate him, if he grows crooked, we Yi'er won't like you."

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er, who was pretending to be asleep, immediately got up and echoed, and then yawned as if wanting to sleep again, what a little showman.

However, at the same time when Zhu Yuanming, the current Patriarch of the Zhu Clan, appeared, Xue Wang and Dong Wang also came successively, but that Xue Yin did not come with Xue Wang.

After a while, even the Dragon King of the South China Sea appeared, but when he appeared, he was standing beside Long Yingyun! This made Long Yingfeng's face suddenly ugly.

As Long Yingyun said, the Dragon King never officially announced that he would expel Long Yingyun from the South China Sea Dragon Clan, but only said that this rebellious son would not listen to his teachings and would depose him as the Young Master of the Dragon Clan.

But even if Long Yingyun was deposed, he was obviously still the most important son in the eyes of Lord Long, which made Long Yingfeng and Long Qingnv, who were clamoring before, all look pale.

"Father." Long Yingyun immediately paid his respects to his father.

"Humph!" Lord Dragon snorted, "You still see me as a father? Now that you have a daughter-in-law, you don't even want to give up your father. You have raised him for so many years in vain."

Although these words are a reprimand, they are also a sign of pampering! It was a father who still had to compromise and curse in pain after beating and scolding his son.

"Elder-in-law." Jin Feng called out very crisply.

Lord Dragon glanced at her, but nodded in response, "Well, Yingyun has sacrificed a lot for you. When you two get married, come to the Dragon Clan to hold a wedding banquet."

"Naturally." Jin Feng replied immediately.

Feng Junyi also said from the side, "When I came, the Phoenix Lord explained that although the young master is the young king of our clan, he is not considered as a family member. In the future, their children will follow the clan's surname according to the bloodline attribute. The Dragon King thinks how?"

This is the goodwill conveyed by the Phoenix Clan to the Dragon Clan, and it is also the kindness to Long Yingyun. We all know that Long Yingyun was deposed as the young master of the Dragon Clan because of Jinfeng. The family is willing to take a big step for this kid.

But this kind of situation is obviously what Long Qingnv doesn't want to see! So even though she knew it was inappropriate, she still said, "I never thought that the Feng Clan, who have always valued rules, would want to break the rules themselves? Then..."

"Pfft!" Before Long Xuannv could finish her words, she spat out a mouthful of blood, and her face was even paler! Because of Feng Junyi's strong pressure from the domain king, he had already run over her.

"It's what you deserve! You're the one who interrupted the king of Yu's speech? He doesn't know how to live or die." Qing Yi gave a cold reprimand from the side, making the members of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea dare not speak out.

The king-level figures of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea haven't appeared yet, so they naturally dare not speak up, and as Qing Yi said, they have nothing to say at all.

But the king has appeared! Let the people at the scene feel wild again.

After all, the king seldom appears on major occasions. Usually, the king of Yuan, as the representative of the domain king of the Tian clan, appears on important occasions, but this time...

The king is here!

"Heh, I didn't expect that Wang Qing Villa would allow the king to come in person, and it would be a great event for me to welcome the kings of all clans and domains to come together." , personally greeted.

King of!

As the number one king recognized by the kings of all domains, his appearance also made the kings of all domains greet him, not only because he is an elder, but also because he is really strong.

He looks like a middle-aged man, exuding a sense of indifference, like a figure in a fantasy, and the divine aura in his eyes is so strong that people can't look directly at him.

As soon as the king of Andzhi appeared, he said softly to Wangqing Villa, "King Cang's gatekeeper, people from all directions have arrived, and you haven't appeared yet, it's not appropriate."

The king's words revealed the supreme king's might, with a combination of hardness and softness, with a terrifying force that people could not resist, which made all the kings of the domains present feel the pressure.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a trembling voice that came out from the depths of Wangqing Villa, "Everyone came here without invitation, why should I welcome you warmly? It's too embarrassing."

After the sound settled down, there was a humble old man with a rickety appearance, who slowly stepped out from the depths of Wangqing Villa, and his movements were really slow!

slow to...

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