Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1350 Tear your face! 3 more

Ye Qianli, who broke out in an all-round way, finally broke through Qin Banruo's God of War domain. She was like the Taiyi clan's iconic weapon—the Taiyi spear, breaking through the dusk! Shine the audience.


Qin Banruo, who was like a little giant, was blown away on the spot by Ye Qianli's advanced power! The whole person is like an arrow flying from the string, flying straight out.


The terrifying ten-force attack smashed Qin Banruo fiercely towards the Wangqing Cliff, causing the extremely hard Wangqing Cliff to emit a suspicious "cracking" sound.


Qin Banruo himself was so blown up that he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his aura was extremely sluggish, as if he was unable to fight anymore.

one strike! lose.

"..." |

Such a result caused the audience to fall into a brief silence, even if the domain king expected that Ye Qianli would win, because she showed strong self-confidence.

But no one expected that she would win so easily! There is no suspense in winning so much, and through this, he directly advances from a half-step domain master to a strong domain master.

And Qin Banruo himself, naturally he didn't expect it! He thought that Ye Qianli could crush him before, but with the blessing of that armor, but now?

Ye Qianli, who didn't wear the ninth-level armor, still defeated him! And it was a complete victory. Under the attention of all forces, Tang Zhengzheng completely defeated him without any suspense.

This was enough to make Qin Banruo lose all face, but Ye Qianli clenched his fists and said, "The bloodline of the God of War is very strong. Qin Banruo, you are already a half-step domain king. You may have the possibility of defeating me, so let me go."

"You..." Qin Banruo was so excited on the spot that his blood surged, and he couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood. What does it mean that if he is already a half-step domain king, he might be able to win? This is also called defeating the bloodline is very strong! ?

Such sarcasm, not to mention that Qin Banruo couldn't stand it, Qin Cangyun's face sank, and all the kings at the scene looked at Ye Qianli with unpredictable eyes, thinking that this girl is really a stubborn rock, who would have thought If he bites her, his teeth will be broken.

The spirit body of the Taiyi God really deserves its reputation! It is a super physique that surpasses any divine body, and its combat power directly sweeps away invincible opponents in the same realm.

And Ye Qianli, who possesses the spiritual body of the Taiyi God, is also a person with unparalleled mind, wisdom and bravery, not only won the battle! What's more, one sentence left Qin's side completely speechless.

Up to this moment, Qin Shi even accused Ye Qianli of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, maliciously not advancing, and only picking at this moment to advance, plotting against Qin Banruo.

You know, you, Qin Banruo, are the middle-level domain masters! Even if Ye Qianli advanced, she was only a beginner domain master, still one level lower than Qin Banruo.

As Ye Qianli said, unless the Qin family releases the half-step domain king, who can fight her? No.

In the younger generation of the Qin family, there is no one who can fight Ye Qianli! Half-step domain king, that is the realm that Qin's seniors can only reach.

How could the Qin family have the nerve to let the half-step domain king end?

At least Qin Cangyun is not so shameless, he is a figure of the king of the domain, and since he has said what he said before in front of so many people, he can only admit it, which means that their Qin family I'm leaving now.

"Bitch!" Qin Banruo roared angrily! He still wanted to rush to Ye Qianli, but was suppressed by Qin Cangyun's palm and shouted, "Enough! If you lose, you lose. My Qin family's children are not people who can't afford to lose. Go back and practice hard! See you again in the future!" Shame on you."

"Uncle..." Qin Banruo was very unwilling, he knew what his loss meant, but he didn't go out after all, because he did lose.

"Let's go." Qin Cangyun also rolled up Qin Banruo, and led the Qin family to leave Wangqing Cliff. It was a straightforward walk, but before Qin Banruo left, he still did not forget to gouged out Ye Qianli with murderous intent. glance.

"Qin Banruo, walk slowly and don't see you off." Ye Qianli replied with a light voice, Qin Banruo was so angry that his lungs were about to explode, and he almost spit out another mouthful of blood.

When the people from the Qin family left, the gatekeeper said slowly, "Aren't you leaving?"

"..." Everyone hesitated for a while.

But the gatekeeper continued to say, "Since Wangqing Cliff has been officially opened, it will no longer be concealed in the future. If anyone in the Ten Thousand Realms wants to study and learn the divine pattern of making characters, my lineage of the gatekeeper will put it in. You wait for it." If you just keep entangled here, it is better to go back and select the entrants carefully, and start over."

These words were like a reassurance pill, making people from all parties who were hesitant to make up their minds and prepare to leave, but the king spoke.

"From the beginning to the end, this king has never promised to leave, nor has he promised to let this woman go." The king's calm statement made the people who were about to leave come to a standstill again.

"My lord, you are quite old, how can you have the face to care about a girl in her twenties?" The gatekeeper didn't know what to say.

The king snorted coldly and said, "With the power of this king, even if your gatekeeper is in front, I would kill this girl like an ant, but this king has not made a move, which is considered to be a face for you, the gatekeeper.

What this king is asking is to search the soul to find out the truth. With this king's method, as long as the girl does not resist, the search for the soul will not cause her any harm. The face is not good-looking. "

"Heh..." Taiyichen sneered suddenly, and said: "Such a rude request! Only your king dares to say it out of his own cultivation.

The goddesses of my clan are the gods of my Taiyi clan! How can it be that if you mere mortals want to search for souls, you can search for the existence of souls? Regardless of the soldiers of our Taiyi clan up and down, the honor of the goddess of our clan must not be violated! "


The Taiyi tribe immediately shouted in unison, with the intention of swearing to the death in their eyes, as Taiyichen said, Ye Qianli is their god, anyone who wants to humiliate their beliefs will suffer their desperate counterattack .

"Then I want to see! How do you stop me." The king shouted dismissively, with awe-inspiring aura raging all over his body.

But at this time, the gatekeeper stood up straight again and stated, "I, the gatekeeper, say it again, I am a gatekeeper, and I will definitely protect the successor of Cangwang and get out of this place smoothly."

But he just finished speaking...




Three clones appeared beside the king, and each of his clones had the same combat power as his real one, which changed the expressions of all the kings in the field.

"Heaven, earth and man! Three separate bodies."

No one expected that the king not only had the earth and human clones, but he also cultivated the heavenly clone, directly cultivating the superhuman avatar to the extreme.

King of!

It is worthy of being the number one king in ten thousand domains!

No wonder he dared to ignore the Taiyi clan so much! As well as the Feng Clan and the South Sea Dragon Clan.

Because of him like this, I am afraid that apart from the old monsters of the level of the Phoenix Patriarch, no other creature can surpass him, but such an existence as the Phoenix Patriarch cannot leave the legendary place of the Feng Clan.

And the king! He is not limited.

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