Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1333 A wave of fat meat! 1 more

"..." |

The entire audience was stunned. Who would have thought that the extremely noble Judgment Sacred Beast would open its mouth to recognize a baby boy as its master! ?

What the hell is going on! ? Why can't they understand it? ! Could it be that the ruling holy beast has a problem with liking children? Other than that, everyone couldn't think of a second reason.

But don't say everyone was dumbfounded, Xiao Yi'er was also dumbfounded and very angry, he thought this big guy was too cunning! To recognize him as master! ?

But he just wants to eat it, he doesn't want it to be so obedient, how can he eat it if it is so obedient? So angry! This big meal is good or bad! good or bad!


Xiao Yi'er pointed at the Judgment Sacred Beast and shouted, "You are bad!"


The holy beast of judgment was obviously stunned for a moment, apparently it didn't understand how it could go bad if it said so kindly, if it wants to recognize the master? Isn't it pleasant enough?

Maybe, the other party is a child after all...

Thinking of this, the holy beast of judgment said softly, "Master."

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er was so angry that he looked at his father aggrievedly, his eyes were full of resentment "Why don't you let me eat this meal, why do you recognize me as the master".

Ye Qianli poked his son's chubby face so funny and said, "Yi'er, don't talk to your Dabai yet, he is waiting."

"Huh! It's too cold!" Xiao Yi'er was still sulking, he didn't want this big meal to follow, he wanted to eat it! It is not a small snake, only a little bit, not enough to eat.

"Your little snake has hibernated for so long and hasn't moved, so why don't you find a new partner to play with you?" Ye Qianli coaxed.

The little colorful snake has been "dead" since it came to Wanyu, and became the bracelet on Xiao Yi'er's wrist. Up to now, no one who just met him knows that it is actually just a little snake.

"Hmph!" Xiao Yi'er was still unwilling.

Ye Qianli looked at the ruling holy beast with a slight smile and said, "I wonder if you can get smaller, my son thinks you are too big, and he can't bear it." The loss...

"?" The Judgment Holy Beast was obviously taken aback, but with a "buzz", it turned into a small white horse and floated in front of Xiao Yi'er.

As soon as Xiao Yi'er saw the little pony, only his size, his complexion improved a lot, so he stretched out his hand to touch it, and said very unhappy, "Bad!"

"Pfft ha ha..." Liao Zongming couldn't hold back his belly laugh, of course he knew why Xiao Yi'er was so angry.

Seeing that the fat in his mouth has turned into an inedible subordinate, how can Xiao Yier feel better? Of course he was about to explode.

But this Judgment Holy Beast really has eyesight! It is also cunning enough, and immediately recognized the master with "knowledge" to avoid catastrophe, witty and witty! Sure enough, the holy beast is not ordinary.

And the sacred beast of judgment, which was scolded, immediately became smaller, almost the size of Xiaobaimiao, and it seemed that it was not enough to fit between its teeth.

"Come on!" Xiao Yi'er hugged it in her arms, she finally let go of her heart and treated the Holy Judgment Beast as a little white cat, and it was not enough to eat.

"Meow?" Xiaobaimiao looked at the Judgment Holy Beast curiously. When the latter saw it, his pupils shrank, and his star eyes were full of shock.

However, Xiaobaimiao stretched out her paws and touched the horns of the Holy Judgment Beast. The latter accepted it very meekly. Seeing this, Ye Qianli was amazed. She just felt that this Holy Judgment Beast seemed amazing.


And the people in this meeting were staring at Xiao Yi'er and Ye Qianli's family with complicated eyes, but they didn't say anything.

What else can I say?

The ruling holy beast has recognized its master, what else can they do?

As for the radiance of the Judgment Saint Beast just now, it feels like the existence of at least a half-step domain king, which may be the result of the opponent's mercy.

If they want to grab it, the price will be too high! It is even possible to lose the wife and lose the army, so forget it, let's look at other situations first.

Thinking of this, many people have turned their eyes to look, and they saw a simple group of buildings behind where the sacred beast was originally located. They are not grand, but each building seems to have a hidden meaning.

"Go, go and have a look!" Everyone walked towards those buildings one after another, but they soon discovered that although the inside of those buildings were clean and clean, they were really clean! Nothing?

"There is an ancestral hall in the back. There must be something wrong?" After searching around, some people found a large ancestral hall hidden in the small hill behind the building complex.

Ye Qianli and others discovered this ancestral hall early in the morning, and now they have all walked into the ancestral hall, and saw that this ancestral hall really has another mystery!

On the central shrine of the ancestral hall, instead of enshrining ranking positions, there is a divine pattern enshrined, which is very similar to the previous luminous divine pattern.

But the aura coming out from the upstream of this divine pattern is even more profound and obscure than the previous one! It confuses everyone who sees it.


But there was a terrible hissing sound. Just after everyone walked into the ancestral hall, they suddenly appeared from the side of the shrine. It was a red candle dragon with a human face and a snake body.

As soon as the candle dragon comes out! The temperature of the entire ancestral hall instantly increased, and a terrifying ominous aura radiated out, which made many people's faces turn pale, especially those standing in front.

Because the Candle Dragon was almost right in front of their eyes! He radiated the most vicious breath towards them, and he couldn't bear it anymore, but the candle dragon frowned and stared at the group of people at the scene, asking, "Who are you waiting for?"

As soon as this sound came out, it carried a fierce and divine power! Some people at the scene were crushed to the knees on the spot, but Xiao Yi'er's eyes were very bright. If his father hadn't covered him, he might have made trouble again.

"Senior Zhulong, we were sent here by the gatekeeper of Cangwang to study Cangwang's unique skills." Qin Banruo immediately said from the side, not humble and not saying a word, quite courageous.

Hearing this, Zhulong took a deep look at everyone, and then looked at them in astonishment! He looked at the Holy Beast of Judgment in Xiao Yi'er's arms, but it disappeared in the end.

But once the candle dragon disappeared...


Zhu Xiaowen saw with sharp eyes that two doors had appeared on the left and right sides behind the altar, and the people present were immediately excited again, and they approached the two simple doors one after another.

Ye Qianli didn't go, she kept looking at the divine pattern on the shrine, and felt that this was the ultimate mystery of Cang Wang's unique art, but even if she used her right eye, it was still difficult for her to see the "opponent" clearly.


Ye Qianli could only use her spiritual power to walk towards the shrine, but the divine pattern suddenly burst out with three feet of divine light, so bright that the entire mountain valley was plunged into a sea of ​​light.

"What's the situation?" Many people were stunned.

But Zhu Xiaowen said with a twinkle in his eyes, "This is the most complete! The ultimate meaning of Cangwang's unique knowledge, it was touched by Ye Qianli, it seems that she is going to completely acquire the unique knowledge."

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