Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1334 Wife lovers become crazy! 2 more

"What's the situation?" Many people were stunned, but they also subconsciously felt that there seemed to be a mysterious pressure enveloping them.

But Zhu Xiaowen said with a twinkle in his eyes, "This is the most complete! Cang Wang's ultimate profound knowledge, it was touched by Ye Qianli, it seems that she is about to completely acquire the unique knowledge."

But just after he finished speaking, Ye Qianli, who was walking towards the shrine, felt a terrible ancient oppression suddenly rushing towards her! That extremely destructive power suddenly poured into her internal organs, limbs and bones.


Ye Qianli was blown away on the spot! She was almost smashed on the hard stone pillar of the ancestral hall, but before that, she was hugged by Rong Mo first, but she still vomited a mouthful of blood unavoidably.

"Cool!" Xiao Yi'er yelled worriedly, but he didn't dare to rub his mother's body, so he could only stretch out his short hand to wipe his mother's blood, huh~

But his father was one step ahead...

"Take your time." Rong Moqing said, "containing" the person in his arms, so that she can recover properly, and don't be in a hurry to comprehend that unique skill.

Ye Qianli tried her best to calm down the turbulent breath in her lower body, and then she opened her eyes and saw that the big and small people in front of her were all looking at her eagerly.

"Cool! Huhu~" Xiao Yi'er also shouted "from a distance", because his father didn't let him get close to his mother, and he was afraid that he would crush her and make her more painful.

"Mother is fine." Ye Qianli touched her son's chubby face just now, and wanted to get up and said, "I'll try again, I will be more careful this time, and won't be thrown out again."

Rong Mo still hugged her tightly, and he had to let her face recover before he kissed her lightly on the forehead and said, "Be careful, I will feel bad."

"I! My heart hurts!" Xiao Yi'er also quickly touched his own little heart, echoing his father and saying, Jin Feng and the others laughed at his small appearance.

Ye Qianli hugged the loving father and mother tightly, and then said with a smile, "Don't worry, my big and small darlings."

After coaxing the two of them, Ye Qianli got up and continued to walk towards the shrine, but the shrine has already lost a lot of glamor and is not so eye-catching.

Furthermore, everyone was more interested in the left and right ancient doors at the back of the shrine. They only thought that there must be treasures inside, and they all wondered how to open them.

Only Zhu Xiaowen was already walking towards the shrine, and the invisible power of the divine pattern obviously crushed him, making him move forward with difficulty like a heavy burden on his shoulders.

The key is……

"Look at his eyes, he seems to be able to see through everything." Qingyi raised his voice, and everyone saw that Zhu Xiaowen's eyes seemed to have circles and ripples, exuding wonderful fluctuations.

"That is the eye of reincarnation, my cousin's innate talent. It is amazing to be able to see through the illusory future and blur the truth behind the illusion." Zhu Yunwen explained from the side.

"No wonder!" Qingyi thought of the terrifying role played by Zhu Xiaowen when Zhu Xiaowen and Feng Ruoxi were reincarnated, secretly thinking that this person is really talented.

But at this moment, the shrine seemed to be crushed towards Zhu Xiaowen, with even more tyrannical power! Let him immediately pour out all his strength to withstand this wave of attacks.

"So strong!" Jin Feng felt with a flash of light in his eyes that Zhu Xiaowen's combat power was extraordinary, and there was a trace of mysterious rules in his domain power.

But even so...


Zhu Xiaowen was still blown away, and he even vomited a big mouthful of blood on the spot, his whole body was sluggish, and Zhu's strong man immediately went up to protect him and said, "Young Master Xiao!"

"It doesn't matter." Zhu Xiaowen swallowed a elixir, and healed his wounds on the spot. It can be seen that the injuries are still quite serious, which made Jin Feng and others look at Ye Qianli more worriedly.

Zhu Xiaowen is so strong, he was blasted out, can Ye Qianli continue to move forward? Could it be that she is going to fight with Shenwen again like before.


Ye Qianli, who approached the shrine again, was naturally attacked again, but she was very prepared this time, and she had already unleashed the terrifying power of Yaoyue and the power of aura, two mysterious powers! Help her resist the attack of the shrine together.

The power of Yaoyue is powerful and unpredictable! The power of the source spirit has infinite possibilities, and the blending of the two makes Ye Qianli's body burst out with a supreme floating spirit.

The whole body is purple! She, with layers of red light flashing, exudes a mysterious atmosphere that is dreamlike and illusory, so that everyone who looks at her has the feeling that she is a goddess, coming from the depths of Wanyu.

Under such circumstances, Ye Qianli approached the shrine step by step, but only she knew that every step she took was terrified! Because every time she took a step closer to the shrine, she felt like she was playing a game with death.



Endless attacks and kills with divine patterns, like a dragon! Like a dragon, like a desolate beast! Like a fierce bird, like a beast! Like a god, he kept killing her.

Various means! Every time there is no repetition, let her defend desperately while constantly unraveling the moves, if she is not careful, she will die completely.

So she walked very slowly and carefully, she was a life-saving person, but behind her, Rong Mo, who was holding Xiao Yi'er and looking at her, hugged Xiao Yi'er very tightly.

"..." Xiao Yi'er silently raised his eyes to look at his father, then silently hugged the little holy beast of judgment, and continued to look at his mother.

And Zhu Xiaowen, who had already recovered, opened his eyes, and saw Ye Qianli approaching the shrine a lot, which made his eyes strange.

However, he didn't try to get closer to the shrine, and his eyes looking at the shrine showed strong fear, which showed that he still had lingering fears about the attack just now.

But as Ye Qianli got closer and closer to the shrine, the divine patterns inside the shrine became more and more "gentle", and no longer emitted any special light.

But Ye Qianli who was approaching it was suffering! A more terrifying bombardment, but in such a bombardment, she found a pattern.


In front of Ye Qianli's eyes, she saw a series of generals! Form a stronger combination, and then issue an attacking line, and this seems to be the essence of the character-making divine pattern.

Every line of it is different, but they are all the true combination of some kind of power! For example, gold is good at attacking, but lacks defense, so soil can be used to help, and gold is not enough to attack and explode! Then there is fire to help...

The power of the nine elements is analyzed into strands of true power that make up the divine pattern, and then deduced and integrated into all kinds of beasts! The power of divine beasts, coupled with the rules of heaven and earth, endless Taoism, etc.

The final composition is cumbersome! The infinitely mysterious Cang Wang's unique art - making characters.

Every word written by Cang Wang! It is an attack created by his unique skills, so every word of his fits the heaven and the earth, contains the laws of the myriad domains, and seems to be infinitely varied.

Ye Qianli groped carefully, while taking the attack carefully! Feeling the profound meaning of Cangwang's unique knowledge, he has forgotten everything around him.

And those who put in so much effort to open the ancient gates found that no matter how they blasted or broken the two ancient gates! It just won't open! ?

Could it be...

"Only Ye Qianli can open it?"

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