Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1332 Recognize you as master! [Double last day!

"She has figured it out!?" Qin Banruo's expression turned pale immediately. He was the first one to come, but he didn't get anything. Now he quit for a few days, but someone got a big chance? Still a little woman who came very late.

This kind of feeling is like, the poor ghost sees the mountain of gold and silver but cannot take it away, because it is a whole piece! It was too heavy to take away, but the person who came later was born with supernatural powers, and carried away the gold and silver mountains in person, leaving Qin Banruo speechless.

"This Wangqing Cliff was originally opened for her, and Cangwang Juxue was originally waiting for her." Zhu Xiaowen said calmly, obviously not surprised by this, but he took a deep look at his cousin.

After all, Zhu Xiaowen could see Zhu Yunwen's thoughts very clearly, but Ye Qianli was a married woman, so he didn't say anything, now...

"If Yunwen can successfully pry the corner of the wall, it will be a wonderful thing for my Zhu family. Should I help Yunwen and let him get what he wants?" Zhu Xiaowen pondered with his eyes flickering.

Ye Qianli's changes also attracted many people to stop and watch, and Jin Feng and others who had also woken up surrounded Ye Qianli on guard to prevent these people from disturbing Ye Qianli.

However, Ye Qianli was already indifferent to the changes in the outside world. She was completely immersed in her own world, and she only discovered it! It turns out that on the Yanyue knife transformed from the magic box, there is a pure killing god pattern.

The same goes for the Taiyi gun, and even the butcher's knife, in a frying pan! All contain ever-changing divine patterns, which made her attack so powerful.

"You two idiots, finally know that I conjured it up! They are not ordinary products." The magic box muttered to himself, and he could sense that Ye Qianli was already comprehending the mysterious rules of the divine pattern.

And these so-called divine pattern rules, are they not the secrets of the sword technique! Spear mysteries? Cangwang's ability lies in the fact that the divine patterns he wrote are no longer pure divine patterns, but all of them.

The principles of the top-level skills are actually interlinked! It is all about the root of power, how similar is this to the "true" meaning Ye Qianli once comprehended, the true nature of power?

It is precisely because of this that Ye Qianli was able to comprehend this Cangwang's unique knowledge in a very short period of time, and she exuded a more aura of aura around her.

And at this moment——


Wangqing Cliff collapsed suddenly! The people at the scene retreated in shock, so as not to be accidentally injured, but saw the Wangqing Cliff that collapsed like a waterfall, but after "tearing off" the moss-covered face, it turned into a cave gate! ?

"King Cang's Cave Mansion?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then rushed towards the gate, thinking that if they guessed right, this might be the cave mansion left behind by King Cang! There must be peerless treasures in there.

You know, King Cang is a character from the era of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, something left behind by him! Of course, it is rare in Wanyu, and it may even be a secret treasure that does not exist in the outside world.

Because of this, countless people rushed towards the giant gate of the cave, fearing that they might not be able to get the good things if it was too late! But Ye Qianli and his party were not in a hurry to rush forward.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi'er, who woke up and found that the moss was gone, yelled angrily, "No! No food! No food!"

It also provoked Ye Qianli, who had just opened her eyes, to look back, only to see that the moss was indeed gone, so she picked up the angry child and yelled, "Let's go inside to find other meals later, okay?" ?”

"Huh!" Xiao Yi'er hummed unhappily.

Ye Qianli kissed him tenderly, and coaxed him a few more words before he eased his tense little face a little bit, but leaned into his mother's arms a little embarrassedly, and calmed down.

"Qianli, what's going on?" Jin Feng asked, and Long Yingyun and the others also looked at Ye Qianli, waiting for her answer. It was opened because of Ye Qianli.

But Ye Qianli who was asked frowned and said, "I don't know, I just suddenly realized, but I woke up before I realized it carefully."

And the gate of the cave at this time has also been blasted open by the people in front, countless people swarmed in, it can be said that they are scrambling to be the first, and no one is willing to be the first to snatch the huge treasure.

But after they broke in, they found that it was just the gate of a passage. At the end of the passage, there seemed to be a cluster of lights flickering, making everyone rush towards the light again.

"Go! Go!"

Little Yi'er couldn't wait to get up and shouted, he felt his meal again! It's still a big meal, even Xiaobaimiao has sensed it, and came out to join in the fun and let out a "meow".

"Let's go." At this moment, Rong Mo, who came from nowhere, landed in front of the mother and son, and picked up Xiao Yi'er, but led Ye Qianli towards the passage.

"Let's go." Only then did Jin Feng and the others catch up. They were the last group of entrants, and those rushing ahead were already very close to the light.

"Not good! Back quickly—" A strong man roared, and the people behind were stunned, but at this moment, the light they saw! It has unleashed a terrifying attack power, attacking everyone like a flood! Majestic and mighty.



Many people were struck by this wave of light and vomited blood one after another. This is considered to be a timely response and they retreated quickly, otherwise everyone might have finished playing here.

At the same time, everyone could see clearly that in this light, there was a huge horse-like and unicorn-like existence. Its hair was white all over, and it released the divine light of judgment.


"This is the Judgment Sacred Beast?" Someone said in astonishment after recognizing the other party. It is said that this kind of Judgment Sacred Beast only exists in Mount Sumeru, and it is a top-level divine beast that Mount Sumeru can control.

Legend has it that in the era of the king of the ten thousand domains, if the king of the ten thousand domains wants to judge someone, he will send out this kind of holy beast, which is very powerful! Every corner of the earth will be chased and judged until death.


"King Cang's cave is actually guarded by a holy beast of judgment, what should we do?" Everyone just felt cool, how can we get in here? It will be judged as scum.

However, some people looked behind, at Ye Qianli and the others who were coming. After all, Ye Qianli seemed to be the one who opened this passage, so can she pass?

"Food!" At this moment, Xiao Yi'er yelled in surprise, and everyone discovered that the Judgment Sacred Beast had its eyes closed, but it opened its eyes.


"Chi Chi!..."

Suddenly, a stream of light shot out from the world, blinding many people's eyes, but Xiao Yi'er's big eyes were astonishingly bright, and he was about to jump out.

But this one is radiant! The incomparably sacred Judgment Saint Beast made everyone stunned and said to Xiao Yi'er, "I want to recognize you as the master."

ps: The double monthly pass ends at ten o'clock tomorrow! It's the last day, vote quickly, don't waste the last double time~

Monthly ticket red envelopes continue to be distributed, vote for one and get two, don't miss it!

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