Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1353 Mother is rescued! 3 more

Feeling the master's anger, the ruling holy beast immediately draws the power of the sky! The King of Judgment, the light of Judgment that day, immediately descended from the sky to hit the King of Xiang.

"Boom!" The king, who immediately appeared with a divine light, jumped in the space with precautions, allowing the light of judgment to split into nothingness.

"Your Majesty! You have gone too far." Feng Junyi immediately stood up and condemned, "This place belongs to my Southern Three Thousand Regions, don't let my clan, please bring out two ancestors."

As soon as this statement comes out! The audience was silent.

The king looked at Feng Junyi with dark eyes, as if he was guessing the authenticity of Feng Junyi's words. Everyone knew that the two statues of the Feng clan existed, and they couldn't get out of the legendary land of the Feng clan. .

But no one can guarantee that in the territory of the South Three Thousand Regions, those two exist together with the years! Power cannot be extended to this place.

Thinking of this, Zhi Wang stared at Ye Qianli and Rong Mo indifferently, and said with a murderous intent, "You are lucky!" Otherwise, he would have left one person today.

What could respond to the king was Rong Mo's unfathomable eyes, as if there were Wan Yu in his eyes, and his calm statement, "In another year, you will be dead."

This is Rong Mo's threat! It was Rong Mo's killing intent. If he hadn't reached the level of a king, the current king would have died long ago.

But Rong Mo is not in a hurry, really not in a hurry...

He hugged the person in his arms tightly, slowly calming down! He wanted to be desperate and kill the king, and with the terrifying power he controlled, if he broke out desperately, he could do it.

But he didn't do it, because he was not alone, he had a wife and son, and he was desperate! He went to kill Shi Mo, but he almost missed the eternal life of his little leopard.

At that time, he had to do that, because no one could protect his little leopard and his family, but not now.

So he just looked at the king as if he was looking at a corpse, making the latter's eyes even more angry! But it was ruled that the holy beast and the gatekeepers, including Feng Junyi and Tai Yichen, had guarded the couple in the middle, and he had no chance of making a surprise attack.

If you want to fight so many domain kings for this son, although the king is sure of winning, he doesn't want to spend so much trouble, so he just coldly ordered, "You wait for me to stick to this place! Once you find that nothingness The world traitor, shoot to kill."

"Yes! King." A group of people from the Tian Clan knelt down and worshiped, feeling like they had survived the catastrophe without being sentenced to death. They only felt that it was wise for them to come out while Ye Qianli was around. of choice.

However, Zhiwang's order meant to stop, but it made Dong Wang, the master of the void world, and Xue Wang and others all look ugly.

Because they can't take any more shots, even the mighty king has given up, what ability do they have, to take another shot at Ye Qianli in front of the gatekeeper, the ruling holy beast, and Rong Mo who may be violent at any time! ?

This made Dong Wang suddenly feel aggrieved and stared at Ye Qianli, wishing to look at the other party, his two grandchildren! They all died at the hands of this woman.

But this girl is right in front of her eyes! But he couldn't kill her, because the domain kings protecting her were stronger than him, so he could only stare at him coldly, suppressing the desire to kill in his heart.

As for Ye Qianli, who felt Dong Wang's murderous intent, she also took a look at the other party, and could comprehend from the other party's undisguised murderous intent that as long as there was a chance, Dong Wang would definitely kill her without any scruples.

As for the Lord of the Void Realm, he also ordered in a low voice, "You stay here too! Once that Xiongba comes out, he must unite with the Tian family and kill him."

"Yes! Realm Lord." People from the void realm also knelt down and accepted orders as if they had been pardoned.

The Lord of the Void Realm gave Ye Qianli and Rong Mo a cold look, and then left. He has to go back, and he doesn't want to rub his eyes anymore. Those who want to kill can't be killed, they can only watch! Isn't it hot eyes?

Seeing that the king and the master of the void realm had left, and the kings of all domains also left one after another, only Ye Qianli and others were left on the scene. Ye Qianli, who had recovered, clenched his fists and thanked the gatekeeper, " Thank you seniors for your help."

"It's nothing more than a little effort, but you have offended a lot of people, and the king is very powerful. Be careful when you walk in Wanyu in the future." The gatekeeper warned.

"This junior understands." Ye Qianli thanked him.

"Master! Thank you!" Xiao Yi'er also thanked the gatekeeper, but the latter looked at him thoughtfully, then at the docile Holy Judgment Beast in his arms, and then gave Rong Mo an unpredictable look. But he didn't say anything.

Because she still missed the Empress, Ye Qianli didn't stay long, and soon said goodbye to the gatekeeper, and Zhu Yunwen over there also said goodbye to her, "We will meet again in the future, God... "

Ye Qianli never said that the armor would be given to them, and Zhu Yunwen and Jin Fengben didn't intend to keep it. The reason why they didn't return it immediately was because they knew there was still a war to be fought, but now they didn't know how to say it.

But being able to come here interrupted Zhu Yunwen's hesitation, and said: "If you are a friend, don't talk too much." Her magic armor was meant to be given away.

"Okay!" Zhu Yunwen didn't twitch, anyway, although this armor belonged to his Zhu family, since it was given to him by Ye Qianli, the family would definitely not take it away, and since it was worn on him, it would naturally not be harmful to Qianli.

Seeing this, Jin Feng and Long Yingyun didn't say anything more about the ninth-level god armor, but they all knew that it was not only a treasure, but also Ye Qianli's sincerity towards them, and they should return with an even more sincere friendship.

"Jinfeng, Longyingyun, Senior Junyi, Senior Dragon King, let's just say goodbye and meet again in the future." Ye Qianli bid farewell to the dragon and phoenix clan.

"Don't come to live with me anymore?" Jin Feng invited, and thinking of what those domain kings said before, she couldn't help but want to explain that the Phoenix Lord definitely wouldn't have such nasty thoughts.

Ye Qianli shook her head and said, "No, I have some urgent matters, let's get together when I have time in the future."

Only then did Jin Feng say without holding back, "Okay! Then when Long Yingyun and I get married, you must come, and all of your family must come."

"It's natural!" Ye Qianli promised, with a slight smile on her face, but at this moment! The world lord of the void world, who had gone away, received an urgent message from "nothingness", which made his expression change drastically.

"Lord?" The high-ranking attendant of the void world didn't know why, but the world master of the void world cursed loudly, "Go to Fengcheng!" Before he finished speaking, he himself flashed into the void, at the speed of a domain king! Flash to Fengcheng.

Because of the urgent message he got! It was the woman he fell in love with who was actually rescued and was rescued to Fengcheng. Once she entered Fengcheng, it would be troublesome.

But the leader of the nihilistic world couldn't figure out who could rescue the woman he was hiding in his nihilistic world! ? Could it be that monstrous high priest of the Taiyi clan! ?

No, it's impossible! Gao Meng didn't know about his arrangement for Diqian, even if the latter was soul-searched, no one knew the truth, let alone where he hid him.


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