Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1348 Kuangli's True Colors! 1 more

The gatekeeper is extremely powerful, and he is a king-level super domain king. As soon as he said such words, the eyes of all the domain kings on the scene naturally changed significantly.

Although the kings of all the domains could guess that this crooked old man, who regarded himself as the gatekeeper of the Cangwang, definitely had a position to protect Ye Qianli who inherited the Cangwang's inheritance, but when he really stood up and said this, it still made people cry. The kings at the scene were quite shocked.


"King Cang's lineage of gatekeepers, is this going to be born to be an enemy of our Tian clan?" But the king asked indifferently, the subtext in his words was very deep.

"Heh." The gatekeeper smiled indifferently, "I am a gatekeeper, and I only guard the gate for Cangwang from beginning to end. Anyone who wants to study Cangwang's unique skills can freely enter and exit Wangqing Cliff.

But if anyone can't do it by himself, he has to embarrass a scholar who has comprehended Cangwang Jue outside Wangqing Cliff, I am the gatekeeper! Naturally no. Furthermore, I would like to advise all of you, no matter how hard you try to embarrass others, if you don’t enter the cliff to comprehend it, it will be in vain. "

But the gatekeeper's words made domain kings like King Furong think of retreating, after all they knew very well that the gatekeeper's words were very to the point.

Everyone understands that the super unique knowledge left by a person of Cang Wang's level naturally cannot be passed on through oral instruction, but can only be truly understood by comprehending the essence of the profound meaning left by Cang Wang himself.

In addition, Ye Qianli herself is not a little girl with no background, she is a goddess of the Taiyi clan, and the high priest of Taiyi may also be a king-level existence.

Furthermore, at this moment, the Feng Clan, the Nanhai Dragon Clan and the gatekeepers are all supporting Ye Qianli. Although the Zhu Clan did not express their support, they will definitely not take action against Ye Qianli because they have obtained a ninth-level divine armor. glass.

Thinking of all these details, many domain kings felt very cautiously that it was best for them not to get involved in this matter, so they all remained silent and kept watching neutrally.

At this moment, Feng Junyi also clarified more firmly, "Ye Qianli is a friend of my Feng clan, and my Feng clan will definitely protect her. Anyone who wants to take action against her will be an enemy of my Feng clan."

"I am the Dragon Clan of the South China Sea, and so is the same." The Dragon King of the South China Sea stated calmly. He had thought a lot in the recent period, and finally made a decision, to unite with the Phoenix Clan! Keep the blood of the real dragon and give up the decision to become a demon.

He kept thinking that maybe he was really too eager and wanted to strengthen the South China Sea Dragon Clan too much, because he noticed that the true dragon bloodline was weakening, so he was always worried.

But when he deposed Aiko as the young master, he saw that the child still left the Dragon Clan without hesitation to pursue his own goal! When never backing down.

He thought, maybe the real dragon family just needs to hide their strengths and bide their time, so that they can accumulate a lot of money in the end, just as the old prime minister of the dragon turtle said, there is no need to rush, don't rush.

Besides, he is not that old yet, how could he live for a thousand years? With him in the South China Sea Dragon Clan, no matter how bad it is, he can still live for a thousand years. If there is no hope, why not make other decisions?


"I am a real dragon, and I will protect Ye Qianli." The words of the Dragon King of the South China Sea became more and more firm, and what he thought in his heart was only a matter of a moment, but anyone could see that his attitude was before he said it. After speaking, he became more determined.

Right now! The dragon and phoenix clans of the Southern Three Thousand Regions had made it very clear that they would resolutely protect Ye Qianli to the end, which made the rest of the region kings even more silent, and stopped saying a word.

"Heh! I didn't expect that the dragon and phoenix clan would join forces with great fanfare in order to protect a foreigner?" The world master of the void realm challenged with sarcasm.

"Protect this time, conspire to obtain Cangwang's secret knowledge, Cangwang's treasure is the real thing." Dong Wang said coldly, the eyes that stared at Ye Qianli were always full of murderous intent.

To know! Ye Qianli had killed his grandson in front of him, if it wasn't for the respect of the king of the domain and the need to save face, he would have pinched Ye Qianli to death a long time ago.

"I'm afraid it's not Void Realm's turn to gossip with Dong about my dragon and phoenix clan." Feng Junyi turned back indifferently but forcefully.

The faces of the Lord of the Void Realm and King Dong sank, but Feng Junyi ignored them and continued, "As for the king, the soul search you requested is purely nonsense.

When your heir and the disciples of the world master of the void teamed up to kill Ye Qianli, you should know that it is understandable to be killed instead of killing someone! So don't say that this person was not killed by Ye Qianli, even if she did, it is reasonable. "

"Feng Junyi, according to what you say, whether it's the Tian clan, the people from the void world, or my Qin clan's children, they deserve to be humiliated!?" The king of the Qin clan suddenly questioned sharply. He, the Qin clan, is not afraid The two clans of dragon and phoenix joined forces.

Feng Junyi responded sarcastically: "Isn't it? Everyone is a super clan, so they should understand that the descendants have their own blessings, and the younger generation competes and the elders do not intervene. This is an unchanging law.

Qin Banruo is a mid-level domain master! But being humiliated by Ye Qianli, a mere half-step domain lord, you still have the face to let the elders come forward to seek 'justice' for him. Your Qin family's education, forgive me for not being flattered by the Feng family. "

"Who wants the elders to stand up for me!? If it wasn't for Ye Qianli, a bitch, who used the ninth-level armor to humiliate me with heresy ways, how could I be humiliated by her?!" Qin Banruo retorted angrily.

The king of the Qin clan immediately answered, "Feng Junyi, you heard it too. If it's a fair fight, it's fine if the class loses. Since Ye Qianli is cunning first and insidious later, I, a child of the Qin clan, travel ten thousand regions , is not an existence that anyone can bully at will."

"Okay..." Feng Junyi immediately wanted to reply.

But Ye Qianli had already walked out of Rong Mo's arms, and said first, "Based on what Senior Qin said, it means that the junior relied on improper means to win the fight against Qin Banruo, since that's the case!

Then let the younger generation and Qin Banruo have a fair fight here, I don't need the god armor! He can't use it without the magic weapon. How about me and him, using our junior way, to fight our grievances with our fists? "

Hearing that Qin Clan's domain king suddenly locked his eyes on her, a powerful domain king's pressure followed, crushing Ye Qianli's breath slightly, but she did not bow her head!

She still stared at the other party proudly, and said bluntly, "If I am defeated! Listen to your honor, if Qin Banruo is defeated, your Qin clan will withdraw from this place, and you will definitely not embarrass me because of this in the future, embarrass me Taiyi family."

As soon as this statement comes out!


There was silence.

You know, Ye Qianli's "listen to the respect" is equivalent to handing over her life to the Qin family, and her own cultivation is much lower than that of Qin Banruo! a lot of.

"You're crazy!" The aura of the King of the Qin Clan's domain became more and more heavy as it crushed Ye Qianli, and his eyes flickered slightly as he looked at the little girl in front of him.

If the terrifying domain king-level coercion was crushed on ordinary people, it would have been unbearable for a long time! But Ye Qianli has always been able to accept it calmly, she even took off the armor on her body, and said proudly, "Qin Banruo, do you dare to fight me!"

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