Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1314 Grandpa! 45 more [vote monthly ticket plus]

Everyone was watching him stepping slowly towards the sky, but every step he took exuded a wonderful rhythm, which made people feel unfathomable.

However, people who have been to Wangqing Villa have never noticed that there is something unfathomable about this old man who has been guarding the gate of the villa all year round, until now! Only then did they know that this gatekeeper was also a domain king.

And when the gatekeeper walked up to everyone at the speed of a turtle, the king had already snorted slightly, "Your airs are bigger than this king."

"Don't dare. I'm old and weak. I'm naturally younger and more energetic than the King of Nowhere. I run fast and steady. Take it easy." If you reveal a secret, you will naturally lose your temper.

"Master!" Xiao Yi'er called out to the rickety old man, which made Liao Zongming laugh secretly in his heart, "This villain! You really know how to watch people order, this old guy is afraid that he will be bribed .”

"Hey!" The gatekeeper, who was called out suddenly, looked at Xiao Yi'er in surprise, and saw that this boy was not only very good-looking, but also very handsome, very elf, with a pair of big eyes flashing lavender It made the gatekeeper's eyes change.

it's not...

The gatekeeper had left the king behind and came forward and asked, "What's the baby's name?"

"Yi!" Xiao Yi'er responded loudly.

"Which Yi?"

Xiao Yi'er thought for a while, then said awkwardly, "An, An Yi."

"Good, good name." The gatekeeper praised with a smile.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi'er raised her chin proudly and said, "Grandma, grandpa, take it!"

"Grandpa must be a good grandpa, why didn't you come?" the gatekeeper asked in a familiar way.

"Lost, lost..." After Xiao Yi'er answered, he lowered his little head, obviously missing his long-lost great-grandfather, the old man doted on him very much, so he naturally missed him very much after not seeing him for so long.

And Yi'er, who was a little bit lost, was naturally more distressing, so that the gatekeeper couldn't help coaxing a few words, but the king said, "If the gatekeeper of Cangwang wants to have a grandson, why not raise a grandson himself? Now that we have business to do, let’s do it first.”

"I am used to idleness as a gatekeeper. I am just so casual. If I want to stay in bed, I will stay in bed. If I want to play with the little baby, I will play with the little baby. If you have any objections to my temperament, you can leave. Anyway, I am not I plan to change it." The gatekeeper said.

"Senior, you are serious. As you said, I came here uninvited, and you are my senior. Everything depends on your mood. I can't wait." Zhu Yuanming said very politely, not warmly. The appearance of not being popular is exactly the same as Zhu Xiaowen.

"You are a descendant of the Zhu family who can speak. As expected of the scholarly clan, you are polite." The gatekeeper praised him, and then said without nonsense, "I know that all of you are here suddenly, and all of you are looking for this old bone of mine. Wang Zhimi also planned that if he didn't get a satisfactory answer, he would definitely not leave, so..."

The gatekeeper paused for a moment before announcing, "Let me also say it bluntly, I am indeed a gatekeeper of the Cangwang lineage, so the king called me the Cangwang gatekeeper. Ladies and gentlemen, the Wangqing Cliff that people in the world can enter every few hundred years is not the real Wangqing Cliff.

It is really the place where King Cang forgets his love in his later years, and it is also the place where he left his lifelong learning experience. It has never been opened in front of the world. Even if he is the king of Wangqing, he is just a traitor of my line of gatekeepers, and he does not know the way . "

Wangqing Wang, who was called a traitor, changed his face slightly, but he didn't say anything. As for the secret between him and the gatekeeper, it was obviously not the focus of everyone's attention at the moment.

So the king said, "Since the king of the door is so straightforward, I also want to say something bluntly. How can I get to the Wangqing Cliff you are talking about?"

"I can take you anywhere, so follow me." The gatekeeper was straightforward, saying that he would take everyone to the real Wangqing Cliff.

It made everyone in the audience stunned for a moment, even the king didn't expect that this slow old man would suddenly be so refreshing?

However, the domain kings here are all very strong, so they were naturally not afraid of any tricks, so they all followed the gatekeeper and walked into the villa.

The group of people slowly "appreciated the flowers and the scenery" and walked for more than half a day without reaching the destination. Dong Wang asked impatiently, "When will this road go?"

"It's almost there." The gatekeeper said slowly, and gave Xiao Yi'er a handful of bait, asking him to feed the koi in the roadside pond.

Xiao Yi'er felt that the bait was delicious, so he wanted to stuff it into his mouth, making the gatekeeper laugh and say, "No, no, no, no, fish eat it."

Xiao Yi'er is not convinced! Answer: "Yi, fish!" It means that he is also a fish.

"Hahaha!" The gatekeeper couldn't help laughing, "Okay, you are a big fish, grandpa will bring you a big bait, this one is too small, so don't eat it."

"Okay!" Xiao Yier threw away all the bait in his hand as soon as he heard that there were big ones to eat, and went to feed the koi in the pond.

The gatekeeper took out a bag of snacks and handed it to Xiao Yi'er. The latter's eyes lit up, but he didn't snatch it. He just reached out and took a piece, and stuffed it into his mouth. The movement was very graceful, but also very fast.

In just a few moments, the little guy ate up the gatekeeper's snacks, not a single drop was left, but he didn't smear his mouth, let alone stain his white and clean brocade clothes.

"Daddy!" The little guy yelled daddy after he finished eating, and his daddy wiped his mouth and hands before he burped contentedly, and thanked the gatekeeper with his eyes narrowed and a smile, "Thank you." ! Lord.”

"Hahaha! You little brat..." The gatekeeper couldn't bear Xiao Yi'er's cuteness, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch the little one.

Dong Wang who was ignored! Immediately lost his temper, he could only go to Ye Qianli's family immediately, hugging a baby to join in the fun? Isn't that slow enough?

"Hi~" Xiao Yi'er hiccupped again and nestled in his father's arms, looking like he was going to sleep after eating, which made many domain kings heave a sigh of relief. Go to sleep! The gatekeeper can go faster! Bar! Bar!


"Why are you all looking at me? In front of you is the Wangqing Cliff that you want to enter, why don't you go in by yourself?" The gatekeeper looked at everyone puzzled and asked.

Everyone was taken aback! The king even said with a sullen face, "You said Wangqing Cliff is in front of you?"

In front of everyone, it was clearly a ruin! Broken eaves and broken walls, overgrown with weeds, is this Wangqingya? Is this trying to coax them into being gluttonous children? !

"Oh." The gatekeeper said suddenly, "I'm getting old, I forgot to wipe off the barrier for you." After saying this, the gatekeeper waved his sleeves neatly!


A cliff appeared in the eyes of everyone! That's not even counting...



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