Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1349 Advanced in battle! 2 more

"I'm fighting!" Qin Banruo, who couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and roared immediately, his eyes were full of anger and killing intent, he must avenge his revenge and return the previous humiliation a hundredfold.

"Ban Ruo." The King of Qin's Territory called out in a deep voice, and looked at Qin Banruo seriously, asking the latter if he really wanted to fight.

"Uncle! I am willing to fight with him to get back the humiliation I suffered before." Qin Banruo replied affirmatively, he didn't think he would lose to Ye Qianli who did not have the blessing of the divine armor.

The King of the Qin Clan nodded and said, "Okay, then you go to fight."

But Feng Junyi made it clear, "Qin Cangyun, since the younger generation has an appointment, I hope that your Qin clan will do it and leave this place after defeat."

"I will not lose!" Qin Banruo roared angrily.

Feng Junyi didn't care about Qin Banruo, she just stared at the King of the Qin Clan and said, "Qin Cangyun."

"Okay, let their juniors fight. If Ye Qianli is defeated, I will take her away. You Feng Clan, Nanhai Dragon Clan, Taiyi Clan, and gatekeepers. You can't wait for another word; Ruo Ye If Qianli wins, my Qin clan will leave immediately."

Qin Cangyun saw that Qin Banruo was so confident, and Qin Banruo was indeed two levels higher than Ye Qianli in cultivation, and had a pure God of War blood, so he would lose for no reason, but he deserved it simply.

"Qin Banruo, please." After Ye Qianli finished speaking, she jumped out of the protection of the Taiyi tribe and Rong Mo, and walked to the open space with a rather proud expression.

"Hmph!" Qin Banruo was so enraged that his blood of the god of war exploded, and he immediately doubled from his usual size.


The terrifying power of the God of War blessed Qin Banruo, and suddenly he exploded from a middle-level domain master to a high-level domain master, and the whole body also gave out a towering victory.

That's not even counting...


There was a looming phantom of the god of war, which still enveloped Qin Banruo, making him feel like the god of war descending, with a very strong breath.

"The domain of the God of War!" Many domain kings knew with a twinkle in their eyes that the Qin clan's God of War domain power could mobilize any force in the heaven and earth aura and drive them to fight for the children of the Qin clan.



The continuous gathering of powerful forces from all sides is the best proof. They criss-crossed and wreaked havoc with a terrible breath of destruction.

Such a scene made many onlookers think in secret, "The Qin family is worthy of being a descendant of the God of War. All the power in the world is the soldiers of the God of War. They are used by him. No matter how powerful Ye Qianli is, he is not yet the domain master.

Under Qin Banruo's absolute suppression, she couldn't mobilize any power at all. Even though she had a huge spiritual energy accumulation in her body, once it burst out, she would still be suppressed. This battle! How does she win? "


At the moment when everyone was watching, Ye Qianli burst out the blood of the Emperor, and the power of the Emperor suddenly made her look like a queen, exuding a vast righteousness.

After that, there was fierceness! The savage power of the abyss comes out, and the terrifying Vulcan battle breath ignites, it's nothing...


Ye Qianli's ethereal aura endowed by the unique art of making characters moved the faces of the kings of all realms present, making them all stare at Ye Qianli's aura of divine patterns.

Three unique skills! Ye Qianli's aura is already very different, but her whole body also released a mysterious purple meaning, making her whole body as if quenched in the purple energy from the east, full of unfathomable divinity.

"Spiritual body of God Taiyi!" The kings of the various domains immediately distinguished, and their hearts trembled because of this.

Because they all know that in the long history of the Taiyi clan, apart from the Taiyi ancestor who accompanied the king of the Ten Thousand Realms, only the real Taiyi had the spirit body of the Taiyi god.

did not expect……

The Goddess Taiyi of this generation! She was able to refine the spirit body of the Taiyi God at such a young age, no wonder she was the number one on the Hongmeng list.

The spirit body of the Taiyi God is an absolute divine body that surpasses any divine body in Wanyu! It is stronger than the immortal celestial body, and it can be called the real immortal.

In the same realm! invincible.

this moment……

Qin Cangyun, king of the Qin Clan, was extremely fortunate that Qin Banruo's cultivation was higher than Ye Qianli's, otherwise Qin Banruo's God of War physique would really not be a match for Taiyi God's spiritual body.

No wonder this woman dared to challenge Ban Ruo with her cultivation level two levels lower! Sure enough, her combat power is extraordinary, and she deserves to be the goddess who can make the Taiyi tribe born for her.

"Kill!" Qin Banruo yelled out at this moment! Throwing a punch at Ye Qianli, "I admit that you are extremely talented and a hero among women, but you will definitely die today!"


The terrifying power of God of War! Like an erupting solar storm, a terrifying dark tide rages, rushing towards the sky like mountains! If thousands of waterfalls fall into the gorge, they rush like a group of dragons, and blast towards Ye Qianli's destruction.

"Demon Moon!"

Ye Qianli's eyes turned red! The power of the two veins is concurrent, without retreating or evading, but the whole body is full of terrifying righteousness, fierce and violent! Scorching burning breath, the divine power of creation.

This is a blend of four rules! It is gold that cannot be urged, it is darkness that cannot be extinguished, it is fire that cannot be melted without firmness, and it is the demon moon that can split the world alone.

Not only that……

In Ye Qianli's body! The divine talisman that flashed out from the spirit, the ever-growing divine flower of Taiyi, the unpredictable and cowardly true water of Taiyi, and the thunder that originated from chaos before the creation of the world, all surged out.

All of Ye Qianli's power! All broke out at this moment, they roared into the sky, fought side by side with Ye Qianli, and fought in unison with the God of War force that was bombarding Qin Banruo.


The terrifying sound of force collision is at this very moment! Like thunder, it exploded in the ears of everyone, causing everyone to stare at the venue in shock.

And this moment...

"The Eternal Life! Forge the rules and enter my body." Ye Qianli sang up to the sky, releasing a gorgeous and extraordinary divine light all over her body.

Endless Nine Sources of Power! While resisting the "foreign enemy", the power of Yaoyue, born from another vein, continuously gushes out from Ye Qianli's body, refines her meridians, injects them into her bones and viscera, and makes her stronger.


There is a terrifying seven-colored light that has burst out of her body, her own cultivation! Even at this moment, from being a half-step domain master, it's a matter of course to move towards the realm of domain master.

Ye Qianli!

Ye Qianli, who has been saving for a long time, chose to advance at this moment! Under Qin Banruo's critical attack, it will happen naturally! An irrepressible advancement.


The unstoppable advanced power, like the torrential heat of the earth, cracked the ground like an earthquake, rose from the ground, and poured out into the sky, which has already changed the color of the world and the mountains and rivers.

Seeing that Qin Banruo's face completely changed, he continued to crit the power of God of War, trying to suppress Ye Qianli's advancement, and the power to suppress her exploded.


The power of success! Continuous and endless, one after another, unstoppable!


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